East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010


Well-Known Member
This will be my first attempt at a grow, have grown other veggies in the past with some pretty good success such as tomatos. I have around 20 plants that are in individual containers at this point. I have some land on the east coast in the Carolinas that I would like to transplant some of these to. My problem is that i dont know the sex at this point and if I put out. How far apart can they be placed so if one happens to be male it will not be able to pollinate and ladies? Also, the the blades with 5 leaves are just not starting to come out. I s there a way to determine sex before they start to flower. i have read something concerning pistils, but my issue is that I will be able to get to these once they are transplanted every couple of weeks to check on.

Thanks for any advice and i look forward to seeing some of those pix!! Have a great day!!
In determining sex, there is only flowers and pre-flowers...which are pretty much flowers. Here's a good little bit on preflowers and determining sex. You'll probably want to check for males around mid-August.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Just checked up on 'em. And man, outdoor growth is astonishing. It's only been two days and I feel like they've grown at least another two or three inches, they're now up to my knees and gettin' fuller finally! I'll post some pics later this upcoming week so ya'll can see some big growth.
Yep gotta love the great outdoors bro. Nothing beats sunshine.


Well-Known Member
thanks 1bmm, will be checkin' on yours as well.

So...bad, bad news. My certainty has bitten me really fuckin' hard on the ass. My Cab Plant #1 that I was so entirely sure was a female...is a male. He showed his multiple balls just this morning and I'm pissed..sad and pissed. Never again will I go so far with a plant before I find out it's sex. So now... I guess I'll be germing mad seeds. I'm gonna put out 30 I think, seems like I'll get a good ratio of females if I do that. 'Least I got 4 or so females out and about already.
GAHH! Here we go again....germing starts now.


Well-Known Member
Got 'em in their paper towel/zip lock/next to my computer vent now. Shuttin' down 'shop' for a few days unfortunately. Gonna run out now and get SOLO cups and starting soil. And tonight or tomorrow I will be out scoutin' and diggin mad holes. I scout pretty much whenever I run/jog or am driving around...so I have a few good spots I'm thinking of now. Dunno what I'm gonna do about soil for 30 plots, don't have any money really, guess I'll get as much peat moss as I can and probably do primarily compost and native soil. Alright...DIG DIG DIG...Dig Dug Dig? Dig Dug should be a mascot for guerillas.
God damn I can still smell that damn male. Bastard.


Well-Known Member
So I just went in to check on 'em and water them a little bit, and still....growing fuckin great. The plant that got broke seems to be under no more stress..and all of them are just growin'...
Also went to go clear out some of an EXCELLENT spot I found..but I got a call from my mechanic tellin' me my car was done.. so I was excited to get that. Not to mention I don't even have sprouts to put out there yet. On that note, checked my seeds this morning that I started germinating not even 24 hours before, and about 6 of them cracked, which is nice. I'll prob. have that show on the road in no time.
Unfortunately I couldn't get shots of every one of my plants, for my camera died again, but they're all growing about even. I really need to get some rechargeable batteries, shits gettin' expensive.
Here's the pics I did get.
Pic 1 - Cab Plant #3 .. Pic 2 - Plant #1 .. Pic 3 - Plant #2



Well-Known Member
Here's some more.

Pic 1 - Cab Plant #3 .. Pic 2,3 - Plant #1 .. Pic 4,5 - Plant #2 .. Pic 6,7 - Cab Plant #2 .. Pic 8,9 - Plant #3, the not-so broken one. .. Pic 10,11,12 - Plant #4 and the spit that decided to inhabit it.



Well-Known Member
Here's a little picture show of my progress with my second plot. It's going well. Currently, it's approx. 32' x 21' and I can expand A lot.



Well-Known Member
Within 20 or 30 yards, gotta haul it for now. The bank of the stream and where the spot is are on even ground, but the water is slightly under the bank of course, so I dunno if I can set up a system or not...maybe if I go upstream some and get a bunch of hosing. If at all, I'll probably do that after the season is through for I barely have any dough right now and it'd be so much easier with less vegetation.

Ol' Scrumpy

20 or 30 yards isnt bad at all.
You could always just dig a trench to bring the stream to you :) ......thats a lot of work though if you do it right. Personally I'd rather spend a day digging a trench than a season hauling water, bt thats just me.


Well-Known Member
It would be a LOT of work, there's so much brier and other vegetation all the way through to the stream it'd be super difficult, I'm thinking of just making a little gravity-pump system later in the year or really once I have enough money. And in the meantime, I love hauling water. Get about 3 gallons in my bag and two in each hand, good kung fu training especially if you're walking over rocks and shit.


Well-Known Member
Well, Cab Plant #2 was today determined male. Pulled.
The others are all lookin' good. 3 are 27 inches tall, the broken one is quite a bit shorter, and one is about 3ft, guess that morning sun bit is true. They're all fillin' out, and some are gettin a little bitten up, guess I'll have to find a spray.
Haven't done much more to the 2nd spot, pretty much waitin' to collect a little money for soil, and waitin' on my babes in the cab, then I'll do lots of diggin'.
I hate how all during my current process of growing I realize everything I can do for next year, well really I hate that next year is not this year. Hah. Oh, knowledge.
Well, here's some pictures.
Pic 1,2,3 - Cab Plant #3 .. Pic 4,5,6 - Plant #1 .. Pic 7,8 - Plant #2 .. Pic 9,10,11 - Cab Plant #2 NO MORE. .. Pic 12,13,14 - Plant #3 .. Pic 15,16 - Plant #4, the bigger of them all.

