Layoffs, Bankruptcy, and Closings

Anyone feeling guilty about bombing Japan with the a-bombs needs to read "The Rape of Nanking". Or read about my great-uncle and the rest of the New Mexico National Guard taken prisoners on the Bataan Peninsula near Manila and the Bataan Death March. My great-uncle died the first day at Camp O'Donnell and his name is inscribed on a memorial there. The motherf^%@#rs were vicious and remorseless. No sympathy. And, yes, it's always sad when innocents die with the guilty but that is life - a far from perfect situation at best.

Oh my god. My dad's good friend, Claude Hatch was a member of that group. He survived the march. He just died recently. He told my dad some terrible stories.

We live close to his family and I grew up with his daughters.
i just heard that because the bakers union (love the name.) it decided than rather to take a temp cut in pay, in order to stay operatiing, and keep plant running, and people fed, they decided not to. so. i heard its about 18,600 jobs lost. permantly. dont be surprised, if we do see twinkys again, it wont say "made in china", (or even iran)....ill bet the top union guys still have a paycheck. they are in ohbams pocket, u know. its his plan. his "fathers dreams"-for us to fall. i dont see how we can get out of this. maybe another "shooter in the knole"....
i just heard that because the bakers union (love the name.) it decided than rather to take a temp cut in pay, in order to stay operatiing, and keep plant running, and people fed, they decided not to. so. i heard its about 18,600 jobs lost. permantly. dont be surprised, if we do see twinkys again, it wont say "made in china", (or even iran)....ill bet the top union guys still have a paycheck. they are in ohbams pocket, u know. its his plan. his "fathers dreams"-for us to fall. i dont see how we can get out of this. maybe another "shooter in the knole"....

as soon as i saw "blindbaby", i clicked the thread to read your post knowing i was in store for a good laugh.

your inane rambling (indicative of a third grade education at best) did not disappoint.
yes. one issue from the right. crusify em!! 200 on the left, dont talk about its bain capitals fault, for our economy going south?? awww! so its bush and romneys fault. cool. at least they can share. but ohbama? he is our one and only god! no expericence with anything. no love of country. hatred of buisness. anti-energy. anti-minerals (mining). anti-natrual gas (science says it could (never has yet)hurt the water table. so. no jobs. no money. no more here, except another third world country. perfect.
yes. one issue from the right. crusify em!! 200 on the left, dont talk about its bain capitals fault, for our economy going south?? awww! so its bush and romneys fault. cool. at least they can share. but ohbama? he is our one and only god! no expericence with anything. no love of country. hatred of buisness. anti-energy. anti-minerals (mining). anti-natrual gas (science says it could (never has yet)hurt the water table. so. no jobs. no money. no more here, except another third world country. perfect.

how do you even manage to feed yourself? or tie your shoes? i just don't see that happening.
no, actually, i graduated h.s, went to two trade schools, a private college for some pre-requisits. i paid for it. all of it. so i have an aprrecieation of it. yes, i can be entertaining. this is good. like glen beck, i like to be a bit colorfull, so as to at least get a chuckle of of folks. i exagerate, to make a point. i do APPRECEIATE your honesty, and courtesy. some of these people answer nastily, which proves my point, more than anything. a appreciate your honesty, and kind reply!!
no, actually, i graduated h.s, went to two trade schools, a private college for some pre-requisits. i paid for it. all of it. so i have an aprrecieation of it. yes, i can be entertaining. this is good. like glen beck, i like to be a bit colorfull, so as to at least get a chuckle of of folks. i exagerate, to make a point. i do APPRECEIATE your honesty, and courtesy. some of these people answer nastily, which proves my point, more than anything. a appreciate your honesty, and kind reply!!

was one of the "trade schools" called burger king university?
good point. thats where we are all headed. still, i am patriotic. if i cease to be, then the only honorable thing will be, to apply for citizenship in a place i will ge happier, or better off. just cant think of one........even now......peace
good point. thats where we are all headed. still, i am patriotic. if i cease to be, then the only honorable thing will be, to apply for citizenship in a place i will ge happier, or better off. just cant think of one........even now......peace

you call it patriotic to tell lies about the president?
Obviously, none of this higher education that you claim to have involved an English course.
Rules of war was to attack military installations, base, equipment, government facilities and such...we broke that with Fat man and Little boy

Actually there were four cities Hiroshima, Kokura, Nagasaki, and Niigata chosen as possible targets. The target of the city of Hiroshima was picked because most of Japan's major cities had been destroyed by U.S. air attacks. Hiroshima was still intact. The reasons Hiroshima was chosen as the target for the A-bombing are assumed to be the following.
•The size and the shape of the city was suited to the destructive power of the A-bombs. Because Hiroshima had not been bombed, ascertaining the effects of the A-bomb would be relatively easy.
•Hiroshima had a high concentration of troops, military facilities and military factories that had not yet been subject to significant damage.

The second city was Kokura but was overcast and the haze over Kokura prevented the sighting of the bombing target. Due to the haze over Kokura the bomber moved on to it’s second target Nagasaki.
The Target Committee nominated four targets: Kokura, the site of one of Japan's largest munitions plants; Hiroshima, an embarkation port and industrial center that was the site of a major military headquarters; Niigata, a port with industrial facilities including steel and aluminium plants and an oil refinery; and Kyoto, a major industrial center. The target selection was subject to the following criteria:

  • The target was larger than 3 miles (4.8 km) in diameter and was an important target in a large urban area.
  • The blast would create effective damage.
  • The target was unlikely to be attacked by August 1945. "Any small and strictly military objective should be located in a much larger area subject to blast damage in order to avoid undue risks of the weapon being lost due to bad placing of the bomb."[SUP][46][/SUP]
These cities were largely untouched during the nightly bombing raids and the Army Air Force agreed to leave them off the target list so accurate assessment of the weapon could be made. Hiroshima was described as "an important army depot and port of embarkation in the middle of an urban industrial area. It is a good radar target and it is such a size that a large part of the city could be extensively damaged. There are adjacent hills which are likely to produce a focusing effect which would considerably increase the blast damage. Due to rivers it is not a good incendiary target."[SUP][46][/SUP] The US had previously dropped leaflets warning civilians of air raids on 35 Japanese cities, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[SUP][47][/SUP]
The goal of the weapon was to convince Japan to surrender unconditionally in accordance with the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. The Target Committee stated that "It was agreed that psychological factors in the target selection were of great importance. Two aspects of this are (1) obtaining the greatest psychological effect against Japan and (2) making the initial use sufficiently spectacular for the importance of the weapon to be internationally recognized when publicity on it is released. Kyoto had the advantage of being an important center for military industry, as well an intellectual center and hence better able to appreciate the significance of the weapon. The Emperor's palace in Tokyo has a greater fame than any other target but is of least strategic value."[SUP][46][/SUP]
I would hope you'd see that the data you posted are one-sided. Without the other side shown, I see them as being provocative, as they imply this is bad. Since I don't know if they paint an accurate or skewed picture, I am saying skewed. Of course it is your job to post complete data, WW. Both sides in the national debate have a duty to be correct and reasonable. Jmo. cn

Not from what I've seen on the politics section.

Actually, I don't have the data for new starts.
Rules of war was to attack military installations, base, equipment, government facilities and such...we broke that with Fat man and Little boy

I think they broke the rules of war with the death camps. Don't forget the Death March of Bataan that was the Japanese.
A lot of the company's are attributing the layoffs directly to Obamacare...... it's a fact that once it kicks in fully, an employer with over 50 employees will pay approximately $1.79 more an hour for each employee working (if they choose to continue offering health insurance). Right now approx 1/3 of all larger U.S. employers are going to drop all their coverage and pay the fine, which in the long run will be much cheaper on the bottom line.

Hold on tight people....this is just the beginning. It's going to get much, much worse in the next few years.
Not from what I've seen on the politics section.

Actually, I don't have the data for new starts.
Lol; point taken.
Wtf? Russia was involved in WWII. You must be a public school kid.

No; he has a point. The Russians were threatening to get into the Japan conflict, and we wanted to contain their territorial ambitions. Ending it fast was already a priority, but this added another plate to the stack. cn
Lol; point taken.

No; he has a point. The Russians were threatening to get into the Japan conflict, and we wanted to contain their territorial ambitions. Ending it fast was already a priority, but this added another plate to the stack. cn

The Russians werent threatening to get into the Conflict. They were already in it. If the war was prolonged we would of had to divide the geography with them like we did in Europe.
Also not that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were important military targets even without the bomb