Well-Known Member
This will be my first attempt at a grow, have grown other veggies in the past with some pretty good success such as tomatos. I have around 20 plants that are in individual containers at this point. I have some land on the east coast in the Carolinas that I would like to transplant some of these to. My problem is that i dont know the sex at this point and if I put out. How far apart can they be placed so if one happens to be male it will not be able to pollinate and ladies? Also, the the blades with 5 leaves are just not starting to come out. I s there a way to determine sex before they start to flower. i have read something concerning pistils, but my issue is that I will be able to get to these once they are transplanted every couple of weeks to check on.
Thanks for any advice and i look forward to seeing some of those pix!! Have a great day!!
In determining sex, there is only flowers and pre-flowers...which are pretty much flowers. Here's a good little bit on preflowers and determining sex. You'll probably want to check for males around mid-August.