DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

Thanks for your answer.

What is your opinion on what I posted a bit earlier?
The recipes of Heisenberg and Richyrich look very similar.
They both did a lot of testing and are both experts in this field, but there is one thing that they seem not to agree on.
In Richyrich' recipe you will find the instructions to add 1.25mL of Roots Excelurator per Gallon water.
Heisenberg says to avoid Roots Excelurator, or at least be aware that it can trigger slime.

What do you think?
I don't know, and even if I would know it, I still would have no clue.
I am not smart enough for it.

The thing is that both Heisenberg and Richyrich are no idiots.
They are experts and tested it all.
But still they have opposite opinions.

EDIT... Heisenberg does use it himself as well at some times, but he does not include it in his list of ingredients.
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Not much response anymore in this once lively topic...
Guess slime was something from years ago.:p

Still give it another try.
If you use the tea, is it neccesary that the bacteria and fungi have something that they can attach to?
Or is it enough that they are present in the water surrounding the roots, and on the roots themselves.

I ask because I am wondering there the fungi/bacteria will inhabat if you're not using some kind of medium like claypebbles.
But just a netpot and a neoprene disk.
Thanks for your answer.

What is your opinion on what I posted a bit earlier?
The recipes of Heisenberg and Richyrich look very similar.
They both did a lot of testing and are both experts in this field, but there is one thing that they seem not to agree on.
In Richyrich' recipe you will find the instructions to add 1.25mL of Roots Excelurator per Gallon water.
Heisenberg says to avoid Roots Excelurator, or at least be aware that it can trigger slime.

What do you think?
Honestly i am not sure whats in root accelerator... bit Heisenberg didnt like products of enzymes to go in as it may feed the slime thats already ingesting the rootzone. I guess if ya have figured away to brew your enzymws product without feeding any slime, ya cN use it. Nonetheless the whole ide behind brewing thw tea is to activate the bwnwficials and multiply them bwcore getting them to work as whatever food in those benwficial products that are supposed to feed and activate the benwficial microorganisms can also feed bad microbes in the res. Therefore, isolate your brww and ger it activated and ready to use then appky it. The massive no of benwficials will compwte with and destroy those bad microorganisms before thwy have a chance to feed on whatevwr food ia added to them. I hope this hwlps or at least hope that it somewhat answers your question ... happy growin bro

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and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Espoma Organic liquid
Extreme Gardening Myko
Smartpond Sludge Remover
Smartpond Pond Tint
Lava rocks red and black
powerhead venturis

DWC fridge grow

I fought the clear jelly and the brown shit. Tried the teas, but like they say..its easier to stay ahead than trying to catch up. Seedling #6 died and i scrubbed everything with pool shock. Then i built up my micro army for a month before transplanting. Slime free for 2 months now.
help pleasee

so i have a dwc and i just thought it needed more air and i hadd an extra pump and such here so i just cleaned it with h202 and put it in but didnt think about my root booster will it kill it all and if so can i just put more ir do i have to do a full drain now?/
Are you just saying that you put an airstone into your DWC system that was cleaned with H202? As long as you didn't dump any into the reservoir you should be fine.
yea no i def didnt dump it in and i shoke the stone around while it was pumping air but i just wasnt sure it like a miniscule amount of h202 would kill all my voodo juice
Did some research and there are more sources that state that adding Mycorrhizal Fungi in your brew is useless.

Even Heisenberg himself says somewhere (#2097) to add ZHO (also Mycorrhizal Fungi) after 46 hours of brewing.
What I don't understand is why he starts the brewing with either GW or Mycogrow.
Is this because of the bacteria that are also in these products (besides the fungi) ?
Yes, everything I've read also agrees that Myco is useless in your reservoir, but the ZHO contains Trichoderma which has been shown to do a world of good. Mycogrow and great white also contain a bunch of bacteria that is useful, even if the mycorrhizae is not.
I wanted to give some feedback on the Tea and I had a question. (pics below)

My Ph goes up about 0.1 a day. (Day One 5.4 , Day Two 5.5 , Day Three 5.6 , Day Four 5.7 , Day Five 5.8)... Today is day five and it's actually 5.9Ph (PPM has stayed stable.)

Should I add a PH Down (Phosphoric Acid) to bring Res back down to 5.5-5.6? Or will this kill of good bennies? (Or should I wait until the day I'm adding a new dosage of bennies tea, and adjust PH 6-to-12-hours prior?) Or is PH adjusting not necessary in this case?

Before Tea:
Bad Roots.png Bad Roots 2.png

A Few Days After Tea.
Good roots.png
Good roots 2.png Good roots 3.png
what temperature is best for brewing tea? and what temp is to much, i feel like 80 degrees would make a better faster tea!
my last batch i set the tea on a warm ballast because its cold in my house and i finally got foam for the first time,
but the tea smelled sour"not from the heat" I have tried 3 times now and it either smells bad right away or it does a few days later in my cloner or fridge, i haven't tried bottled water yet i used boiled last time , but im thinking now the culprit is my air pump, i was thinking i could clean it by spraying lysol while its running? and i need to replace the little filter on it , was thinking clean cloth or bandage material will work , everything else i clean with physan 20 rinse and dry completely , im brewing in a crystal geyser water bottle with the top cut half way makes it convenient, i seen it done on skunklabs website were they have a tutorial on brewing there tea, there tea looks like they just put some ancient forest in pantyhose and it comes with a small amount of myco probably from pf looks just like it
also i wanted to post that someone from h&g said the newer gold bottles contain mycorihza he didn't say beneficial bacteria but maybe thats what he meant , i also am waiting to hear from gh about there flourilicous and vegan compost tea ive read online it has bacillus but the bottle doesn't mention it
ive had a resistant pythium problem for 5 years my roots start white then eventually turn thin and brown although plants look fine
and if i try to reuse coco the roots desolve fast but then nothing will root or grow in it!
yeild suffers growth is a bit slow,
i have a dwc going with res clear the roots started to brown and i tryed a pond prouduct with bacillus licheniformis sb3086 and it looks to be working and made the roots white and bucket clean its lowering my ph to 5.0 gh up didnt work will get silica soon
So Mycogrow soluble and ancient Forrest is all I need to make the tea? From what I understand about your post on how to make it. Or do I need unsulfered mollases also, is the mollases mandatory? I have hydroguard already. Started hydroguard on my plants yesterday. I don't feel the hydroguard alone will take care of my root rot. I'm feeling safer if I brew this tea.
So Mycogrow soluble and ancient Forrest is all I need to make the tea? From what I understand about your post on how to make it. Or do I need unsulfered mollases also, is the mollases mandatory? I have hydroguard already. Started hydroguard on my plants yesterday. I don't feel the hydroguard alone will take care of my root rot. I'm feeling safer if I brew this tea.
You do need the molasses as a food source for the microbes to feed and multiply

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Hey guys, quick question here regarding root rot recovery. .. popped open two young ladies that were doing beautifully for the first few weeks in DWC . Ended up getting the worst root root I've ever seen. .. near terminal really. .. I gave them a few weeks while I tried everything to get them back and I finally got rid of the rot .. The roots have been exploding for the past week but nothing is going on up top ...Any idea wtf is going on? They got their color back and each fan has gotten considerably larger but no apical growth Whatsoever... I'm just wondering how long it's going to be untill I can get the show on the road here and flip em. .. It's already to the point that I wish I had just gone with a clean slate . . Thanks for the time and responses in advance . .
Anybody know Anything about the “Three A Light” Book and if it’s Ever been or going to be Uploaded/PDF’d at all..? I’ve been searching everywhere and somebody has to have put up something or a Torrent of the “secret” pictures or something.. ?.? Hmmm blah
Hey guys, quick question here regarding root rot recovery. .. popped open two young ladies that were doing beautifully for the first few weeks in DWC . Ended up getting the worst root root I've ever seen. .. near terminal really. .. I gave them a few weeks while I tried everything to get them back and I finally got rid of the rot .. The roots have been exploding for the past week but nothing is going on up top ...Any idea wtf is going on? They got their color back and each fan has gotten considerably larger but no apical growth Whatsoever... I'm just wondering how long it's going to be untill I can get the show on the road here and flip em. .. It's already to the point that I wish I had just gone with a clean slate . . Thanks for the time and responses in advance . .
I think it will take some time for everything on top to get back to her old self