DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

I am confused. You say nutes are not available, yet chem nutes are abundant? What is preventing you from placing an order online? I can recommend cheap nutes and pump/equipment if you have online access.

chem nutes as in ammonium sulfate, ssp(super phosphorous) , mop (potash) top dressing salts and nuggets powders , its an agricultural country. I have checked them online but no one ships here to get them here i need to pad dhl or equivalent co to get me a po box in us or can then i need to pay another co to ship it over seas which is extremely pricy. so for about 1/2 a kg of product its like $150 which is like 13,000 shillings + the product . worst comes to worst al do it but if i can just do it at home that would really help me out, But i was just asking if any one on here had ideas for home made Hydro nutes
I am sure someone does, we will try to get you an answer. Considering hydro nutes don't last all that long, you don't want to be paying that much money every time you need to resupply. Mixing your own chem nutes is beyond my knowledge, and I personally would have to suggest organic soil growing for your situation.
Heisenburg/Mr Bond, please help!!!! (again)

OK so its been awhile since iv been here, had brown algae infect 2 separate undercurrent veg systems about 2 1/2 months ago. Started treating with the tea and had great results, plants rebounded and are healthy as can be in flower. When i filled up the flower systems, i scrubbed the ish out of the veg systems, sterilized the 2 veg systems (i must admit one was cleaned better than the other) and new cuttings were put in. It has been bout 5 weeks now for the new cuts, and i have been treating with maintenance levels (roughly 1 cup per gallon) of the tea since day 1 about 2x a week. 2 weeks ago i had to leave town for a week and no tea was given to them for 7 full days. It seems as if the brown sludge was starting to make a comeback so i have been giving them tons of tea (3x in the last 7 days) and at a higher dosage, like 3-4 gallons of teac for 100 gallons of water. i went in to the room yesterday and 2 plants looked like they were dying, very droopy like they haven't been drinking any water. I freaked out, drained the system to wash out most of the bad stuff, then put new nutes (a&b base, magical, 80ml of root excel, and about 4 gallons of tea. when i went back their today, the sludge is WAY worse since yesterday, and the 2 really sick plants i dont think are gonna make it.... Soooo what to do???

My thoughts are i never really use root excel, so by using it did it make my problem worse? also, i didnt realize until after i was done that by draining the system and starting over with new fresh nutes and tea i am essentially wiping out any establishment of good bennies that have colonized??

part of me wants to give it a few days to see if there is any kind of response from the tea, and the other want to go the physan20 route or a few days to try and kill it, drain and then re-fill with fresh nutes, new batch of tea and i hate to say it but no root excell.

please chime in with your expertise, you both have helped me so much in the past and now i feel like giving up....this algae seems to never go away!!!!!!!

lastly, what would recommend to sterilize the system to prepare the best for next round?

many thanks~!!!!!

Don't know what went wrong, but I think you should reset with some physans and start over. Leaving for so long could have caused problems if the slime was still lingering around ,especially if your room got hot. Definitely leave out the roots excelurator for now, and never add it directly to the res, add it to the tea during brewing at about 1ml per 2-5 gallons. I have had RE cause problems even in a bucket treated with tea, but never cause problems when simply used in the tea. Reexamine your methods of res maintenance and making the tea and ensure something didn't go wrong you overlooked. You will win the slime battle, considering that if you didn't, you would have the first case we know of to resist the tea.

After initial inoculation, try adding less tea at a time, but adding it more often.
Heisenburg/Mr Bond, please help!!!! (again)

OK so its been awhile since iv been here, had brown algae infect 2 separate undercurrent veg systems about 2 1/2 months ago. Started treating with the tea and had great results, plants rebounded and are healthy as can be in flower. When i filled up the flower systems, i scrubbed the ish out of the veg systems, sterilized the 2 veg systems (i must admit one was cleaned better than the other) and new cuttings were put in. It has been bout 5 weeks now for the new cuts, and i have been treating with maintenance levels (roughly 1 cup per gallon) of the tea since day 1 about 2x a week. 2 weeks ago i had to leave town for a week and no tea was given to them for 7 full days. It seems as if the brown sludge was starting to make a comeback so i have been giving them tons of tea (3x in the last 7 days) and at a higher dosage, like 3-4 gallons of teac for 100 gallons of water. i went in to the room yesterday and 2 plants looked like they were dying, very droopy like they haven't been drinking any water. I freaked out, drained the system to wash out most of the bad stuff, then put new nutes (a&b base, magical, 80ml of root excel, and about 4 gallons of tea. when i went back their today, the sludge is WAY worse since yesterday, and the 2 really sick plants i dont think are gonna make it.... Soooo what to do???

My thoughts are i never really use root excel, so by using it did it make my problem worse? also, i didnt realize until after i was done that by draining the system and starting over with new fresh nutes and tea i am essentially wiping out any establishment of good bennies that have colonized??

part of me wants to give it a few days to see if there is any kind of response from the tea, and the other want to go the physan20 route or a few days to try and kill it, drain and then re-fill with fresh nutes, new batch of tea and i hate to say it but no root excell.

please chime in with your expertise, you both have helped me so much in the past and now i feel like giving up....this algae seems to never go away!!!!!!!

lastly, what would recommend to sterilize the system to prepare the best for next round?

many thanks~!!!!!

Hi Diablo,

It sounds like everything was working out well for you with the tea until very recently. When you were adding normal maintenance amounts of tea to your system, the bennies were perpetually being refreshed and kept the biological diversity high enough to dominate any types of slime that would try to creep in. Unfortunately you went away for that full week... in that time, I imagine that temperature or just the lack of fresh bennies helped foster in the first stages of a slime infection. Perhaps the bennies began to die since they didn't have an adequate food supply (due to lack of fresh bennies) and were quickly turned into food for the bad bennies/slime that had crept in due to another circumstance (like temperature, amount of dissolved oxygen, etc). What is the temperature of your rez? Since your cuttings are still pretty young and in veg, they are a lot more susceptible to infection since they are still establishing their root base.

As for yesterday, the two droopy plants, how do their roots look? If they are all slimed up, that would be the reason for their droopiness... You are correct in your observation that draining the system and starting over with fresh nutes does wipe out any establishment of good bennies, BUT... if you have a slime infestation, then there probably aren't very many good bennies left... they turned into lunch. lol

You said you drained and refilled the system, but it doesn't sound like you did a full cleaning on it (scrub with hot water & H202/isopropyl/bleach, rinse). Heisenberg has stated that a strong tea inoculation, with maintenance tea added every 3 days or so, should be enough to reverse and fight the slime, however he also states that it is important to practice proper rez conditions. While I have seen that do the job (just adding the tea without a rez cleaning), I have also seen more severe slime infestations that required a full cleaning/sterilization in order to halt the slime growth -- simply adding the tea may not be enough if the slime has exploded. My understanding and experience with this tea is that it works with maximum effectiveness for recovery if proper rez conditions are practiced, specifically including the sterilization of your system prior to inoculation. If there is active slime in the system when it is refilled, that mass of bad bacteria can quickly consume the fresh bennies from the tea, and subsequently cause the slime to get even worse in a rather short period of time. If the system is sanitized, but the roots have been slimed over, recovery can be quite quick, as the mass of bennies in the tea can quickly consume the bad bacteria on the roots. If the system is full of slime though, it can easily overwhelm any amount of bennies you add in, especially in a RDWC environment.

About the Roots Excel. According to House & Garden, Roots Excel has some 'very important' bacteria that thrives in an anaerobic environment. This isn't necessarily the problem, but it may not exactly help things. Heisenberg has stated that Roots Excel is a great product, but used in combination with the tea greatly reduces its effectiveness and value (since its expensive). As great as Roots Excel is, it probably only offers a handful of bennies vs. the diverse tens of thousands you'll get from a proper tea brew. I would imagine that the mass diversity of a proper tea would quickly consume a lot of the bacteria to be found in Roots Excel, just as it consumes the bad bacteria in a slime infestation. If anything, add some to your tea brew but don't add any into the rez. Or, don't use it at all as a test.

About your dosage. Heisenberg's formula puts maintenance tea at about 1 cup per 5-10 gallons. For slime fighting and initial inoculation though, its really more like 1 cup per 1 gallon. Quick calculations tell me that should put you around 6 gallons of tea for an initial inoculation, and I would say an additional gallon for upkeep would be sufficient?

As for sterilization, a good cleaning with hot water and H202 goes a long way. Some people find comfort and ease in using something like Physan20, but it has also been mentioned in this thread by other users that sometimes not even Physan20 or DM Zone can combat the slime, depending on the severity of the infection. I have never used Physan20 so I may not be able to provide much advice here. But I think it's unnecessary for you to use it if you just give the system a good once-over cleaning and a proper tea brew. Also as part of your inoculation, be sure to pour some tea over the root crown of each plant to maximize the effectiveness of the tea. On your last item about hydro-fungicide... again, shouldn't be necessary with a proper tea brew. If I recall correctly, this slime generally isn't a fungi anyway, it's more of a bacterial bio-film. Plus if you use ZHO, Sub-M, or related products in your tea, they provide sufficient beneficial fungi into the mix. Perhaps the Physan20 & hydro-fungicide would be easier for you to administer in your RDWC environment, rather than scrubbing the whole thing, but it would be crucial to rinse it completely clean. Any Physan20 left in the system when fired up would decimate any bennies you add, and potentially throw you back into infection territory.

Well hopefully I didn't talk too much. As an international super spy, I was always taught to keep my mouth shut. MI6 is probably reading this and thinking I'm giving away government secrets. LOL

Cheers mate, hope this helps... let us know. Post some root pictures if you feel so inclined.

Bond... Mr. Bond.

EDIT: See, I talked so much that Heisenberg beat me to the punch. Haha...
chem nutes as in ammonium sulfate, ssp(super phosphorous) , mop (potash) top dressing salts and nuggets powders , its an agricultural country. I have checked them online but no one ships here to get them here i need to pad dhl or equivalent co to get me a po box in us or can then i need to pay another co to ship it over seas which is extremely pricy. so for about 1/2 a kg of product its like $150 which is like 13,000 shillings + the product . worst comes to worst al do it but if i can just do it at home that would really help me out, But i was just asking if any one on here had ideas for home made Hydro nutes

Hi Mugan,

I was just going to recommend the same thing as Heisenberg. It really sounds like growing in soil might be the happy medium for you, as it should be significantly cheaper than trying to import hydro nutes. I haven't seen anyone around that has talked about creating their own hydro nutes, but I would imagine that it isn't very easy, especially given the amount of macro, micro, and trace elements to be found in proper hydro nutes, and the balance issues therein to prevent nutrient lockout and other issues. Organic is even better if you can do it.


Mr. Bond
An interesting update of my own. We were experiencing very high temperatures here in California a week or two ago. I have some plants in veg and they were just days into having their roots hit water when the high temps started. I had inoculated the seedlings and clones with the tea pretty much as soon as they went into the system. All was well until the temps got SUPER high.... at times my thermometer would register air temps as high as 100F in my grow room, and rez temps as high as 93F!!!!!! OMG! Even through all that, I only got the slightest bit of slime infection in my buckets... very minimal, it was a 1 on a 1-10 scale. Didn't even stunt the roots or effect the plants growth. One clone had its growth stunted, but I relate that more to the fact that it had no roots popped, in combination with the high heat, plus some of its youngest leaf tips were a little burned by a CFL when it was a new clone. In previous grows, I saw significantly more slime develop when the rez temp hit over 75F, air temps over 80F. Amazing thermal protection from such an inexpensive tea! Heisenberg needs a cover story in High Times... anyone with me on this?

Mr. Bond
Here Goes.................

Let the fun begin, cleaned out 3 DWC pots today, scrubbed, rinsed, soaked with strong H2O2 solution then rinsed again. Soaked bubble stones in even stronger H2O2 solution. Sprayed roots with clean water to remove slime and dead roots. 2 of the 3 had barely any roots coming out of the screen pots. Filled rez's with clean chlorine free water added 2 cups of tea to each and adjusted PH. Dunked the pots into solution then hung them correctly in their DWC pots. The girls are resting under their lights now and I gave them a foliar feeding to keep up their strength. Let's see what happens over the coming days.
I love the smell this stuff gives my roots! The brown tint is from the tea and not any slime. It did clog my sprayers though. Im really thinking about taking the sprayers out though. :? Doc is there a reason why the roots love to cling to the tea particles?
Ok, now with images. Lower leaves rolling down and in, like an upside down canoe. This then moves up the plant and leaves wither and die.

Here are the mothers where it's most pronounced.

Now I see it starting on the clones in 3 weeks veg. Check it out. It looks like the start of the same crap.


I am using Canna Aqua with Roots Excel and Aquashield. Climate is perfect, but I can't get water lower than 73* F.

EC is 0.5-.6 and pH is rock solid all week until change at 5.8-6.0. Roots don't smell bad.

I don't know if I have a root problem or this is fusarium wilt or not. I cannot get Ancient Forest, but now I can make a tea from Aquashield, ZHO, Subculture M, Subculture B.

1. Should I make a tea with all of those 4 things?
2. Before I add the tea should I do some kind of H202 root dunk? What concentration of 29%?
3. Do you pH the tea or the rez after adding the tea?

Thanks heisenberg/bond! I hope this cures it, as I know my clones will end up like the mothers if I don't stop this now...
Update.........Going on day 2 with clean water, no nutes and Tea. No new slime growth on roots! ( that in itself is a blessing) Leaves are almost completely recovered from wilt. Ph is stabilizing minor variation but not the huge swings I was getting before. Will take some pics later and post. Thanks again for all the time and knowledge you guys give us for free!
Ok, now with images. Lower leaves rolling down and in, like an upside down canoe. This then moves up the plant and leaves wither and die.

Here are the mothers where it's most pronounced.
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Now I see it starting on the clones in 3 weeks veg. Check it out. It looks like the start of the same crap.

View attachment 1691920View attachment 1691917View attachment 1691921

I am using Canna Aqua with Roots Excel and Aquashield. Climate is perfect, but I can't get water lower than 73* F.

EC is 0.5-.6 and pH is rock solid all week until change at 5.8-6.0. Roots don't smell bad.

I don't know if I have a root problem or this is fusarium wilt or not. I cannot get Ancient Forest, but now I can make a tea from Aquashield, ZHO, Subculture M, Subculture B.

1. Should I make a tea with all of those 4 things?
2. Before I add the tea should I do some kind of H202 root dunk? What concentration of 29%?
3. Do you pH the tea or the rez after adding the tea?

Thanks heisenberg/bond! I hope this cures it, as I know my clones will end up like the mothers if I don't stop this now...

You can use all four, just don't go overboard. H202 treatment is optional but seems to speed up recovery in certain situations, but your roots look fine. Do not PH the tea, but do PH your res after adding the tea. Spray your leaves tops and bottoms with a 50/50 dilution, do not ph the spray and repeat after a few days.
I know the roots in my pics are a bit concerning so here are some pics of the same roots that were rinsed with a bit of fresh water. ;-) Please note that I didnt rinse the top near the net pots. I did not want to stress the plants nor the bennies in that area. Not sure if it would have or not though. :dunce: Do they look fine to you Heisenberg?
I know the roots in my pics are a bit concerning so here are some pics of the same roots that were rinsed with a bit of fresh water. ;-) Please note that I didnt rinse the top near the net pots. I did not want to stress the plants nor the bennies in that area. Not sure if it would have or not though. :dunce: Do they look fine to you Heisenberg?

hey drekoushranada,

Looks like your plants are on their way to a successful recovery. The dark brown mass of course is the dead slime, having been tinted by the tea... nothing to be concerned about, it will pretty much stay that way for the duration of the grow. I see new, long white roots with great lateral branching. Nice job!


Mr. Bond
You can use all four, just don't go overboard. H202 treatment is optional but seems to speed up recovery in certain situations, but your roots look fine. Do not PH the tea, but do PH your res after adding the tea. Spray your leaves tops and bottoms with a 50/50 dilution, do not ph the spray and repeat after a few days.

Ok, here is what I made:

2 gallon tap water mixed to dechlorinate for 24 hours
20ml Aquashield
2ml Roots Excel
3/4 tsp Sub M
1/4 tsp Sub B
1/8 tsp ZHO
1 tbsp grandma's molasses
Bubbled for 44 hours

Added 6 cups to 13 gallon rez and foliar fed a 50/50 water/tea solution. Let's see if this improves my margin curling leafs...
HELP! I am so impatient and that is causing me no end to my slime torment!
I cleaned and treated with the tea and things were looking good, PH was begining to stabilize and the roots were clean but leaves were drooping and bottom leaves yellowing so I added a weak solution of nutes and BAM!! Slime is back with a vengence. I know it is my fault for not waiting longer.
So I will start again today, my questions are, If I want to use an H2O2 soak with a 29% strength product how much to add per gallon and how long do I let it soak? After the soak I will return the plants to a clean solution full of tea, how long should I wait before adding nutes back into the system? I know I will need to give them time to regrow some roots but a general idea would be helpful.
Thanks for the help......
HELP! I am so impatient and that is causing me no end to my slime torment!
I cleaned and treated with the tea and things were looking good, PH was begining to stabilize and the roots were clean but leaves were drooping and bottom leaves yellowing so I added a weak solution of nutes and BAM!! Slime is back with a vengence. I know it is my fault for not waiting longer.
So I will start again today, my questions are, If I want to use an H2O2 soak with a 29% strength product how much to add per gallon and how long do I let it soak? After the soak I will return the plants to a clean solution full of tea, how long should I wait before adding nutes back into the system? I know I will need to give them time to regrow some roots but a general idea would be helpful.
Thanks for the help......

What nutrients are you using? Did you use any SuperThrive again? What are your temperatures like (air/water)? The reason I ask, elevated temperatures can foster in slime production, bringing yellowing leaves due to the slime choking roots. Elevated temps also reduce dissolved oxygen in liquid, potentially causing drooping leaves. Also you mentioned you were impatient, did you let the tea brew for a full 48 hours?

If I have a slime outbreak, I brew up the tea for 48 hours, clean my setup with hot water and maybe a tiny bit of H2O2, and mix up a fresh batch of nutrients and tea that the plants go immediately into. I really don't bother with soaking the plants in H2O2 or running straight water + tea, I put nutes in immediately (unless it is a very young plant that doesn't really have roots yet). You shouldn't need to give them time to 'regrow roots' as you put it -- the tea should provide beneficial defense and assist in root growth. It won't hurt it if you do these things, but I've done it, and it was a bit redundant in my opinion.

Lastly, if the tea isn't giving you enough protection, it likely doesn't have enough diversity in organisms to fight back the type of slime you have. I went back and looked at the ingredients you use for your tea. It may have some of the basics like trichoderma and myccorrizae, but you'd really be doing yourself a favor if you could get your hands on some General Organics' Ancient Forest EWC... just my two cents. Perhaps Heisenberg has an idea or two.


Mr. Bond
HELP! I am so impatient and that is causing me no end to my slime torment!
I cleaned and treated with the tea and things were looking good, PH was begining to stabilize and the roots were clean but leaves were drooping and bottom leaves yellowing so I added a weak solution of nutes and BAM!! Slime is back with a vengence. I know it is my fault for not waiting longer.
So I will start again today, my questions are, If I want to use an H2O2 soak with a 29% strength product how much to add per gallon and how long do I let it soak? After the soak I will return the plants to a clean solution full of tea, how long should I wait before adding nutes back into the system? I know I will need to give them time to regrow some roots but a general idea would be helpful.
Thanks for the help......

I suspect the problem is in the nutes you are using, or an additive. H202 only needs to be used if there are mushy brown roots that need to be chemically eaten away. In which case food grade h202 should be diluted to 1 parts per 11 parts water to make it 3%, and then added at about 2 1/2ml per gallon to the res. In the meantime give the plants a light foliar feeding to help them along. You are either making the tea incorrectly or else adding some sort of organic material to the res.
How can be insured that all the molasses added to the tea is consumed before adding the tea to my reservoir? Would the specific gravity indicate this? I have a refractometer.
How can be insured that all the molasses added to the tea is consumed before adding the tea to my reservoir? Would the specific gravity indicate this? I have a refractometer.

If you add no more than 1 spoonful per gallon and wait the full 48 hours you will be fine. I suspect the relative density would be effected by acidity and other factors as well.
Nutrients= FloraNova by GH

No Superthrive this time as I have done more research and some say it causes slime bloom.

Air flow is good in the rez's except when the slime covers the stones so I soak them every other day in H2O2 to clean them off, rinse with clean water then replace.

Temps could be an issue I don't know for sure need to get a thermometer for that.

Hmm..I thought it was ok to use after 24 hours...so no I did not brew for 48 hours. Also what other things can be used for the carb load in the tea as I do not have Molasses right now. This might be part of my problem I used a syrup that has molasses in it but it also has preservatives. So perhaps it does not work well in tea.:?:
Well I will brew another batch for later this week. These plants are leftovers from my first grow, I had no room in the flowering room for them so I kept them in veg. ( Yes I know I should have taken them out of the 4 inch pots but I waited to long and they were stuck so I just put the whole thing into a larger pot) I decided to soak them in a H2O2 solution and since they had no roots left coming out of the net pot I went ahead and repotted them.


As you can see they are root bound inside the pots and I had to remove the bottom 2 inches of dead and dying roots I think now with more room and living roots exposed they will do much better with the tea and more TLC. The other pics just show the soak and all the dead material floating.