Layoffs, Bankruptcy, and Closings

obama wasn't even in office in 2008. how butthurt are you?

Come on man, reading comprehension. The 459 billion deficit for that year was what Obama said he'd cut in half. It was what he "inherited" from Bush and what Obama was butthurt about.

Then the deficits never went below a trillion dollars for any year during his presidency.
I'm not a sock puppet. Any time somebody says anything not out of a Little Red Book around marijuana I always give a like on a forum. Communists harsh my mellow, man.

The inherited 2008-2009 deficit was 459 billion. The 2009 deficit was the 1.5. Even if he "inherited" it he totally bombed on his promise to cut the deficit (whatever you claim it is) in half. It has never been below 1 trillion dollars under Obama.

I liked it better when you posted as freedomworks munchbox
I get a kick out of this laboriously ongoing chant.

I imgaine the mothers and fathers of childrenborn without arms or faces in a destroyed city called Hiroshima years after a cloud of death was unleashed upon them all "yeah yeah yeah", the american general says to the forlorn parentsholding their poor child up for inspection "when are you going to stop blaming America for your ills"?

How quickly we forget who attacked who in Pearl Harbor when poor faceless children are involved.
And what is it now? Oh that's right he is saving the world and the seas won't rise. blah, blah, blah.

latest deficit was $1.1 trillion.

that's not the 50% deficit cut he promised, it's only a 27% reduction of the deficit. but the recession was much worse than anyone expected, even top economists.

those are facts.

another fact: normally, deficits grow during tough economic times. deficits shrank under the tough economic times obama inherited.
Come on man, reading comprehension. The 459 billion deficit for that year was what Obama said he'd cut in half. It was what he "inherited" from Bush and what Obama was butthurt about.

Then the deficits never went below a trillion dollars for any year during his presidency.

obama did not inherit a $459 billion deficit from bush, he inherited a $1.5 trillion deficit from bush.

that's a fact agreed upon by all sides.

unlike how republicans explode deficits, even during good financial times, obama shrank the deficit, even during tough financial times.
latest deficit was $1.1 trillion.

that's not the 50% deficit cut he promised, it's only a 27% reduction of the deficit. but the recession was much worse than anyone expected, even top economists.

those are facts.

another fact: normally, deficits grow during tough economic times. deficits shrank under the tough economic times obama inherited.

The deficit in 2007 was 178 Billion, that's the number you go by Doofus.

He never got close to a deficit of 89 Billion. There was no reduction at all, only a MASSIVE MASSIVE increase.
Imagine. Romney could've been blamed for the results of this economy. I'm sure he's glad he's in the clear. Really, he should send Obama a thank you note. Now all Romney has to do is buy these companies and make huge profits. Seems Romney really did win.
It tends to frighten them. But I will tell you that my history here is filled with explainations of their actions and beliefs, so far, they seem to be rather accurate. Compartmentalization and denial comes with being a right wing authoritarian.

But never before has it been so plain.

Obama is an extreme authoritarian. So is Romney. That's what makes threads like this depressing. Bitching over nothing when the reality is both parties present the largest threat to you and your family around.
How quickly we forget who attacked who in Pearl Harbor when poor faceless children are involved.

Blah blah blah. Hiroshima/Nagasaki were war crimes, flat out.

It was completely unnecessary any anyone suggesting otherwise doesn't have the facts.

It wasn't about winning the war. It was about establishing a new era of American (and technological) dominance.
Blah blah blah. Hiroshima/Nagasaki were war crimes, flat out.

It was completely unnecessary any anyone suggesting otherwise doesn't have the facts.

It wasn't about winning the war. It was about establishing a new era of American (and technological) dominance.

It was about a couple of things
-winning the war before the Russians got involved
-saving american lives

There was no war crimes involved
I think you should take from it what you wish.

I would hope you'd see that the data you posted are one-sided. Without the other side shown, I see them as being provocative, as they imply this is bad. Since I don't know if they paint an accurate or skewed picture, I am saying skewed. Of course it is your job to post complete data, WW. Both sides in the national debate have a duty to be correct and reasonable. Jmo. cn
How quickly we forget who attacked who in Pearl Harbor when poor faceless children are involved.
Rules of war was to attack military installations, base, equipment, government facilities and such...we broke that with Fat man and Little boy
Rules of war was to attack military installations, base, equipment, government facilities and such...we broke that with Fat man and Little boy

We broke that long before then. Dresden and Tokyo were unvarnished terror attacks on civilian centers. Curtis LeMay rose to the top on his be-an-intolerable-SOB doctrine. He embraced nukes like some dream lover. cn
Anyone feeling guilty about bombing Japan with the a-bombs needs to read "The Rape of Nanking". Or read about my great-uncle and the rest of the New Mexico National Guard taken prisoners on the Bataan Peninsula near Manila and the Bataan Death March. My great-uncle died the first day at Camp O'Donnell and his name is inscribed on a memorial there. The motherf^%@#rs were vicious and remorseless. No sympathy. And, yes, it's always sad when innocents die with the guilty but that is life - a far from perfect situation at best.
Obama is an extreme authoritarian. So is Romney. That's what makes threads like this depressing. Bitching over nothing when the reality is both parties present the largest threat to you and your family around.

yep, my gay friends who would like to get married one day were so sad when obama was reelected. knowing that he would likely tip the balance of the SCOTUS was no consolation for them.

seriously dude, cut this "they're all the same" shit out. rawn pawl lost. proceed to cry in cornflakes.