dr greenthumbs g13 fake genetics please read!

uh yes, please, thank you.
I have an unresolved grevance with the dingleberry though so step aside.
Mr dingleberry claimed tha the Auto Iranian was not a true auto flower as it has no ruderalis in it. ONLY cannabis with ruderalis in it's genes could be considered such, any one selling a product labeled Auto Flowering must have ruderalis or that proves he is a liar in all other labels on his seeds and should be shunned as a heretic.
THAT is where my beef with this so called expert on autos is based on.
When confronted in any way I start getting garbage and abuse.
Quick lesson on cannabis...

There are 3 main species of Cannabis plants.

These are Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis ( yes I know about hybrids, but those are crosses of the main strains)....Now sativa and Indica are both photoperiod strains... Ruderalis flower according to age..meaning that you don't have to change the light for it to flower...so with that being said if a plant flowers without photoperiod then that plant has ruderalis in its lineage...I suggest you find out whats the lineage of that "auto Iranian".

Iranian Autoflower takes about 90-100 days start to finish outside. I know I have done it several times now and harvested in June, July, August. Indoors it does flower under 24 hours of light but takes varying amounts of time to do so that seems dependent on the amount of blue light available. As with all the autos I've tried the flowering response when initiated under 24 hour photoperiods is weak and yield is reduced. Any photoperiod under 24 hours produces a stronger flowering response with 12/12 or 14/10 photoperiods in my experience producing the best indoor yields. I am not an expert but I have not seen any hallmarks of Ruderalis at all. I have been hearing a lot of buzz about of a couple of other plants going around now that are also said to be autos, GG Gold and Auto Affie that I'm anxious to try this summer
The Iranain auto will eventually flower on 24 hours but I had mine about 5 or 6 months and she did not auto
Just because she has no ruderalis in her does not mean that its not an auto,
Wyte, have you ever grown out blackwater from cc ? Or know anybody who has ? About 2 buy some more beans haha looking to try some CC gear or somethin from the new Emerald Triangle Seeds ... I know you fuck with the cali connect heavy so I figured I would ask.
Anyone looking for a blackwater grow I saw it and alien bubba grown together at the farm yesterday,blackwater is some huge buds with a real bright green color,no purple or black in this guys run...
i dont know where you are getting the idea that an auto has to have rud in it,that is just plain untrue.i can think of many strains that have auto tendancies that have NO ruderalis in them.i have grown many in the last few years.gg,dutch treat,bonkers,avalon and others have auto flowering phenos with absolutely no rud in them.silverback was a legend around ic mag and i knew him well,he is the 1 plus others to show me this.the guy knows more about growing pot than most people on the planet.
i dont know where you are getting the idea that an auto has to have rud in it,that is just plain untrue.i can think of many strains that have auto tendancies that have NO ruderalis in them.i have grown many in the last few years.gg,dutch treat,bonkers,avalon and others have auto flowering phenos with absolutely no rud in them.silverback was a legend around ic mag and i knew him well,he is the 1 plus others to show me this.the guy knows more about growing pot than most people on the planet.

ok I will play for a bit...hmmmm dutch treat ..where did you get the seeds/clones..and do tell the lineage of the plant...the one I know is east island and its not auto but a quick finisher
While I think that since the topic of the thread has changed from dr greenthumbs g13 fake genetics please read, to Iranian auto and if the only way for a strain to have any auto tendencies is through crossing it with Ruderalis that, again, this thread should be left to die and a new thread on Non-traditional auto-flowering strains and causes them to be non-traditional auto-flowering strains should be started.

But just to make one comment ... people seem to believe that if there is any Ruderalis in Iranian Auto, or any of the indica strains mentioned that allegedly were also what might be called slow-autos or delayed-autos would have to have been the result of intentional crosses made by modern breeders, but has anyone considered the possibility of Mother Nature having at some point having gotten involved?

Certain strains are claimed to have remained pure due to geographic isolation. The ranges of others were close and would at times bump up against each other and there was crossing of genetics in nature.

As much as most people believe places like Afghanistan and Pakistan were always home to indica strains, what has been found in some of the oldest archeological digs in Afghanistan and Pakistan is evidence that sativa strains were the first species/strains there and that over time indicas from China moved Westward and natural crosses were made and due to factors of climate and conditions over many years indicas became the predominant type of cannabis found there.

If what has been found in the archeological digs has accurately been pieced together wouldn't it be possible that at some point in time, hundreds or maybe even a thousand or more years back ruderalis strains bumped up against some indica strains but it was the indica that remained predominant and the range/area of ruderalis receded, but left genetic traces behind and that since with the region being all indica again, through natural breeding the ruderalic genetics have been driven deep, possibly for the sake of using simple language, been highly watered down, and their influence remains but only slightly and at some point what was believed to be 100% pure indicas ended up in the hands of modern day breeders but deep in the gene pool is actually small amounts of ruderalis genetics.

Has anyone considered that such a genetic mix might possibly explain a strain like Iranian Auto? That there is just enough ruderalis in it, due to natural crossing that might have happened hundreds of years ago, or a thousand years or farther back, but enough auto-flowering genetics remain that it will auto-flower, but in a way that is different from modern day auto-flowering strains, that it does it at a much slower pace, that it's auto-flowering is delayed due to more indica genetics watering down the ruderalis genetics in it?

Has anyone thought of the possibility of a natural crossing occurring in the distant past, very long before modern man ever thought to make crosses, and what we see today is the results of that?

Not counting hybrids the three species of cannabis, as are accepted by most, are sativa, indica and ruderalis. Some cannabis researchers believe another, they call rasta, exists and others laugh at the thought of it. Some cannabis researchers firmly believe that ruderalis is not in the actual cannabis family but instead a part of the hemp family, as in industrial hemp. So there is not unanimity of acceptance of either ruderalis being true cannabis or rasta even existing.

But isn't is possible that science might to date have missed what might be a very small subspecies that would be an intermediate species, something that is almost totally indica but with a very small amount of ruderalis deep within it? That could explain a strain that appears to be, and is believed to be, pure indica but that has some slight ruderalis tendencies, the tendency, the ability to auto-flower, but just at a much slower pace than what we today know about and are used to and that are fairly recent crosses and that could be extremely different in how they auto-flower than say a natural cross made many, many, many years ago.

It is only a possibility to consider and not something I necessarily believe to be a fact, but could believe is possible enough to explain the slow/delayed auto-flowering of Iranian Auto and the other claimed to be pure indica strains that were claimed to have similar tendencies for slow or delayed auto-flowering.

People just cannot logically discount the part nature has to have played in the creation of crosses that possibly a thousand or more years later man declared to be pure, something that evolved and remained in the exact same form. There have been numerous natural climate changes where due to climatic conditions one species or strain may have encroached on or totally took over the range/area/territory of another species or strain. Continents have shifted changing location and causing climatic changes and in some cases possibly bringing them close enough to another were there could be a natural spreading of genetics.

Recently a very thin very worn out pelican showed up in N.C. and it was determined that it was caught in one of the hurricanes this summer that did not make landfall and was swept thousands of miles across the Atlantic to some other country and then managed to make it's way home. How many times since cannabis has existed might birds with bellies full of cannabis seeds been caught up in storms or a jet stream and carried far beyond their normal range and deposited seeds in an area with a totally different species or strain of cannabis and by doing so crosses were made?

By the time man reached a point where true accurate scientific studies of cannabis could be undertaken a fair bit of what they found and believed to be totally pure might have actually be hybrids created by Mother Nature a hundred years, a thousand years or thousands of years in the past and undetectable to modern science because it had formed it's scale or yardstick of what 'pure' was by what it believed had to be pure. By the time modern man began to research cannabis it is possible that there were no truly pure strains left in existence, as in being genetically the exact same as they evolved, not counting of course any possible natural evolutionary genetic changes that might possibly have occurred.

While possibly not of high probability it is still a possibility that most to all strains modern man has ever known were actually hybrids created by Mother Nature over thousands of years. If so that might explain strains like Iranian Autoflower.

2 more posts and whiteberry hits 13000 posts!! Way to go dude. 12990 posts of absolute useless shit. I just see that M&M and keep scrolling.................
You guys get ur free beans from DD yet?
^^^^^^^I can agree with this^^^^^^^

somwhere an ruderalis was phucking
NO WAY, I had a grow of F2 Blaze (Blueberry X Original Haze)
One seedling came out an auto flowerer. It's a mutation.
I made seeds of that seedling but haven't tested them to see if the trait was passed on.
Originally Posted by londonfog
^^^^^^^I can agree with this^^^^^^^

somwhere an ruderalis was phucking

NO WAY, I had a grow of F2 Blaze (Blueberry X Original Haze)
One seedling came out an auto flowerer. It's a mutation.
I made seeds of that seedling but haven't tested them to see if the trait was passed on.

Not that I am doubting you but do you not think it is possible that what you decided was a mutation was actually a recessive gene from ruderalis influence from possibly a hundred years back or possibly hundreds or thousands of years ago that resurfaced in the one seedling?

While humans and cannabis plants are not exactly comparing apples to apples it can still who how a deeply buried gene can resurface. One of my friends had jet black hair. As far back as anyone in the family knew, and photographs showed, the entire family had black or very dark brown hair. He married a woman whose family, as far back as they knew, all had brown hair. Their first child had hair the color of Bozo the Clown, bright orange-red. I used to kid my friend that the mailman much have gotten in their before he did.

Some years later one of his family found some very old books and photographs about their family (black and white photographs of course), but in one of the books it told of a male family member sometime in the mid-1800's that had bright red hair. So after lying dormant for over one hundred years the gene resurfaced and not only did my friend and his wife have a redheaded son, the son has since has three redheaded children. Deeply buried genetics can and will resurface at times, even after long periods of time lying dormant or not exerting any of their influence.

Possibly in the example you gave it was a case of a mutation, but in the cause of what is now being talked about, and is really material for a new separate thread since it is no way topical to this thread, do you believe that Iranian Autoflower is a mutation that is so consistent that it can be sold as is and the mutation will occur consistently enough for it to be claimed to do was it is described, or do you believe it is a mutation that was stabilized, a mutation that through breeding became the new normal for the strain, but is still caused by a mutation and not by some possible ruderalis influence possibly due to Mother Nature's influence as some point way back in time?
Originally Posted by Brick Top
do you believe.........

I believe I don't care.

Fair enough ... but then if you really do not care you should not care enough to continue with the discussion. Admitting that you do not care is proof you do not care as to how or why and all you really care about is arguing with someone and attempting to appear to be more knowledgeable than them and a better arguer than them by getting in more jabs and stinging statements.

I asked if you thought something were possible, could be the cause or reason, about the strain you want to discuss and discuss what is in it and why it does what it does. Your admission that you do not care is just further evidence on why this thread should be left to die.

When asked a valid question and asked what your thoughts on it were you said; "I believe I don't care." Well that says it all. It is proof you do not care and also proof that you just really have a problem with one or several people involved in the thread, and also myself included, and all you want is the chance to attempt to prove that you have a bigger dick than those you have a problem with.

Let it go dude. Just drop it. You have told everyone that you do not care so that can only mean all you actually truly care about at this point is arguing, fighting, insulting others, putting others down and making fun of them and attempting to make yourself appear to be an expert and a Ganja God and them to be brain dead morons.

Since you need to think and feel and believe it ... this is just for you. You are the one and only true expert here on RIU. You are the singular master grower on RIU. Your knowledge far surpasses that of everyone else's knowledge. Your expertise on strains and breeders is superior to that of every single other member of RIU. Everything you say is 100% correct and everything anyone says that is different from what you say is totally wrong. You have always been right and everyone else has always been wrong. YOU HAVE WON!

OK, are you satisfied now and can you now drop your childish aggressive attacks, will you let go of your vendetta against certain people now that it has been said that you are the one and only true King of Cannabis, the one and only Bud Buddha?

Come on guy, how about attempting to channel your anger and frustrations in a different direction and vent them in a different way? Smoke more, go for long walks, chop some wood, workout some, go for long swims, get more blowjobs or get laid more or jerkoff more .... just do something to find a way to release the anger and frustration that is pent up inside of you in a way other than arguing with people here over things that you have admitted you do not care about.

For the sake of the site and for increasing unity and harmony among members rather than spreading and increasing bitterness and rancor, how about just dropping it, how about just letting this thread die and moving on to something different, something interesting and pleasant and harmonious rather than insisting on spreading this cancerous rancor you seem to want and need to spread among the RIU community?

Please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top!
wtf, ok it may have ruderalis in it but there are some that think an affie should be a seperate species too. geezus h. christ
wtf, ok it may have ruderalis in it but there are some that think an affie should be a seperate species too. geezus h. christ
Affie is a strain of indica lineage...once again 3 main cannabis strains...Sativa..Indica...Ruderalis..now you can cross these and come up with whatever but don't say it is its own strain...if you look up affie you would see its indica 100 percent..and yes if a plant autos believe me it has some ruderalis...and its nothing wrong with that..but just call it like it is..:weed:
without genetic coding no can say with absolute certainty anything, the fact that it (Auto Iranian) does auto flower with full potency is all anyone should care about.
I've stated that over and over again in these Greenthumb threads yet some how I get labeled the trouble maker.
I'd happily admit I made a mistake if you want to send samples to a gene testing facility if such a thing exist for plants like it does for humans.
(Many African Americans including Oprah Winfrey, have had this done to trace their heritage)
And I repeat I've had no infractions for inflaming you've had 5 whose the vendetta seeker ?
And I repeat I've had no infractions for inflaming you've had 5 whose the vendetta seeker ?

Sure, in my 6,000 plus messages I have managed to insult a few people, or at least what I said was believed to be insulting by someone, though one of the messages when written was totally intended to be humorous, but since humor does not always clearly show itself in a typed message I was hammered anyway.

But since joining things here have slowly but steadily become increasingly contentious. More and more people are quicker to fight over things and take it to a personal level than to remain calm and topical and simply discuss things. The original topic was one that could never be resolved, one that could never be proven either way and it turned into nothing more than a Battling Bickersons thread where most messages were personal attacks and accusations. There was no need for it to continue. All that could come from it is stored up animosity towards others that will one day be unleashed in another thread or threads between the people involved in this one.

Now that it has totally switched topics, and is still very acrimonious. This thread should be allowed to die and a new thread on the new topic should be begun, but leaving all the ill will and rancor here to die allowing the new thread to be a civil discussion.

I was only thinking about the present environment of the site, the future of the site and about what would be best for it and for the members in the future.

Sadly such considerations are clearly less important to some here and instead it is vastly more important to them too be able to claim and attempt to prove they pack the most gear here.

I made an attempt to show the utter futility of this thread continuing and the problems that the acrimony that has occurred, and is still occurring, will cause in the future, but I failed.

So by all means, continue on, enjoy your cat fight to the fullest. I will not make another comment about it.