East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

Went out today at sunrise, got two of my raised beds up. Forgot my camera so I'll post some pics next time I run out there, potentially tomorrow or thursday. Now, I was planning to experiment without, but I found a nice deal on some peat moss at a local shop ($4.25 for 3.8 cubic ft.), and that my friend has a huge long-time running compost heap, so I'm gonna take some of those to my plots as well and mix it in, help 'em out a little.
Also, another of my clones in the bub-cloner is shootin' out some roots, so now two of those are about ready to be potted. And the last clone in jiffy cubes is pretty much ready for a bigger pot as well, don't think the one is surviving in time for me. So, I should have 4 plants out quite soon. I plan to have all 6 out by May 15th, so this should, hopefully, be an eventful two weeks. I'm beat right now, so I'll post some pics of the clones tomorrow.
Things are looking good so far good luck on yo grow ima be subscribing to this.
N by da way wat strains are you using??
Thank you.
Unsure. Bagseed, kind of. I buy headies that I know are the strain people are telling me. In about 5 years of buying like this, I've collected maybe 20 seeds. Germ'd and grew 12 thus far, 6 this year. I get a lot of Sour Diesel, and I believe I have one or more of those growin' in my cab. As for the others, I most commonly get White Widow, AK47, Big Bud, and Purple Kush. All I know for sure is that the plant I've cloned is a pretty even mix, maybe 40/60 I/S. Once I smoke it, I'll tell ya for sure, hah.
Takin' a break from visitin' my plot, think I might go jog around and do some fu in the general vicinity, see if the normal activity (which is pretty much no one, one guy I know who walks his dog.) has changed at all since I first observed.

Clone news : Bub-clones - I'd say that three should be ready quite soon, one (Pic1) I think I'ma put in soil today, another (Pic2) will prob be ready in the next two days, and the third (Pic3) should be ready in I dunno how many days, but soon. Anyone think I'm crazy?
Good news in the jiff pots, the one I was planning on reviving, revived! some(Pic4). So now maybe all 6 will be out sooner.

Cab, looking great as usual, smelling great as usual. (Pic5, 6)
Time to do some pottin'.


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So I look at the forecast today and we're supposed to be goin' down to 38F Sunday night. This kind of relieves me in making me think I'm not too late, but ticks me off 'cause I wanted to get it all rollin'.
BUT this gives me time to save a little money, buy some amendments for my gardens, and to get all my gardens up. Oh, and to let my babes get more rooted. Cool.ish.
Well, outside I dug some stuff up, put in some raised beds half-assedly, got one not half-assed beds' frame up. What else? Oh, I got two bails of 3.8cuft peat moss, and a bunch of compost (probably triple the amount of peat moss) from my buddys house. I'll be goin out tonight or the next to drop it off at the plot, then the following morning to set the rest of my beds and mix it all it! Gettin' there..
Some pictures of outside..
I'll picture up my indoor post shortly, that's changed a good bit since my last update.


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like how big of a issue is stealth????

i mean.. hey your on the east coast... so am i .... u ever worry bout the pigs findin the shit from the air...

im envious of those beds man.. lay me to sleeeeep hahaa
I mean, I literally crawl under a 15ft path of brier that is barely wide enough for me to crawl under, and it's pretty well hidden, so I know no ones gonna be gettin there by foot. As for the helicopters, there are only two times a year they fly around to look out here, usually early/mid May and early/mid Oct., so I know when to lay low, and I'm within 5 miles of a hospital, so they're not really allowed to fly around too much, for the hospital helis.
Lots happened in my closet since my last update... Four clones were taken out of the clone box, 2 (all) of the jiff clones, one which I just pulled out of my cab cause it wasn't doin' it. And one that's thrivin' (Pic1). And two of the bub clones (Pic 2,3), which are doin good, can even see more roots in the pot I put it in 2 or 3 days ago, would have gotten a pic but my camera ran out of bat. The first clone I took out is doin good now, got lots of roots I can see(Pic4) and the leaves are gettin better(Pic5). And the rest of the cab is doing quite well, as well(Pic6,7). I topped/ am gonna try to clone/sex the two that look similar, it's currently cloning now(Pic8). Oh yes, and the two still in my bub-cloner (Pic9,10), should come out quite soon.


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nice pics man... they are looking good... whats your target yield??

how many total girls yah got again?
Got four girls right now, two still bubblin'. And one of those two plants that I'm sexing right now I plan to have out in like a month tops, for some smaller plants. So... if I can get at least a half lb off each early plant, there's 3. And I'll put out as many other plants as I can, try to maybe get four or five pounds.
man thats like mirroring what i wanna do haha...

i wish i had some sexed girls already to know i wasnt wasting time.. thats the pisser.. mine are already in mother natures control.
do you think it would be worth takin clones from the ones i already have to try and sex the clones?? or just let nature take its course and try n kill the boys later
Never really sure of that. I was originally planning on just growing like 15 plants from seed, but I ended up starting too early and running out of room, so I sexed. You could always sex and put them outside.. just don't cut 'em up too bad. Keep the ones that end up female, rip out the males, and replace the males with the clones you took. That may work, maybe not.
yeah just alot more work lol... especially after humping soil.... etc... i hope i get some girlies... shew... and and hopefully no preggo ones either...
just kill the boys later.. i started 5 on my porch.. now they are all almost 3 feet and a bit over a month old.. ones budding and wll harvest in a month.. the other 3 are doin there thing but there all females..

i only had one male.. so its all bout luck.
could you take the cuttings... putt em in the bubble bath on 12 12 light and they would show in 2 weeks even while developing roots... or would they just not do shit..
could you take the cuttings... putt em in the bubble bath on 12 12 light and they would show in 2 weeks even while developing roots... or would they just not do shit..
Well, as my experience thus far goes, it seems the clones in the bubbler don't lose their structure so much as soil, so maybe it's possible. Probably just need a heat pad to maintain the warmth the roots need to develop. Also not entirely sure if the root production takes priority over their sex cycle to the point that it would stop.