
Here we go again, it's the end of the world :roll: There have been 79 predictions of climate-caused apocalypse going back to the first Earth Day in 1970. With the passage of time, many of these forecasts have since expired; the dates have come and gone uneventfully. In fact, 48 (61%) of the predictions have already expired as of the end of 2020.
How many times are yall gonna fall for the same trick? When I was a kid it was "acid rain" and the ozone was disappearing. If the acid rain didn't kill you, the lack of an ozone would lead to a horrible death :lol:
It's the same bullshit from the media that has been around since the 70s. Back then Newsweek ran an article about how a new ice age was coming, and "meteorologist largely agreed". What a crock of shit. Scientists are trying to study the "doomsday" glacier, but they can't even get to it. The media has been doing this for decades, and obviously there is no shortage of uninformed pawns readily waiting to spread the bullshit like butter on bread.
That’s right, what do scientists know? You’ve got it all figured out.

You and that big brain of yours.
Like you, about Thwaites.

A- Thwaities is the doomsday glacier, but the part they're worried about is the sea ice plug hold the rest in place. The plug that will raise sea levels 3", the rest of it, 3 feet.
B)-There have been teams studying Thwaites for decades. There are several on the Glacier right now.
C- This latest US/UK team is being blocked by yet another massive iceberg floating by.

Right wingers, losing a sense of irony since 1980. Smh

"No researcher has ever stood on the Thwaites, according to the AP, and researchers on the two ships will, eventually, measure water temperature, ice thickness and the sea floor as well as observe ice cracks, examine ice shape and tag seals around the glacier."

The researchers are 87 miles away from Thwaites, on Dotson. They can't get to it. Which means everything is speculation until they can actually reach the glacier and gather hard data. As usual, the media is looking for their next eco disaster to drive ratings.

"If all of Thwaites collapses, it could raise seas around the globe more than two feet (65 centimeters) but that could take hundreds of years, scientists say."

"University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin, who isn’t part of the research consortium, cautioned that while Thwaites is a big concern, especially the collapse of giant ice cliffs, the earliest his computer simulations show that happening is 200 years from now."

"Once you lose Thwaites you also start draining other ice into that basin,” Cutler told The Associated Press Tuesday. “And so in all the forecasting models, it tends to cause the rest of West Antarctica to collapse over time scales of thousands of years.”

Is being blocked by yet another iceberg floating by......well it broke off 20 years ago from Thwaites, I don't think that qualifies as "floating by".

So in summary, scientists are attempting to reach Thwaites, which according to the people 87 miles away on another ice shelf, isn't going to happen this year. They want to take readings, drill into the shelf, and place monitors in "warm" pools of water underneath to assess the vulnerability of the ice shelf. Which means they're being cautious. The only people screaming doomsday are the media.
I stand corrected. Its far too unstable to be on. I should have said they've been exploring it by helicopter, ship, submarine and ROV for years.
That’s right, what do scientists know? You’ve got it all figured out.

You and that big brain of yours.

Doesn't take a big brain to comprehend what's going on. Scientists are attempting to reach Thwaites, to perform research and form an assessment. The media is hyping speculation of an "apocalyptic event" to increase profits. This isn't rocket science. Figures someone who calls themselves cunning would be anything but :clap:
Like you, about Thwaites.

A- Thwaities is the doomsday glacier, but the part they're worried about is the sea ice plug hold the rest in place. The plug that will raise sea levels 3", the rest of it, 3 feet.
B)-There have been teams studying Thwaites for decades. There are several on the Glacier right now.
C- This latest US/UK team is being blocked by yet another massive iceberg floating by.

Right wingers, losing a sense of irony since 1980. Smh
Sooner or later, manmade or natural there will be another ice age, followed by a warming trend.

Yep, sooner or later there will be catastrophic volcanoes, tsunami's and probably a big ass meteor strike.

Thanks Trump!!!
"University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin, who isn’t part of the research consortium, cautioned that while Thwaites is a big concern, especially the collapse of giant ice cliffs, the earliest his computer simulations show that happening is 200 years from now."

200 years! Well that’s perfect. Plenty of time to build dikes. I’m sure there is no need to panic. Well let our great grandkids worry about it. Carbon on dudes, we’re good. As long as the oil is subsidized we can just keep living out great lives. Did I hear acid rain mentioned? Ya that was a nothing burger. 10,000,000 trees planted and it almost looks normal around Sudbury, go team!!!!
Doesn't take a big brain to comprehend what's going on. Scientists are attempting to reach Thwaites, to perform research and form an assessment. The media is hyping speculation of an "apocalyptic event" to increase profits. This isn't rocket science. Figures someone who calls themselves cunning would be anything but :clap:
What a talent you have! Cramming that much stupid in a single paragraph.
acid rain and the ozone hole were real,
Fuck yea they were/still are causing environmental damage
They are greatly reduced for sure with the elimination of fluorocarbons & leaded gas, but the environment is still recovering from their effects on the flora & fauna.
I like fishing a lot, freshwater mostly in New England/New York & Ireland & I witnessed 1st hand the effect of the hi-PH rain on fishing & it was huge.
Except in Ireland which never changed really, places here that I would catch 5-6-7 fish in a day I was lucky to get 3 & they usually would be stocked fish, not wild.
Ozone is recovering also, but even now the levels that are present are still causing cancer, melanoma specifically.
Yea, we've learned a lot in the last 60 years about how fucked we actually are. We were warned and did fuck all for research into how we can deal with it.
Imagine if the US instead of spending/giving away trillions (yea, that's right/fucking TRILLIONS!!!) of dollars to the Military-Industrial Complex/Israel, we invested in alternative energy sources instead
The technology has been available for decades but there wasn't enough money in it right?
Fuck wind/solar/geo-thermal/nuclear/battery methods of producing electricity, let's continue to burn gas & oil, killing ourselves in the process, it's cheaper.
No, it wasn't cheaper in the End, was it.
Nope, not at all.
"University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin, who isn’t part of the research consortium, cautioned that while Thwaites is a big concern, especially the collapse of giant ice cliffs, the earliest his computer simulations show that happening is 200 years from now."

200 years! Well that’s perfect. Plenty of time to build dikes. I’m sure there is no need to panic. Well let our great grandkids worry about it. Carbon on dudes, we’re good. As long as the oil is subsidized we can just keep living out great lives. Did I hear acid rain mentioned? Ya that was a nothing burger. 10,000,000 trees planted and it almost looks normal around Sudbury, go team!!!!
Actually, in 200 years or so the REST of the ice shelf will be totally gone, but in 5 years or less the 1st chunk is separating and at that time the sea level will rise 1 foot, which will be extremely damaging worldwide.
Actually, in 200 years or so the REST of the ice shelf will be totally gone, but in 5 years or less the 1st chunk is separating and at that time the sea level will rise 1 foot, which will be extremely damaging worldwide.
Yes I’ve been hearing that and seeings how my daughter is about 2’ above sea level at high tide I worry about her a lot. If they get a direct hit from a hurricane they are fucked over the next few years.
Yes I’ve been hearing that and seeings how my daughter is about 2’ above sea level at high tide I worry about her a lot. If they get a direct hit from a hurricane they are fucked over the next few years.
Let me clarify, I worry she’ll move back in with me lol. But seriously the denying of what is plain to see is just fucking dumb. Even if there is uncertainty, perhaps making an effort to minimize the damage we are doing, would be wise……. Just throwing that out there.
Doesn't take a big brain to comprehend what's going on. Scientists are attempting to reach Thwaites, to perform research and form an assessment. The media is hyping speculation of an "apocalyptic event" to increase profits. This isn't rocket science. Figures someone who calls themselves cunning would be anything but :clap:
You really ought to be using the brain you have, whatever the size: you’re not keeping up with the science, even from a news-consumer POV - you’re letting paid political agents interpret the world for you, which means you’re not really using that brain for anything more than a nonsense pipe: you hear nonsense, and it passes right through you & out into the air…the ‘ears’ of others…with no processing, imagination, or reflection applied.

Just another funnel-head, helping some people piss on other people, just for the hell of it
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Doesn't take a big brain to comprehend what's going on. Scientists are attempting to reach Thwaites, to perform research and form an assessment. The media is hyping speculation of an "apocalyptic event" to increase profits. This isn't rocket science. Figures someone who calls themselves cunning would be anything but :clap:
That's not even close to the truth.

It's like we are all in a car that is traveling in a straight line toward a wall. Scientists have already done an estimate of our speed Scientists already know we are going to hit that wall and die. but the measurement has a lot of error. They want to take better measurements of our velocity. With that knowledge they will have a better estimate of how hard we'll hit that wall and how many will die.

The first assessment of the melting of Thwaites ice shelf is done. The ice shelf is melting. What you falsely describe as an "assessment" is an effort to provide more accurate data to improve mathematical modeling assessments going forward. There is no need to wait for a better model to start taking action today. But a better model will help direct those actions. What is wrong with that?
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You really ought to be using the brain you have, whatever the size: you’re not keeping up with the science, even from a news-consumer POV - you’re letting paid political agents interpret the world for you, which means you’re not really using that brain for anything more than a nonsense pipe: you hear nonsense, and it passes right through you & out into the air…the ‘ears’ of others…with no processing, imagination, or reflection applied.

Just another funnel-head, helping some people piss on other people, just for the hell of it

What are you blubbering on about? Everything I've quoted has been from the scientists either on the ground in the area, or specialists in that field. I'm not sure what political agents you're referring to, I havent mentioned anything about politics. You know what they say about assumptions. Your lack of an argument is apparent in your decision to attack my intelligence rather than my argument.
You know wasting you breath on these people is a big loss to all whom try, they are like the Rs and the Ds you say blue and in fact it is "Blue" they will say no it isn't blue and argue with anyone just for the sake of the fight.
I am not sure why or how they like to ignore the problems and destruction of our planet or as far as that goes anything you say will be challenged.

My question is why do we fight about these facts ? if you have proof from a proven source not to spew shit, please admit it to this form so we can read it.

Otherwise the RED BALL IS RED, Not blue but RED. even if you are color blind its still Red. just ask someone who isn't.