You're liberals, so lets make this simple. A list, liberals like lists. And let's stay on topic, penis size, mommy issues, and all that other ilk, is just your weak liberal brains attempting to get off the topic. POTUS, who's solid, and who's a bought off whore.
Trump list: hot wife, money in the bank, tv personality, well behaved kids, businesses around the world making money, women employees who talk about how fair a boss he was, and how he put women in very Senior positions in companies he ran, as far back as the 80's. A man ahead of his time. Not one actual racist incident ever, only poorly chosen words. He needs to add " Illegal " when he speaks of immigration, every time he says send them back. People like to harp on him saying send Mexicans back to Mexico, when he's talking about Illegal Immigration. Where else should we send illegal mexican immigrants. ? PC word play, not facts.
Hillary : married to a man whore, failed Secretary of State, ineffective / weak Senator, lies about everything, Wall Street bought off puppet, hasn't actually ever accomplished anything of value. And
I challenge you to list any accomplishments she's ever pulled off while serving as SOS, or Senator ?
We'll leave her time as First Lady off, since we all know all she did during that time, was attack all the women Bill sleep with, and let's not forget Travel Gate.
I will bring up, she was the only First Lady ever fingerprinted by the FBI for a criminal investigation. 
She does hold that distinction. LOL ..