Double Dip Recession Coming?

The Right idea is to reach a balance between a government who cut everywhere and provoke recession or one who overspend and put us deeper into debt until your taxes can only pay for the interest.

But there is no rational argument against the must of spending cuts, it's just a matter of how much and where to cut.
If we raised taxes on the rich, it wouldn't come close to the interest we pay annually on the money we borrow. Even if we were to raise those taxes, do you really think it would go towards paying the debt off, I think we all know it would be spent on more government BS.

So IMO, the only way out of this terrible mess is to cut the spending and we have to start now.
Cut spending now, or end up like Greece.

I favor a balanced budget amendment that forces an end to deficit spending. The government can spend as much as it wants, as long as the voters are approving the taxes to cover it. That's the way it works at the local level.
I agree we never left it but we are going to hear a constant drumbeat from the media between now and the election about how the economy is approving and everything Obama did (?) worked blah blah blah. It doesn't help them though, that the new unemployment rate is up a tad from 8.1 to 8.2. Of course if it were measured correctly, it would be about 14%

It would be higher than that.
Cut spending now, and end up like Greece.

fixed it for ya.

contractionary policies during a fragile recovery are about the stupidest idea ever.

even you savior rmoney has stated this.

I favor a balanced budget amendment that forces an end to deficit spending.

again, some of the stupidest ideas ever.

the united states would not exist without deficit spending, we'd all be speaking german following your misguided, partisan hackery bleating that you call economic ideas.
fixed it for ya.

contractionary policies during a fragile recovery are about the stupidest idea ever.

even you savior rmoney has stated this.

again, some of the stupidest ideas ever.

the united states would not exist without deficit spending, we'd all be speaking german following your misguided, partisan hackery bleating that you call economic ideas.

No stupid, the majority of Americans don't have the balls to make any real changes...and it doesn't start at the voting booth.

Deficit spending is what is keeping the majority and their children in the poor house.
fixed it for ya.

contractionary policies during a fragile recovery are about the stupidest idea ever.

even you savior rmoney has stated this.

again, some of the stupidest ideas ever.

the united states would not exist without deficit spending, we'd all be speaking german following your misguided, partisan hackery bleating that you call economic ideas.

Christ, you're an idiot who most likely is a beneficiary of deficit spending.
No stupid, the majority of Americans don't have the balls to make any real changes...and it doesn't start at the voting booth.

Deficit spending is what is keeping the majority and their children in the poor house.

so, your first line suggests that you are another one of these internet revolutionaries.

and the second line suggests you don't understand how countries get themselves through things like wars and recessions.

deficit spending is crucial to the health of any nation.
Christ, you're an idiot who most likely is a beneficiary of deficit spending.

nope, i pay my taxes and use absolutely no social welfare programs.

but, i like how you tried to defeat my argument by insinuating that i'm some broke dick or something.

flawless logic. :clap:
so, your first line suggests that you are another one of these internet revolutionaries.

and the second line suggests you don't understand how countries get themselves through things like wars and recessions.

deficit spending is crucial to the health of any nation.

I'm a realist, apparently you didn't bother reading this thread.
can't we just agree that socialism as tards like you tend to use it is just government spending money on things you don't like?

we tried romneynomics, aka shrubenomics aka trickle down. it's an abject failure.

And why are the "things" the government spends money on not liked? There is a reason, and it's because they don't work.

Social Security
Government Pension programs (prime example USPS)

Those are just a few of the many, yet major socialistic programs that do not work. It's not that people don't like them, because in fact people love those programs, but at the end of the day they are mathematically defeated systems.
I'm a realist, apparently you didn't bother reading this thread.

i'm pretty sure i did and that you're pretty much out of ammo after espousing a revolution against the government from behind the safety and comfort of your computer screen.
nope, i pay my taxes and use absolutely no social welfare programs.

but, i like how you tried to defeat my argument by insinuating that i'm some broke dick or something.

flawless logic. :clap:

I challenge you b/c you think you are comfortable and you believe our system of government will keep you comfy. You're the very person I oppose b/c if push comes to're the guy who would sell-out to the British and play it in the 18th century or today. You're the fool who believes a corrupt system will somehow magically right itself.
by virtue of our existence, yes.

our nation would not be standing today without deficit spending.

And our nation will fail to continue standing with deficit spending.

It's a catch-22 I suppose, but this country is no longer smart enough to solve debt with debt.
No contradiction, you just fail to interpret logic.

Try again.

By the way, did I mention all those programs are broke?

so, since these programs are broke, i guess my bachie should not be expecting her SS check next month?



yeah, and this is no way contradicts itself...

And why are the "things" the government spends money on not liked?......people love those programs...

i need a lecture in logic from an anthropomorphist just like i need more rippers in my greenhouse.

And our nation will fail to continue standing with deficit spending.

It's a catch-22 I suppose, but this country is no longer smart enough to solve debt with debt.

other nations have sustained higher long term deficits for longer. witness japan.

you'll learn about other countries in 7th grade civics, it's one of those things to look forward to as you grow up.