hope you have better luck then i do choper over my shit gud luck bro
Bummer, good luck to you as well. I'll be checkin in.
So my ladies spent their first night outdoors. Went out today to water them and things are looking great! Here are some pictures to explain.
Forgot to keep track of which Cab Plant was which when I planted, so they'll get renamed.
Pic 1 - Plant#1 . Pic 2 - Plant#2 . Pic 3 - Plant#3 . Pic 4 - Plant#4
Pic 5,6 - Plant#4, Gallon Jug / Leaf shot
Pic 7,8 - Plant#3, Gallon Jug/ Leaf shot
Pic 9,10 - Plant#2, Gallon Jug/ Leaf shot
Pic 11,12 - Plant#1, Gallong Jug/ Leaf shot
Pic 13, 14 Randoms, Plant #3 and #4, and an unused (thus far) bed.
they all seem to be in good health, and they all are about the same size, so the race is on.