Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

How much do you think top quality bud should cost/oz?

  • 50

    Votes: 71 12.9%
  • 100

    Votes: 79 14.3%
  • 150

    Votes: 93 16.8%
  • 200

    Votes: 110 19.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 81 14.7%
  • 300 or higher

    Votes: 118 21.4%

  • Total voters
i thought this was about weed prices?

Well, let's see....

And people bitch about the prices of pot?! Something that is an "extra" unless one is using it medically? :roll: (No, I'm not saying that medical use is "better" or anything like that; just saying that getting high is an extra and a luxury if one isn't using it to treat medical conditions, just like any pharmaceutical drug or alcohol.) I'm more concerned with the cost of living! And I'm referring to simply keeping a roof over my head, no extras! I absolutely need the pot for severe, widespread chronic pain, so it's extremely important that I have it. Yet I can recitify that expense easily by growing, which I'm now doing. I can't rectify the insane prices to survive, without becoming a Shopping Cart Lady! I mean, how do I grow a house?!

Now, again I ask.... How can anyone bitch about the prices of something that is obtained via the black market, something that really does have a supply & demand issue, when we're being ripped off left and right by the so-called "legitimate" businesses?!

Yep, looks to me like I was absolutely still on topic. Not that forums ever go off topic. :mrgreen:

RE: the topic, here's a summary.... Poplars began a thread about weed prices, some agreed with him, more didn't, there were some arguments although on the most part it remained civil, and it appears that no one's opinion was changed. So there ya have it. :p
its dry here and shwag to somewhat mids is all that can be found.
Usually low grade is 110-135 a O
mids 140-170
The some of the shit Im growing I paid 425 for a O I think, or 375 one of the 2, but you cant hardly get it here.
I got something the other day $20 for a G and it was nice for 10-15mins then it was time to toke again, wasnt worth it at all.

Now, again I ask.... How can anyone bitch about the prices of something that is obtained via the black market, something that really does have a supply & demand issue, when we're being ripped off left and right by the so-called "legitimate" businesses?!
Exactly. Chase bought my student loan and my bank. They convieniently misplaced the electronic sig for the consolidation to 4.25% and have it at like I would have bothered to consolidate them without locking in the rate! F'n thieves! I have never heard a good thing about b of a...why i went wamu...cant wait to move my account I am not a fan of chase.

i thought this was about weed prices?

And your contribution is....

The era of the Wild West had less murders, rapes, etc., than there are now, per capita. Gee, maybe because more people were actually afraid of the consequences of their actions? There's something to be said for vigilantism; in my book much better things to be said than how it is now.

The crazy isn't coming out. It's common sense, stemming from being aware how things are not working as they're set up now. ;)

Thanks. unfortunately other intelligent people in this country who are "comfortable" do not want to see through the haze. After all who would WANT to believe that things are not as the seem, and the system which we were all led to believe was just the way thing just another system. Like all others, there is good and bad...and ours is broken.
The whole idea of a system which is set up to only run when people continuously borrow, spend and consume. If you step outside and look in, it is easy to see that it is silly. The whole thing is like a game of jenga, and too many pieces have been removed.

We are so used to a disposable lifestyle, and we seek out the best deal...why not we are throwing it away anyhow. We buy clothing of shitty cotton/poly that if it does not fall apart, has hole eaten by moths. Well made clothing made of durable materials is what people used to buy. And the prices were accordingly..this is were hand-me-downs came can not hand down wal-mart sweatshop clothes except for infants, the rest falls design.

How did people who made clothing survive before?

Now we have no idea how to survive. We hunt and forage at the supermarket, garden at the salad bar, and replace rather than repair everything from socks to automobiles. We make fire with the turn of a knob and fetch water the same way. When the power goes out, winter or summer people in the cities die. Our Grandparents and great-grandparents (for the yunguns) turned their backs on a millennium of knowledge of living, for TV's and TV dinners. they traded gardens of food for neurotically manicured bluegrass and the left over chemical weapons to keep them green and monocultured.

This is all considered progress, to avoid getting dirt under our manicures. now instead of all that work at home we work somewhere else and rely on poorly paid 25 year old teachers to raise our kids. But if things are and have been going well for some people it is easy for them to take for granted that luck has been in their favor to this point...this allows them to say things like "People are poor because they are stupid or lazy" It could be that screwing people and stealing from them is difficult to do and still look in the mirror...this does not bother others and they just buckle down and except the system of competition and scarcity, after all that is how it has always myopic we humans are.

What does this have to do with the topic? If one considers the time and daily attention that indoor growers put into their ladies...not unlike good well made furniture or know, the good stuff, $10 a gram is very honest IMO.

Now it what you want is not something that is basically hand made, and would prefer the commercially grown future bud that may or may not be so have got to remember you get what you pay for.

Some people like Really cheap beer and do not understand why others will gladly pay 3 times the price for beer that they think tastes bad.

Cannabis is grown commercially and legally in Saskatchewan, look at the price of hemp seed and hemp seed oil.

I got an e-mail from an OC delivery clinic that all 1/8ths were $40....but you had to buy 2!...the blowout sale was $320/oz!

i do not buy weed... the electric company is my dealer...and they charge MORE when I use more.

Thanks. unfortunately other intelligent people in this country who are "comfortable" do not want to see through the haze. After all who would WANT to believe that things are not as the seem, and the system which we were all led to believe was just the way thing just another system. Like all others, there is good and bad...and ours is broken.

Right!!! Therefore, there is no such thing as a "fair market" be it legitimate business or the black market. We want to believe there is, but it doesn't exist.

This is all considered progress, to avoid getting dirt under our manicures.

Not quite what you're conveying, but I thought it was funny all the same....

When I switched from hydro to soil last month, I at first was really bothered with the fact that I was getting dirt under my fingernails! :lol: I'm fine with it now; it's clean soil, and my hands are quite washable. They're not manicured aside from keeping them filed so I don't cut myself or someone else (I keep the nails on my left hand a bit long for playing guitar, else they'd all be short and no need for filing), but I was raised by nurses and am really OCD about my hands being dirty. ;) OK, moving on! :mrgreen:

But if things are and have been going well for some people it is easy for them to take for granted that luck has been in their favor to this point...this allows them to say things like "People are poor because they are stupid or lazy"

One of my biggest pet peeves! It's been said to me by more than a few arrogant, idiotic pricks that I failed to plan for things such as college funds for my sons or retirement or buying a home.... uh, what, failed to plan to be increasingly ill for the rest of my life with no chance for a cure and a very slim chance at any form of improvement?! Yep, I sure did "fail to plan" for that one! :roll: Next time I'm dealt a hand of "Life Poker" I'll make sure I cozy up with the dealer first. There's a good plan, eh?

What does this have to do with the topic? If one considers the time and daily attention that indoor growers put into their ladies...not unlike good well made furniture or know, the good stuff, $10 a gram is very honest IMO.

Now it what you want is not something that is basically hand made, and would prefer the commercially grown future bud that may or may not be so have got to remember you get what you pay for.

Some people like Really cheap beer and do not understand why others will gladly pay 3 times the price for beer that they think tastes bad.

I used to be furious at the prices of weed, quite mistakenly believing that it's such an easy income made mostly by people who are too lazy to get a "real" job. Then I started growing. Granted, it's much harder on my body than most people who grow. However, disability aside, it takes a lot of work, time, dedication, and (if one doesn't want to go to prison or be robbed) then little to no social life.

I'm done with not-so-cheap commerical bud. (Well, almost. In about two months. lol) Even the "quality" commercial bud doesn't compare to home grown. I can bitch and whine about this, or I can be proactive and do something about it. I did. I started growing my own. :blsmoke:

And I don't drink cheap beer. It disgusts me, and there's no fun in that! Since I hate being drunk, I only drink for the taste, so you bet your ass I'm gonna pay for (what I consider to be) the good stuff! You indeed get what you pay for.

i do not buy weed... the electric company is my dealer...and they charge MORE when I use more.

Hear, hear! :clap: I couldn't find one thing you said with which I'd not agree emphatically!

Now, to the naysayers.... Come to the dark side! We have brownies! :mrgreen:
its dry here and shwag to somewhat mids is all that can be found.
Usually low grade is 110-135 a O
mids 140-170
The some of the shit Im growing I paid 425 for a O I think, or 375 one of the 2, but you cant hardly get it here.
I got something the other day $20 for a G and it was nice for 10-15mins then it was time to toke again, wasnt worth it at all.

eh, I'd like to see how exactly your grow costed you 425 an O.

I don't think that's even possible? if it is you're a bad grower.

my main point to this thread that, based upon the actual costs of growing weed, even HIGH QUALITY weed, the current prices of weed per oz are not representative of the actual work/money put behind it. it's inflated by the black market system.
Poplars, are you intentionally ignoring the artificially inflated prices of everything, caused by none other than legitimate businesses? What makes you think the black market would be any more "honest" than businesses that are conducted legally? What makes you think that once MJ is legalized, we'll be in Pot Heaven and the best of the best will suddenly be dirt cheap, if not free?

Everything is marked up. Everything. How does anyone make a profit if there are no mark ups on products? Do you think it costs anywhere near $5 to collect a gallon of milk from our own cows? No? But we pay for it, and although we may bitch about horiffic prices, we accept the fact that we live in a "civilization" (term used lightly) that thrives on the everloving dollar, and that means that those who create the products mark up the prices to make a profit above and beyond what they've paid (both with capital and precious time/work) into producing them. And if we were able to go back to the barter system, the "prices" won't go down. They'll just switch from paper symbols to actual work and/or goods traded, and then they will have the "value" that the paper symbols now have.

Further, I may be wrong, but I took wyteberrywidow's post to mean that he has paid that much for what he is growing, in the past, as in the finished product before he began growing. Wyte, correct me if I'm wrong.

If we want to do away with greed, then we have to do away with money before there's a shred of a chance at accomplishing this. Since you're so adamant about this, why don't you get the ball rolling? Give all your weed away to everyone for free, showing them that we don't need money and greed to get by in life. Nor to get high. Set the example by which you believe we should live. It has to start somewhere, correct? Weed prices being an obvious thorn in your side, you can start making the change. And we'll see how many growers follow your lead.

You've made several derogatory remarks to others in this thread about how "bad" that they "must" grow, because they don't have the same equations and/or opinions as you do. You also continue to tell others that they "don't get it" because, again, they don't see it the way you do. I've found you to be quite friendly in other threads, but you've taken on an air of arrogance in this one. Why is this? Perhaps because you're fishing for "reasons" to tell others they're "wrong" for not agreeing with you? I'm not "hating" either, so don't go there. I'm simply calling out behavior I observe, and asking you to really look at what you're saying to others, and question your motives.


One of my biggest pet peeves! It's been said to me by more than a few arrogant, idiotic pricks that I failed to plan for things such as college funds for my sons or retirement or buying a home.... uh, what, failed to plan to be increasingly ill for the rest of my life with no chance for a cure and a very slim chance at any form of improvement?! Yep, I sure did "fail to plan" for that one! :roll: Next time I'm dealt a hand of "Life Poker" I'll make sure I cozy up with the dealer first. There's a good plan, eh?

And I don't drink cheap beer. It disgusts me, and there's no fun in that! Since I hate being drunk, I only drink for the taste, so you bet your ass I'm gonna pay for (what I consider to be) the good stuff! You indeed get what you pay for.

Hear, hear! :clap: I couldn't find one thing you said with which I'd not agree emphatically!

Now, to the naysayers.... Come to the dark side! We have brownies! :mrgreen:
Many of those who planned ahead and did all the things they were told they should...have now lost years and years of savings. 401K's for the young may recover just fine, but for those like our parents who are now retirement age, a loss of $50,000+ is an uncommon tune. The system is a pyramid scam that has played itself out. we can continue to prop it up by borrowing and lending and "creating" new jobs...but it is only a matter of time. We have been good at accepting slow change, so long as it is slow enough we will adapt and the evening news will keep us distracted with teachable moments and birth certificates.

I am the same way about beer, however I will drink cheap stuff when working outside and it is hot. I brew wonderful beers (before this grow thing) and feel it to be a future survival skill...people will always want a beer.


Well my plan is to not loose everything, it's called hiding shit and in more than 1 place and not letting anyone in on it.

everything from cash to backup prepaid phone with cards ready to go

i may b a nothing guy but im ready either way
Poplars, are you intentionally ignoring the artificially inflated prices of everything, caused by none other than legitimate businesses? What makes you think the black market would be any more "honest" than businesses that are conducted legally? What makes you think that once MJ is legalized, we'll be in Pot Heaven and the best of the best will suddenly be dirt cheap, if not free?

Everything is marked up. Everything. How does anyone make a profit if there are no mark ups on products? Do you think it costs anywhere near $5 to collect a gallon of milk from our own cows? No? But we pay for it, and although we may bitch about horiffic prices, we accept the fact that we live in a "civilization" (term used lightly) that thrives on the everloving dollar, and that means that those who create the products mark up the prices to make a profit above and beyond what they've paid (both with capital and precious time/work) into producing them. And if we were able to go back to the barter system, the "prices" won't go down. They'll just switch from paper symbols to actual work and/or goods traded, and then they will have the "value" that the paper symbols now have.

Further, I may be wrong, but I took wyteberrywidow's post to mean that he has paid that much for what he is growing, in the past, as in the finished product before he began growing. Wyte, correct me if I'm wrong.

If we want to do away with greed, then we have to do away with money before there's a shred of a chance at accomplishing this. Since you're so adamant about this, why don't you get the ball rolling? Give all your weed away to everyone for free, showing them that we don't need money and greed to get by in life. Nor to get high. Set the example by which you believe we should live. It has to start somewhere, correct? Weed prices being an obvious thorn in your side, you can start making the change. And we'll see how many growers follow your lead.

You've made several derogatory remarks to others in this thread about how "bad" that they "must" grow, because they don't have the same equations and/or opinions as you do. You also continue to tell others that they "don't get it" because, again, they don't see it the way you do. I've found you to be quite friendly in other threads, but you've taken on an air of arrogance in this one. Why is this? Perhaps because you're fishing for "reasons" to tell others they're "wrong" for not agreeing with you? I'm not "hating" either, so don't go there. I'm simply calling out behavior I observe, and asking you to really look at what you're saying to others, and question your motives.

your entire post was based on assumptions about me, which is also sad, because you seem to be trying to make a clear point here but it's skewed by your assumptions.

the 'arrogance' you detect isn't real, it's a misinterpretation upon yourself.

everything I'm saying here is just based on logic here.

you can't compare black market prices to prices of a legalized product . . . it just DOESN'T work.

I'm not assuming it's exact price, I'm not the one trying to say it should be this or that, I am trying to say that once it's legalized the price will drop.
I do grow it myself.

jesus christ, nobody here seems to understand that I don't pay for weed, I'm already protesting the price.

and if I do sell an oz I will NOT sell it for more than 200 dollars. I'm more likely to sell it for 150.

regardless I'm not getting angry over this or anything. I realize that a lot of people want a free job. with little work and lots of revenue.

people don't want to understand the harsh reality, or rather, people who sell it, don't want to understand the harsh reality.

a commodity that can be easily grown at high quality, when in a free market with widespread competition, the prices will plummet even with taxes.

the only way you can establish the realistic price of it, is by managing a large-scale operation in competition with other large scale operations.

there is no such thing happening now, as it is a black market system on an illegal substance. people believe the risk allows for a price markup.

true or not, in a legal free market system there would be no such marking up. citizens would actually have the choice between places and brands and types of cannabis. and they would be able to EASILY protest these prices by simply choosing to buy one product over another.

in the weed market today, not supporting someone's prices may mean driving to an entirely different location JUST to get the same product!

this is not a free market with real competition, and I hope this post helps some of you realize that.
I'd buy your $200 ounces all day.
your entire post was based on assumptions about me, which is also sad, because you seem to be trying to make a clear point here but it's skewed by your assumptions.

the 'arrogance' you detect isn't real, it's a misinterpretation upon yourself.

everything I'm saying here is just based on logic here.

you can't compare black market prices to prices of a legalized product . . . it just DOESN'T work.

I'm not assuming it's exact price, I'm not the one trying to say it should be this or that, I am trying to say that once it's legalized the price will drop.
well it is legal in Cali (sort of) and the prices are HIGHER!!!! than the street. Also the only way it will be legalized is with a heavy tax associated with it along with very expensive liquor license type permits...the savings will be passed along to the consumer so the industrial hemp farm can borrow $$ to buy equipment, more land to be able to make the payments, and water.

The prices will NOT go down...they NEVER do...we will be lucky if they do not go prop 215 socal bud!...and quality will go down.

Another thing not considered is land that is suitable for farming, if it has not had a beige subdivision or strip mall already planted. If it is planted in hemp, the price of what was grown there before will go up. The great hop shortage of '08-present and the corn for ethanol are good examples

well it is legal in Cali (sort of) and the prices are HIGHER!!!! than the street. Also the only way it will be legalized is with a heavy tax associated with it along with very expensive liquor license type permits...the savings will be passed along to the consumer so the industrial hemp farm can borrow $$ to buy equipment, more land to be able to make the payments, and water.

The prices will NOT go down...they NEVER do...we will be lucky if they do not go prop 215 socal bud!...and quality will go down.



sorry buddy but that is not the definition of legalized.

that is the definition of DECRIMINALIZED.

please read a dictionary.
u still banking on a gizillion pounds from ur outdoor harvest poplars, hows it going on the garden anyway, havent seen any updates of late bro. ive gotta peep this big dog harvest set up...its gettin near fall if there gonna have pounds they should be monsters lets c em!
please read a dictionary.
This is what Katatonic was talking about. I am biting my...uh keyboard...the man with the itchy finger on the closed button is lurking!

And yes you are right...but it will never be legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It may be like alcohol...which does not fit your dictionary definition!!!!!again I am bitting the keyboard!!!!!!
Feel free to go back a couple pages if you want my opinion.
I doubt that this is actually sarcasm!
