Thanks so much for the info, I really want to try this but cannot find all the ingredients locally so I will have to wait and order online. But while searching I found a product that seems to have all the bennies you named but not as many as Ancient Forest might have. It's called "MycoMadness" it's only $14.95/2oz at my local hydro-store. Here's a list of it's microbes,
Glomus aggregatum 8 spores per cc
Glomus intraradices 8 spores per cc
Glomus mosseae 8 spores per cc
Glomus entunicatum 8 spores per cc
Glomus monosporum 2 spores per cc
Glomus deserticola 2 spores per cc
Glomus clarum 2 spores per cc
Trichoderma koningii 187,000 spores per cc
Trichoderma harzianum 187,000 spores per cc
Bacillus subtillus 50,000 cfu/cc
Bacillus licheniformis 50,000 cfu/cc
Bacillus azotoformans 50,000 cfu/cc
Bacillus megaterium 50,000 cfu/cc
Bacillus coagulans 50,000 cfu/cc
Bacillus pumilis 50,000 cfu/cc
Bacillus polymyxa 50,000 cfu/cc
Sachromyces cervisiae 50,000 cfu/cc
Streptomyces griseus 50,000 cfu/cc
Streptomyces lydicus 50,000 cfu/cc
Pseudomonas aurofaceans 50,000 cfu/cc
Pseduomonas fluorescence 50,000 cfu/cc
What do you think will this work for my slime? The direction say to mix 1/2 teaspoon per gallon but if used like a tea recipe then they should multiply right? Well I think I will try this and I'll let you all know the results. I have a bad case of slime with hardly any roots hanging out of the basket at this point so any improvement will be noticed right away.