Dui checkpoints: How to proceed when the gistapo ask for your paperz

If they set up more check points and shot and killed everyone who passed through they could prevent lots of crime, better yet maybe they could set up massive gas chambers and detour everyone on the highway through the gas chamber to kill them and then collect their car for scrap- that would prevent lots of crime and countless accidents and injuries while raising revenue-

we are going to compare a common sense safety measure with hitler and mao?

they are only trying to smell your breath. that is why they let the guy in the video go; he spoke to them and they smelled no liquor (i am guessing). if you are not driving drunk, this is nothing more than a traffic delay in certain areas and at certain hours. you don't run into these things on your daily commute, but usually during holiday weekends at night in certain parts of town more likely to have drunk drivers.

i.e., these are only set up in times and places where there is probable cause to believe that there are more intoxicated drivers. if they are not set up in this fashion, then they are unconstitutional as no probable cause exists.

don't try to compare DUI checkpoints to the third reich, i implore you.
Common sense? LOl PUHHHLEEEASE!! By that, you could mean that everyone must go down to the local police station and blow into a breathalyzer before being allowed to start your car in the morning.

Road side piss tests to make sure people aren't running around with THC byproducts in their urine.

Daily police checks of your home, just to make sure there isn't anything nefarious going on, totally for the good of the people.....

Common sense safety measures? Only if you have no common sense.
The fear of getting caught is what reduces drunk driving.
Must be alot of fearless fuckers out there then. What actually reduces drunk driving is less imbibing of alcohol or less driving while under the influence. Fear does nothing but cause people to think irrationally.

I don't stop myself from killing people because I am scared to go to prison, I don't kill others because it is WRONG!! I suppose only psychopaths are influenced by fear.
Common sense? LOl PUHHHLEEEASE!! By that, you could mean that everyone must go down to the local police station and blow into a breathalyzer before being allowed to start your car in the morning.

Road side piss tests to make sure people aren't running around with THC byproducts in their urine.

Daily police checks of your home, just to make sure there isn't anything nefarious going on, totally for the good of the people.....

Common sense safety measures? Only if you have no common sense.

you must have missed or willfully ignored the part where i mentioned probable cause, you dullard.
What actually reduces drunk driving is less imbibing of alcohol or less driving while under the influence.

you're right, laws must do nothing to discourage drunken driving since people still do it, thus we should get rid of laws against drunken driving and just use magical libertarian pixie dust t trust that everyone will just be responsible enough not to drive drunk despite there being no penalties for it.

on what planet do you libertarians spend most of your time? because it clearly isn't this one.
you must have missed or willfully ignored the part where i mentioned probable cause, you dullard.
Missed it, completely. Lazy, not Dull.

Probable cause? You mean engaged in a completely legal activity? When did driving on a road become probable cause? There is a reason states have found it unconstitutional.
you're right, laws must do nothing to discourage drunken driving since people still do it, thus we should get rid of laws against drunken driving and just use magical libertarian pixie dust t trust that everyone will just be responsible enough not to drive drunk despite there being no penalties for it.

on what planet do you libertarians spend most of your time? because it clearly isn't this one.

Maybe we could do away with laws against drinking and driving and instead only punish those who drive dangerously- punish someone who's sober and crosses marked lanes and someone who's been drinking and crosses marked lanes the same while not persecuting someone who has had some drinks and is driving and obeying all traffic laws.
Probable cause? You mean engaged in a completely legal activity? When did driving on a road become probable cause? There is a reason states have found it unconstitutional.

and a whole bunch more have determined it to be constitutional.

and yes, probable cause. it doesn't take an einstein to figure out that there is a much greater probability of drunks on the road right after closing hour on the main drag away from an area with many establishments that serve alcohol, or around a holiday where people tend to do a lot of drinking, etc.
Must be alot of fearless fuckers out there then. What actually reduces drunk driving is less imbibing of alcohol or less driving while under the influence. Fear does nothing but cause people to think irrationally.

I don't stop myself from killing people because I am scared to go to prison, I don't kill others because it is WRONG!! I suppose only psychopaths are influenced by fear.

I would agree 100% if we were talking about a sober person

Were talking about a drunk or at least someone that is impaired. When I drank there were plenty if times that I called a cab when I thought I was fine to drive. Even with the knowledge I only consumed a few beers and wasn't drunk I'd take a cab. It was the fear of a checkpoint and breathalyzer that kept me from driving.

I'm a big guy and when I was drinking 4-5 beers was nothing for me, I'd feel sober. But I would have failed a breathalyzer and that kept me from driving. Fear .
I would agree 100% if we were talking about a sober person

Were talking about a drunk or at least someone that is impaired. When I drank there were plenty if times that I called a cab when I thought I was fine to drive. Even with the knowledge I only consumed a few beers and wasn't drunk I'd take a cab. It was the fear of a checkpoint and breathalyzer that kept me from driving.

I'm a big guy and when I was drinking 4-5 beers was nothing for me, I'd feel sober. But I would have failed a breathalyzer and that kept me from driving. Fear .
Hold up...Do people in the States really only drink 4-5 beers in a night?!
Ummm... What the fuck Parker?

They are on the books because murder is just plain out wrong! The only reason you should ever need to kill another human being is because they are an immediate threat to you and yours! Take my possessions or my money, but threaten the life of those I love or myself and sorry I will do everything in my power to end you!
lol that is true but that's not the reason for the law. Remember there were laws on the books banning inter racial marriage because enough people thought it was wrong.
You yourself are property. When someone hits you, damages you, you have recourse. And your last sentence is the definition of the moral use of deadly force. You should never take the life of another except to protect life.
a good part of the time, these drunks cause no damage. and the laws we have do not prevent drunken driving, as evidenced by the number of DUI arrests, so why have them at all?
let's stop persecuting drunk drivers, everyone.
Driving is a privilege not a right. Travel is a right. You can put booze into your body, that is a right.
I live in a tourist area in Maine. When summertime hits the population in my town explodes by something crazy like 2000% and the OUI checkpoints go up often. I see the results every week in the police log, they nail multiple drunks EVERY time they have a roadblock. I have to go through them and dont mind. If it takes 2 minutes out of my day so they can get a few drunks off the road it is a fair trade for me.

So saying that roadblocks dont reduce drunk driving is wrong. If a roadblock catches 5 drunks, then it stopped 5 potential accidents. Ive called many a cab when I drank BECAUSE I KNEW the roadblocks would be up. So without me even driving a car, the roadblock prevented a drunk driver. Trust me, back htne my motivation for not driving was all about getting an OUI not getting into an accident. That being said, the roadblocks were what kept me from driving when i was a drunken idiot. It was the fear of being drunk and hitting a checkpoint that stopped me
If the local authorities really cared why don't they position themselves outside of parking lots and nail people before they get into their cars or at least before they go too far?

The road blocks also take police off of roads where they can actually see the worst drunk drivers and arrest him. If you see a roadblock you can legally turn around and drive away from it.

Someone half a block from home barely over the limit isn't a threat imo. There's too many scenarios. Its all about raising money for the state. If it wasn't profitable it wouldn't be done imo.

No one is compelled to answer the questions or be detained for that sole reason. Always pays to know your rights.