DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

I wanted to give some feedback on the Tea and I had a question. (pics below)

My Ph goes up about 0.1 a day. (Day One 5.4 , Day Two 5.5 , Day Three 5.6 , Day Four 5.7 , Day Five 5.8)... Today is day five and it's actually 5.9Ph (PPM has stayed stable.)

Should I add a PH Down (Phosphoric Acid) to bring Res back down to 5.5-5.6? Or will this kill of good bennies? (Or should I wait until the day I'm adding a new dosage of bennies tea, and adjust PH 6-to-12-hours prior?) Or is PH adjusting not necessary in this case?

Before Tea:
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A Few Days After Tea.
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I have a question for you how often do you add Brew tea to your Reservoir. After adding tea do I need to drain my reservoir and refresh it?
@Mr.jojodancer305 Yes you can add it after your nutes.

You want to add your nutes, adjust your ph, then add your Tea last.

If you need to adjust PH in between res. changes I would make sure to heavily dilute the PH Up/Down before adding it to your res.

You do not want to completely refresh your res. You want to leave X amount of water in there so the beneficial microbes can do what they do and build! How much is X, I don't know the exact answer to that. At a minimum above your Pump, but I leave half the old water.
Thank you so much for the response. It's been a few years since I have played with the ladies. So just to recap. I'm using cyclone food. Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff. I ran into a issue with 3 ladies that took a turn for the worse. Im brewing micro man's tea to add to the rez as we speak. I also bought hydroguard. Now, in stead of dumping the entire rez I can dump half of it, Brew more micro tea or just add hydroguard for the root along with the plant foodIMG_20180330_191306.jpg
Running GH nutes three part with ro and calimagic n hydroguard now. Rot is gone now caused by moving my plants in the hottest room in the house like a newbie idiot. Lol but it's fixed now and new growth but curious it this tea would even work in my setup for prevention and help at all or just stick with the hydroguard? Summer temps will warm up my basement some but it's still winter here. Thinking about adding some rapid start tomorrow morning in all my single five gal bucket rezes to see if my roots blow up any better.
II'm in GH 3 part with Cali magic too. ..Also using diamond nectar, armor si, floralicious bloom/grow, liquid and powdered kool bloom. .. I used to use hydroguard and it worked great . . This last bout with root rot occurred even with HGuard which threw me for a loop. .. I ended up getting rid of the rot with half H2O2 half H2O @ 3% concentration for 45 mins before tossing back into low nute concentration with 125ml H2O2 per gallon... Anyways long and grainy aside I've got to say I'm digging this whole sterile method. .. Pool shock is awesome and a single bag lasts forever and a day... This is my new method for a while sterility is my friend.... I know alot of you guys won't dig it but it's just my two cents ... Side note. .. Also thinking about going back to ebb and flowflow. ...
I had a question, I read this earlier (Not sure if it was in this thread or somewhere else, I scrolled back five pages but didn't see it.)
You do not want to add synthetic nutes to bennies tea as it kills it.

I battled some rot earlier but have since got it under control. Now that things have been fine, I want to consider added some of my other nutes but I am timid about it.
Could I add these three to my tea? (Or at the very least, can I replace my spoon of black strap molasses with the recommended dosage of Flora Nectar as it also contains molasses?)

1) Flora Nectar Organic Sweetner - SugarCane, Molasses.

2) FloraBlend Vegan Compost Tea - SeaWeed, Rock Powder, Humid Acid. "A feast of high active microorganisms".

3) Diamond Nectar - Premium Grade Humid Acid.
I had a question, I read this earlier (Not sure if it was in this thread or somewhere else, I scrolled back five pages but didn't see it.)
You do not want to add synthetic nutes to bennies tea as it kills it.

I battled some rot earlier but have since got it under control. Now that things have been fine, I want to consider added some of my other nutes but I am timid about it.
Could I add these three to my tea? (Or at the very least, can I replace my spoon of black strap molasses with the recommended dosage of Flora Nectar as it also contains molasses?)

1) Flora Nectar Organic Sweetner - SugarCane, Molasses.

2) FloraBlend Vegan Compost Tea - SeaWeed, Rock Powder, Humid Acid. "A feast of high active microorganisms".

3) Diamond Nectar - Premium Grade Humid Acid.
Don't use anything organic in hydro unless you use as a foliar spray. 1 and 2 don't use in hydro but OK in soil. The 3rd one I'm not sure about the diamond nectar, do research. If it's not organic I'd say go for it. Organics and hydro dont mix
I had a question, I read this earlier (Not sure if it was in this thread or somewhere else, I scrolled back five pages but didn't see it.)
You do not want to add synthetic nutes to bennies tea as it kills it.

I battled some rot earlier but have since got it under control. Now that things have been fine, I want to consider added some of my other nutes but I am timid about it.
Could I add these three to my tea? (Or at the very least, can I replace my spoon of black strap molasses with the recommended dosage of Flora Nectar as it also contains molasses?)

1) Flora Nectar Organic Sweetner - SugarCane, Molasses.

2) FloraBlend Vegan Compost Tea - SeaWeed, Rock Powder, Humid Acid. "A feast of high active microorganisms".

3) Diamond Nectar - Premium Grade Humid Acid.
Don't use anything organic in hydro unless you use as a foliar spray. 1 and 2 don't use in hydro but OK in soil. The 3rd one I'm not sure about the diamond nectar, do research. If it's not organic I'd say go for it. Organics and hydro dont mix
I use Diamond nectar all the time in dwc.
I had a question, I read this earlier (Not sure if it was in this thread or somewhere else, I scrolled back five pages but didn't see it.)
You do not want to add synthetic nutes to bennies tea as it kills it.

I battled some rot earlier but have since got it under control. Now that things have been fine, I want to consider added some of my other nutes but I am timid about it.
Could I add these three to my tea? (Or at the very least, can I replace my spoon of black strap molasses with the recommended dosage of Flora Nectar as it also contains molasses?)

1) Flora Nectar Organic Sweetner - SugarCane, Molasses.

2) FloraBlend Vegan Compost Tea - SeaWeed, Rock Powder, Humid Acid. "A feast of high active microorganisms".

3) Diamond Nectar - Premium Grade Humid Acid.

You don't have to worry about synthetics killing microbes. That is a Myth and they work fine in salts.
Don't use anything organic in hydro unless you use as a foliar spray. 1 and 2 don't use in hydro but OK in soil. The 3rd one I'm not sure about the diamond nectar, do research. If it's not organic I'd say go for it. Organics and hydro dont mix

You can do organics in hydro, its a more advanced form but you must get a handle on hydro itself before you go that route.
I had a question, I read this earlier (Not sure if it was in this thread or somewhere else, I scrolled back five pages but didn't see it.)
You do not want to add synthetic nutes to bennies tea as it kills it.

I battled some rot earlier but have since got it under control. Now that things have been fine, I want to consider added some of my other nutes but I am timid about it.
Could I add these three to my tea? (Or at the very least, can I replace my spoon of black strap molasses with the recommended dosage of Flora Nectar as it also contains molasses?)

1) Flora Nectar Organic Sweetner - SugarCane, Molasses.

2) FloraBlend Vegan Compost Tea - SeaWeed, Rock Powder, Humid Acid. "A feast of high active microorganisms".

3) Diamond Nectar - Premium Grade Humid Acid.

If you are still running the EWC in your mix if I remember and things have balanced out and you got good water health you can add other additives (you should have a nice coating of slime everywhere there is water in your system). I suggest doing things slow and learn how things change and then go all out on the next cycle.
@Mr.jojodancer305 Make sure you cover the tops of those yellow lids with something, they are not 100% light-tight.

@nicksol86 I see what you're saying, about organics. The three bottles all say they're okay for both hydro and organics right on the label. (I just wanted to make sure in terms of using with the Bennies Tea.)
^Tea gets strained (not that fine though) before going into res, that way I hope to get the benefits of the organics nutes without clogging up my system/stones.

(you should have a nice coating of slime everywhere there is water in your system).

I don't think I have any slime. I am using EWC.

I'll probably add a little bit, one at a time (so just a bit of flora nectar in the tea this time) and see how they react. It's sugar cane and molasses so it *should* help breed them microbes.

& Thanks for clearing up that myth! bongsmilie