dont buy into the "relationship" propaganda thats out there like on lifetime and hallmark channel and other "shit"...
its all a load of dook... and for that matter EVERY single one of your ancestors WON...
not one of them failed to procreate... and here you are the INCREDIBLE and astounding FACT that over millions and millions of years... here you are today one of the few biological organisms that get to experience this thing called "life"...
so you can either choose to dwell on the millions of years of "evolutionary traits of what is now flowing through your chemical body" i.e. (the need to procreate...
or you can go out and "get it done" if you know what i mean...
and heck even if you do "die alone"... you will have at least done what all of your ancestors have done and continued our existence here on this planet for at least one more generation... that in itself should be plenty satisfying... and who knows you may not ever have to die alone in that case either...