Layoffs, Bankruptcy, and Closings

i'm pretty sure my gay friends who want to get married don't think it's a joke. i'm pretty sure women i know who don't want the government to own their fetus don't think it's a joke.

imagine if al gore got elected and we never invaded iraq. i'm pretty sure that 4,000+ weeping mothers and fathers wouldn't think it's a joke.

take your butthurt and go.

Would your gay friends prefer indefinite detention or would they rather be due processed (drone bomb dropped on their head) if they become a political enemy of the administration?
Would your gay friends prefer indefinite detention or would they rather be due processed (drone bomb dropped on their head) if they become a political enemy of the administration?

i'm sure my gay friends are going to abscond to yemen and incite terrorists towards action against the US.

more tin foil should do the trick.
i'm sure my gay friends are going to abscond to yemen and incite terrorists towards action against the US.

more tin foil should do the trick.

The 16 year old wasn't a terrorist (and no evidence has been presented that his father was either, but hey, the administration doesn't need evidence). He was a kid who came to see his father. He was targeted separately.

When your friends become political enemies, which would they prefer?
Drive down main street and look at all the homes and businesses that are empty, and every week it seems to get worse. Who cares about how the hell we got to this point, i would like to know what the hell the president is gonna do to get America rolling again.
The 16 year old wasn't a terrorist (and no evidence has been presented that his father was either, but hey, the administration doesn't need evidence). He was a kid who came to see his father. He was targeted separately.

When your friends become political enemies, which would they prefer?

yeah, he wasn't a terrorist, he only organized terrorists to attack the united states.

yeah, he wasn't a terrorist, he only organized terrorists to attack the united states.


Prove it, with evidence. Even if he was, he was an American citizen who deserved to go through the justice system. And he wasn't in a country you're even at war with, so there's that other illegal aspect to consider.

I notice you ignore the fact the 16 year old was targeted completely separately. Or are you suggesting the 16 year old was a terrorist too, and not a kid going to find his dad?
Prove it, with evidence. Even if he was, he was an American citizen who deserved to go through the justice system. And he wasn't in a country you're even at war with, so there's that other illegal aspect to consider.

I notice you ignore the fact the 16 year old was targeted completely separately. Or are you suggesting the 16 year old was a terrorist too, and not a kid going to find his dad?

he had plenty of chances to turn himself in and didn't. his case got all the oversight that the constitution requires. no one is entitled to a jury by their peers, silly goose.

if you don't want to be killed, don't hang around with terrorists. pretty simple rule.
he had plenty of chances to turn himself in and didn't. his case got all the oversight that the constitution requires. no one is entitled to a jury by their peers, silly goose.

The US constitution unquestionably grants that right.

if you don't want to be killed, don't hang around with terrorists. pretty simple rule.

He wasn't hanging around with terrorists. He was looking for his father and was no where near him when he died - he was a separate target used to establish precedent.

You still can't prove his father was a terrorist apparently.
Their vehicle sales have sucked for years. This POS company went tits up way before Obama was even elected the first time and was bolstered in the US only due to motorcycle sales. That's just one. You're nuts. Especially if you believe 90% of these bastards as they use any excuse to bail out with golden parachutes - a Republican favorite. You even dateline it Election Day. You "conservatives" sound like the simpletons you are.
Their sales sucked for years but the reason they went out of business was to get "golden parachutes"? You contradicted your self. Since you don't cite any evidence that anyone at Suzuki had a "golden parachute" or that they were Republicans if they were, I'm going to assume that was just mindless hate speech made up out of thin air. AKA: a false statement.
This entire situation was engineered by your favorite worm, Grover Nordquist. If we do go over what ever cliff this is, it will be because of Republican intransigence. Of course the right will make it look as though Obama won't play with the other kids in the sand lot but the truth is that it is actually the bullies on the right that see compromise as a word for "something is broken".
It's all the Republican's fault? You seem to have forgotten Sequestration (AKA: the fiscal cliff) was Obama's idea.
I get a kick out of this laboriously ongoing chant. I imgaine the mothers and fathers of childrenborn without arms or faces in a destroyed city called Hiroshima years after a cloud of death was unleashed upon them all "yeah yeah yeah", the american general says to the forlorn parentsholding their poor child up for inspection "when are you going to stop blaming America for your ills"?
Was that supposed to be related to the topic at hand?
It tends to frighten them. But I will tell you that my history here is filled with explainations of their actions and beliefs, so far, they seem to be rather accurate. Compartmentalization and denial comes with being a right wing authoritarian. But never before has it been so plain.
Compartmentalization and denial comes with being a left wing authoritarian.
The US constitution unquestionably grants that right.

He wasn't hanging around with terrorists. He was looking for his father and was no where near him when he died - he was a separate target used to establish precedent.

You still can't prove his father was a terrorist apparently.
apparently for a family that has no ties to terrorists

They sure hang around a lot of them