DWC question- out of country can I use Vermiculite/Perlite instead of hydroton? PLS


Well-Known Member
I am out of the US and can't just order stuff (I bring back everything I can on trips, but no trips to March!!). I can't get netpots or hydroton, but have some supplies that may work. I can fashion netpots by drilling out small pots or just use a plastic strainer My primary question is if vermiculite, vermiculite and perlite, or coco/verm/perlite will work or will be too wet in the netpot? I also have root starters so that's kinda like rockwool. Anyone wether straight vermiculite or a blend of what I have will work (don't want to drown or mold out my plants. I wannna DWC!!!
I've grown DWC with 100% perlite before. Never used vermiculite be4 so can't say about it. Perlite though is a go ;]

You can't order what u need off the internet?
perlite is a go... vermiculite im not sure... perlite tho is what al b fuct's uses.... good shit :) good luck ;0
Thanks guys, I've just got a little perlite left though (90% went into shroom production). I can't order off the internet cause I'm in S. America and everything gets held up in customs. I ordered 2 wall maps 3 years ago, got 1 18 months later after submitting documents stating that I wouldn't use the maps for political purposes (it was an old map replica from the 1800's and this countries borders were different) and I never, ever got the other. I'll pick some up next trip for sure. Thanks for the quick response, I'll look for al b fuct to ask him or read his grow. Thanks.... watering by hand always, slow growth and pain in the butt!!
i think you really only need something that will hold the plant in place and let the roots grow freely. if i were you i'd probably use aquarium pebbles, but that's just me. perlite probably has much better water retention, but my logic is that it's a deep water culture so the uppermost roots don't really need as much water contact.
I am out of the US and can't just order stuff (I bring back everything I can on trips, but no trips to March!!). I can't get netpots or hydroton, but have some supplies that may work. I can fashion netpots by drilling out small pots or just use a plastic strainer My primary question is if vermiculite, vermiculite and perlite, or coco/verm/perlite will work or will be too wet in the netpot? I also have root starters so that's kinda like rockwool. Anyone wether straight vermiculite or a blend of what I have will work (don't want to drown or mold out my plants. I wannna DWC!!!

Yes U can use perlite..Just cover it sir...Whenever i used perlite I placed a small net..like the ones U get from a bag of oranges and put it in my pots b4 i added the perlite and that should work...The only real downfall of perlite in dwc is it tends to get in ur water and in the roots after time and obviously algae growth..If U use a net this will stop it from getting in the res...Cover ur pots U will contain algae growth...

DWC= UNcontainable out of control grows...AWESOME choice
Thanks, I can't find anything about al b fuct or perlite DWC. I can get aquarium pebbles. I'll try with what I have I guess with some clones, and if all goes well with the new strains I'll try (having a bitch of a time deciding). Any other ideas.... I think vermiculite should be ok and if roots and leaves have good oxygen content and I have very little organic material for mold to develop I guess Ill be ok..... I can always remove the plants form the vermiculte/vermperlite mix in the future when I bring the rock home.

My other idea was to take a water sprinkler, like the one below and just attach a pump to it and put it in the rubbermaid so it sprays the net cups. I think it would probably be more expensive (due to the size of pump required) and more complicated than DWC, but that's what I thought up before seeing these forums.

Thanks onthed, I got slime on the perlite during shroom experiments. I'll try a vermiculte/perlite mix and try and since my pump is external (and happens to be hooked up to a rubbermaid due to same shroom experiment) I won't get them in my water. I just have to get an airstone (I had taking tubing and punched a ton of holes, but this might not be enough aeration right?)
Thanks onthed, I got slime on the perlite during shroom experiments. I'll try a vermiculte/perlite mix and try and since my pump is external (and happens to be hooked up to a rubbermaid due to same shroom experiment) I won't get them in my water. I just have to get an airstone (I had taking tubing and punched a ton of holes, but this might not be enough aeration right?)

I like the way u think man! Ur going to want to add at least one stone..Ur plants will use the micro bubbles to feed.... I do run an air pump to my bigger res with no stone to add oxygen to the water which helps with water born algea...The more air the better in the water..They need the micro bubbles to tho... Stay on the track u are...Sift out the verm...
Thanks for the support.. I'm pretty sure it will work. Gonna build this coming week and start. I've got a 5 plants in week 2 of flower so I'll try it out on my clones in the flower room first. Thanks!!
Thanks for the support.. I'm pretty sure it will work. Gonna build this coming week and start. I've got a 5 plants in week 2 of flower so I'll try it out on my clones in the flower room first. Thanks!!

Bro i cant wait..check out my dwc for beginners link at the bottom of this post.This system is very simple read thru it... I posted plants in all kind of seedling and clone forms with simple to the point pix and instructions.
Keep me posted!
dont use vermiculite.
its only purpose is to hold water - it holds a stupid amount of water for its size.
since your in DWC your not going to be short of water.
vermiculate breaks down pretty easily. the bubbles and movement from DWC will break it down faster.
use clean rocks. aquarium rocks or even stones you found outside that are small.
all the rocks are for is something for the roots to wrap around. some aero/DWC setups dont use rocks at all, they just stick the stalk of the clone in a net pot and let it be, the roots wrap around the net pot anyway.
I was wondering if I can try and avoid the net pots all together and just hold the stem somehow (like EZ cloner- maybe stick two pins through the stem? I'll let you guys know). hold that thought... I'll come up with something (thanks for the vermiculite input Dave, I'm still brainstorming and will come up with something).