EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
Update time: Flush day, everything's still looking pretty green which is great, temps have been a bit low, down in the low 20's but that's manageable with the 600w in such a small space.
Bloom A and B - 70mL to 35L
Dr Repair- 35mL
Silica- 35mL
B1 Boost- 35mL
Potash- 35mL
Sugar Rush- 35mL
Floralicious- 8mL

Apologies for the crap pic, didn't realise it was blurry till now!

You never seem to disappoint man! You are just a all around great grower but also a great friend in my opinion. Take it easy man.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the awesome compliment man :D the feeling is mutual too bud ;) hope your grow is going along well too! Looking forward to your next update :)


Well-Known Member
A couple of pics with the light on :) Day 10 of flowering.

Dunno bout anyone else but I can see what looks like bleaching from too much light....600w in such a small space nearly blinds me when i open the tent!

I'll take another pic in the morning after lights out. Grateful for advice :)


Active Member
Sorry, EC can't tell with the HPS light on. I usually see curled up leaf edges before bleaching when the intensity is too high. How is the new growth doing?


Well-Known Member
Yeah sorry man, was out checking on her last night and thought I'd take some pics. I'll take another couple this morning once the light goes off. Im wondering if its a nute issue im seeing then. I'll check the pH as well as that may be the issue...new growth is slightly yellow too dude...


Well-Known Member
Just had another look and the nute burn seems to be getting worse so that may be whats causing the stress. I'll add some pH'd water to it a bit later. pH was 6.6 too so will get it back down under 6 over the next day or so...i'll take another pic during lights off :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude :)

Couple more pics with the lights out. Apologies about the shit quality, still trying to work out this DSLR camera!

i'm thinking the nute burn is whats making it look yellow. They dont actually look as bad as I thought last night though. Going to add some pH's water to the res today to try and stop the burn, then after the flush only add about 1.5mL per litre instead of 2 for the bloom nutes and see how that goes.


Active Member
I agree on the yellowing and burnt tips - looks chemical. The curling on the leaves in the lower left of the pic looks like heat stress though!


Well-Known Member
Cheers man, sounds like i may be onto a plan! Im really hoping this weather cools back down a bit, been a tad warm at night the last few days so my temps were up to about 29 celcius so that may be the cause! Will just have to play it by ear for the next week or so hey..


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! Took ages to start flowering but has really packed on the weight in just a few weeks. Very happy with this one too :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet as dude, great to have you along for the ride and feel free to comment and ask as many questions as you like :D


Well-Known Member
Update time and things are looking fantastic. Not too happy with the stretch but they'll fill out I hope!!

Toned down the nutes a bit this week to try combat the slight nute burn.
Bloom A & B- 50mL to 30L
Silica- 25mL
B1 Boost- 25mL
Silica- 25mL
Sugar rush- 25mL
Dr Repair- 30mL
Floralicious- 6.25mL

Day 15 of Flower guys :D
