dr greenthumbs g13 fake genetics please read!

Well said Brick
If you want to buy "Dr Greenthumb G13" Buy it if not dont.
All the heat Dr Greenthumb is taking he has done nothing the other breeders have done labling G13 x ? when no one knows if they have a G13 or just GOOD WEED
Gang, isn't it about time that everyone packs up their stuff and goes homes and let this thread die?

Think about it a moment. You are talking about a unicorn strain, something that is almost mythical. There is almost nothing about it at any point in time that can be proven to be true.

The actual origin of the strain is questionable and not able to be proven. Even among some older breeders who allegedly had G13 early some tell different stories. The popular belief is that it was created in a U.S. Government research facility. That is allegedly verifiable by Government records but then alleged official government records at one time said the North Vietnamese attacked U.S. Naval forces at The Gulf of Tonkin, so you know how much credibility can be placed in official government records. They only say what someone wants people to believe. Some old breeders, and others, have said that it came from a bust and when the pot was tested it was so potent that it was then sent to the research facility for research and testing. The story of how much was removed from the facility vary. There is no way of knowing how many cuts were made and who all they went to. There is no way of knowing who retained the strain in it's pure form and who made crosses and then either did away with the original or by chance it died. There is no way of knowing my many originals just died or how many might have been taken in busts. Some of the airborne cuts that were claimed to be pure but were given additional titles or names along with G13 have been claimed by some old breeders to never have been pure, and others and other people have claimed they were still pure.

As far as anyone can supposedly prove the first true breeder to possess G13 was Neville, but what he sold was a hybrid since he only had a female from a clone. Anything that anyone made using his hybrid was even farther away from being the real deal G13. Neville made the strain famous in the 80's from his original "Seedbank." and Neville is said to have worked with Sensi seeds around the early 90s and the original G13 mother was lost. So the only variety's left that are traceable to the G13 that is responsible for the legend picking up steam are the subsequent hybrids he released to the public.
But there is no way of knowing who else may or may not have had a clone and what they did or did not do with it and if it remained pure or not.

There is no way to prove almost anything about the strain other than what some of the hybrids that were made from it were. Anything else is guesswork and speculation and belief and opinion and myth and urban legend and nothing more.

Possibly the Dr. did manage to find a pure G13 plant to get a cutting from. Possibly the person he got it from has a hybrid but totally believes it to be pure and convinced the Dr. that it is pure and the Dr. believes it is pure so he is not lying or misrepresenting the strain. He's just in error about it. Possibly the Dr. knew it was a hybrid that even being a hybrid has been called pure G13 but knowing that it is as close as anyone will ever come to the original he figured why not let people enjoy the closest they will ever get to true G13 and just release it as the real deal? It is not as if someone else will be releasing the Real McCoy and prove him to be wrong. Maybe there are a dozen or two dozen other possibly ways to explain things.

But the point is that no amount of discussion or arguing over this will ever result in a singular accepted answer, a resolution that all or even most will agree on or any one story or claim that a majority of people will ever accept as most likely being accurate. Even if the Dr. were to take a lie detector test while on video and passed there would be a large enough percentage of people who would claim he only passed because he believes it to be true G13 so his answer showed he was being truthful but he was fooled about it being true G13 in the first place, or some might go so far as to claim him to be a pathological liar and able to beat the machine.

The only way this exchange would have a chance of ending would be if the Dr. came out and said his G13 is not the true G13 and he knew it all along, which even if that is the case everyone knows he would never admit to it. But even then there could be some Dr. lovers who would likely say that he only said it because he thought he was getting a hybrid but he was wrong about that and he does have the real deal G13.

There can never be an ending to this thread unless it is closed unless everyone realizes that no matter what they say or find that someone else has said or the Dr. says there is no way under the sun to prove any of it too be true and everyone just decides the only thing that matters is what each individual believes and each person formulates their own opinion, and keeps it to themselves, and either purchases Dr. Greenthumbs G13 or does not purchase Dr. Greenthumbs G13 and just let this exchange end.

It has long since degenerated into a F-you, no, F-you, no, F-you double deep and double hard with AIDS on top exchange, so why continue it? Just because someone wants to get the last F-you in? Gee, what an incredible victory that would be for someone. It would prove they were right all along, NOT!

It is time for people to accept that neither belief, real or not real, can or will ever be able to be proven and it is time to stop exchanging F-you's over something that will forever remain a mystery. It has to be that or the thread closed because things have not really remained topical and they have gone way past the bounds of acceptability and there is not now and there never will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Move on people. You are wasting your time and you are wasting the time of others, almost everyone involved is making themselves look really bad, bandwidth is being wasted and no one, and I do mean NO ONE will ever win.

The most sensible post in this thread...thank you!
The softy cried to get me banned for the day, when he was the one instigating shit, running his mouth.
no one got you banned for a day moron, the system was shut down for upgrades EVERYONE was "banned"

if you want to "save bandwidth" BT go chase after the noobies uploading 30 pics of their bagseed grow.
if you want to "save bandwidth" BT go chase after the noobies uploading 30 pics of their bagseed grow.

Just trying to be a voice of reason. The thread is now little more than a my dog's better than your dog, my dad's stronger than your dad, my dick's bigger than your dick argument. Why continue it? To get the last my dick's bigger than your dick in or get in the last F-you in?

It is a total waste of time, nothing will be resolved, ever, anyone still participating in what is now pure argument is making themselves look bad and if they continue they will only make themselves look worse. Absolutely nothing will be achieved beyond that of lasting hard feelings that will carry on and spill over into other threads in the future so all continuing it will do is further spread disharmony here ... and God knows there is already an overabundance of it here.

The singular inherent virtue of this thread is for people with pent up anger and frustration to vent their inner rage on anyone and everyone they can. It is utterly senseless for this to continue.

Let it die.
people who get a 24 suspensions of their accounts aren't what I call voices of reason.

damn this fucker just dont know when to quit i see why everybody does not like you.You pop so much shit dont grow dont know nothing bout a grow but yet mouth stays open and yappin 100 mph.You worse then a bitch
so people that post but don't have pics are lying? there is no way in hell if i lived in the USA that i would be posting pics of anything, sorry that lesson was learned when overgrow.com was shut down and everyone was crapping down their collective legs. not to mention when heavens stairway was raided and everyone that ever placed an order w/them went hiding. so yes tough guy post your pics, good luck you will need it
so people that post but don't have pics are lying? there is no way in hell if i lived in the USA that i would be posting pics of anything, sorry that lesson was learned when overgrow.com was shut down and everyone was crapping down their collective legs. not to mention when heavens stairway was raided and everyone that ever placed an order w/them went hiding. so yes tough guy post your pics, good luck you will need it

The people im talking about live in canada and ireland.Nothing to do with the usa.Besides the ones in the usa like biggy budz his credibility was shot down at the beginning of this thread when he said he smoked it so he does not grow and yes a pic will prove everything.
damn this fucker just dont know when to quit i see why everybody does not like you.You pop so much shit dont grow dont know nothing bout a grow but yet mouth stays open and yappin 100 mph.You worse then a bitch

Brick Top told you to shut up so just do it OK ?
How do you see EVERYBODY not liking me ?
You know you can tell what a person hates about themselves by what they hate in others ?
Brick Top told you to shut up so just do it OK ?
How do you see EVERYBODY not liking me ?
You know you can tell what a person hates about themselves by what they hate in others ?

Damn i can see you did not do well in school because you lack alot of things like how to comprehend!
You are annoying and just dont know when to stop

For the record he did not tell me to shut up he is saying its pointless to go on with this shit
wbw, i have a picture of bigfoot, sorry, i just shake my head when people post pics and basiclly give their locations (for example, brooklyn, n.y.).
wbw, i have a picture of bigfoot, sorry, i just shake my head when people post pics and basiclly give their locations (for example, brooklyn, n.y.).
Do you know how big brooklyn new york is?
Okay! I can really give two shits about cops coming to my house for a 800 watt grow.Im sure they have better things to do as i dont sell my stuff i smoke it indoors.
cutivating isn't a felony in NY? well my point is, anyone can have a picture of a plant, so it means nothing to me. i've had lots of dr.greenthumbs stuuff over the years and found it to be closer to his discription than any other bank. and no i won't have any pictures, that is for fools only
people who get a 24 suspensions of their accounts aren't what I call voices of reason.

Clearly you now want to draw me into your childish temper tantrum, but I won't play that game with you anymore. But show me where I have had 24 suspensions if you can. I only know of one and of 5 infractions, all of which have been reversed.

But regardless of that being the case, it in no way alters what I have said. There can never be and there will never be a 100% verifiable/provable resolution to the question of if Dr. Greenthumb's G13 is pure or a hybrid or a total fake so it is utterly pointless for people to continue to tell each other to F-off over it.

The only reason for anyone to continue with this thread is because they have a burr under their saddle and filled with pent up hatred, anger and rage and they want to pour it all out on anyone and everyone who will give them the opportunity for them to do so.

Just let it die .. it's way past time for all involved to move on.
I thought I said 24 HOURS not 24.
5 infractions ! I haven't had one.
I wonder how many dingleberry has had ?

From your message, number 446: "people who get a 24 suspensions of their accounts aren't what I call voices of reason."

The word "hours" was not mentioned in your message and "suspensions" is plural, it meant multiple, more than one, and you did say 24.

That will be my only statement directly to you.

As for the rest of what I said. It all makes complete and total sense.

It is only logical to let this cat fight end based on the virtual impossibility of anyone ever being able to provide verifiable 100% accurate proof for their side of the exchange.

You people might as well be arguing the existence or non-existence of God. Someone would be just as likely to solve that one as they would be to solve the Dr. Greenthumb G13 question.

People, give it up, no one can win, nothing more will come from this than lingering hard feelings that will spread to other threads infecting them with the same virulent rancorous disease that exits in this thread. It's time to pull the plug. Just let it die.
That will be my only statement directly to you. .
uh yes, please, thank you.
I have an unresolved grevance with the dingleberry though so step aside.
Mr dingleberry claimed tha the Auto Iranian was not a true auto flower as it has no ruderalis in it. ONLY cannabis with ruderalis in it's genes could be considered such, any one selling a product labeled Auto Flowering must have ruderalis or that proves he is a liar in all other labels on his seeds and should be shunned as a heretic.
THAT is where my beef with this so called expert on autos is based on.
When confronted in any way I start getting garbage and abuse.