East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

if you want some cheap boards that last a couple seasons you can buy 8'L x 3/4"W x 6"H at home depoT for $3 a piece.they are treated and work good. if they dont have them they will have something similiar for cheap. lumber is not to bad. check out my raised beds for an idea the thread is on this outdoor section. get some good screws and make some stakes for the outer edges and they work great. i love beds but on the flip side they are more noticeable so know your spots well. keep up the good work its never to late to put a few out. you can throw clones out in july and they will just flower right away but youll get bud. sorry if this has been diiscussed i didnt actually read everyones posts but most of yours. work hard it will pay,and youve got to pay for it to pay back. peace.

Oh, yeah that's not so bad, 6'L x 5/8W x 5 1/2H is $1.30, could make a full bed of mine for $2.60, probably gonna put out 10 or 15 more plants, so that'll be about $40 for 15 beds 3x3, now finding 45 feet of guerilla land is a whole other story. Maybe I'll just do 10. so..$26 for 10 3x3 beds, and only 30ft of guerilla land.
Thanks for the advice, your beds look real proper, pretty much where I plan to be next year, or maybe with this upcoming plot, which I plan to scout out today or tomorrow, probably clear it and build it up during this upcoming week.
Not much new. They're gettin' tall and kind of lanky, which is unfortunate, but it's not like I can lower my lights or anything.. so we'll let time deal with that. The two cab plants I put out look nice, much fuller and such, wish I could have grown all of 'em out in the cab, but maybe next year. Oh yeah, my plot also has a lot of flies around each plant, pretty much looks like a housefly but metallic green, anyone know what I should do about them? Is it because I use blood and bone meal? Hmm.
Here's some pictures.

Pic 1,2 - Cab Plant #3 .. Pic 3,4 - Plant #1 .. Pic 5,6 - Plant#2 .. Pic 7,8 - Cab Plant #2 .. Pic 9,10 - Plant #3 .. Pic 11,12 - Plant #4 .. Pic 13,14 - Those flies, bastards.


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Well it's the hottest day of the year here, thus far. Went to check out and water my plants today but...they didn't need watering. Woop. I've only watered them once when I transplanted them all, momma nature took care of the rest for me, and according to my forcast, she will continue to do so. Woop again. Ummmm. Seems as though some deer stumbled around in my path, more likely a fox that was attracted to the blood meal, and they fucking broke Plant #3's main stem. BUT it is still surviving, and seemingly thriving. Nature-enduced LST? I'm just gonna let it keep going like that, see if maybe it'll give me a few colas. As for the rest of the plants, they're doing wonderful. Nice growth, still a little lanky spanks but that's okay for now. I don't really understand why they're lankin' cause they get optimal sunlight (7 or 8 AM - 4 or 5 PM) so maybe they're just goofin' off. We'll see.

Here's some pictures.
Pic 1,2 - Cab Plant #3 .. Pic 3,4 - Plant #1 .. Pic 5,6 - Plant #2 .. Pic 7,8 - Cab Plant #2 .. Pic 9,10 - Plant #3 .. Pic 11,12 - Plant #4
Pic 13 - A bug of sorts that I found on Plant #2, anyone know? I'll do research now.
Pic 14, 15 - Plant #3 critter wreckage, I meant to get a shot of the stem where it broke, but it seems I forgot. Next time, when it's thickened some.
All the rest - All the plot.


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Just found that the 'bug' that I pictured above is actually the larval state of a LadyBug! Supposedly the larvae are also carnivorous. That's good news, I'll keep him around if I can.
Here's what's goin' on inside. I cloned Cab Plant #1 blindly, because I believe it is female. Those four clones are already gettin' roots at 6 or 7 days in, probably because I upgraded my pump to This Guy. Works wonders and is just as quiet as they claim for the size that it is. The density of bubbles it creates is louder than the mechanism itself.
Annnd. Cab Plant #1 still look and smells great. God damn better be a female. I have it on 12/12 now just because.
Here's some pictures.
Pic 1,2 - Cab Plant #1, didn't bother to show you it's preflowers cause they haven't advanced since my last pics I posted of them, just more abundant.
Pic 3,4,5,6 - The clonies. Didn't seriously inspect them, but I'm certain 3 of the 4 are poppin' out some root hairs.


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Went out to my plants to see if they needed water cause it was hot as balls today again, and they didn't need any, again. Then I notice the white fuzz on the ground, seemingly where the leaves shade it out, so that really sucks, and now it's raining. So..anyone know any ways of to avoid that? I know my soil should drain better, probably should add etc. but I'm a little past that point. Didn't spread to the leaves or stalk or anything, just the soil where it's most shaded. And the plants still look very healthy.
Also, I checked one of my plants that looked like a leaf was wilting a little bit, or something like it. But when I grabbed it, the underside of it had a THICK glob of what looked like spit. Not mucus, straight spit..all white and bubbly. Anyone every experience this at all? I don't think it's human, I can 99% guarantee no humans have been in my plot, nor are they even close by, and it was so strangely isolated to only the underside of only one leaf, and it was a smaller inner-node leaf.
Went out to my plants to see if they needed water cause it was hot as balls today again, and they didn't need any, again. Then I notice the white fuzz on the ground, seemingly where the leaves shade it out, so that really sucks, and now it's raining. So..anyone know any ways of to avoid that? I know my soil should drain better, probably should add etc. but I'm a little past that point. Didn't spread to the leaves or stalk or anything, just the soil where it's most shaded. And the plants still look very healthy.
Also, I checked one of my plants that looked like a leaf was wilting a little bit, or something like it. But when I grabbed it, the underside of it had a THICK glob of what looked like spit. Not mucus, straight spit..all white and bubbly. Anyone every experience this at all? I don't think it's human, I can 99% guarantee no humans have been in my plot, nor are they even close by, and it was so strangely isolated to only the underside of only one leaf, and it was a smaller inner-node leaf.

I'm going with bird shit. happens to me every time, usually on a big fucking bud. I'd say maybe slugs but you would have found some. Pretty sure it's bird shit. As for the white fuzz just scrape off the top layer of dirt, ruff it up a little too.
the spit is from some sort of bug it makes its little home in the spit. i dont know the name of these things of hand but they do not damage your plants acording to my mother who knows a bit about these things. i get them every summer if you look inside youll see a small red insect that later turnes green and turns into something else that flies i believe. i pick them off my plants when i see them but ive never seen them hurt them. havent you ever walked across a field with high grasses and got wet from all the spit on the plants? around here there is lots we call them spittle bugs but that is not the true name. but dont worry about them.
I'm going with bird shit. happens to me every time, usually on a big fucking bud. I'd say maybe slugs but you would have found some. Pretty sure it's bird shit. As for the white fuzz just scrape off the top layer of dirt, ruff it up a little too.
Cool, that's what I did with the fuzz, thank ya. Def not bird shit, it was still wet and much too bubbly to be bird shit. I know my bird shit as well, fucking doves wreck my car almost every morning.
the spit is from some sort of bug it makes its little home in the spit. i dont know the name of these things of hand but they do not damage your plants acording to my mother who knows a bit about these things. i get them every summer if you look inside youll see a small red insect that later turnes green and turns into something else that flies i believe. i pick them off my plants when i see them but ive never seen them hurt them. havent you ever walked across a field with high grasses and got wet from all the spit on the plants? around here there is lots we call them spittle bugs but that is not the true name. but dont worry about them.
I have noticed that about the grass, always just assumed it was dew or something. Weird little buggers, wiped 'em off anyhow. Thanks for the info!
as far as the white stuff on the ground, u can just mix half a teaspoon bleach in a gallon of water, put some in a spray bottle and mist the mildew. treat a few days ina row and it should be gone. i just had and fixed the same problem
Your plants look great! Tough break on the broken one, but at least it didn't get eaten by something. It still looks good too!
Raccoons are curious little bastards...Its been to my experience (not in growing, but in general) that they will come checking out shit thats out of the ordinary, where most other animals will stay away from it. Try pissing on the trees and shrubs around the clearing every time you go out there. That works for me so far. I see deer on the way there every time I go to my spot, and I know there is a lot of coons around here because they get in to the garbage all the time, but I haven't seen a single track from anything at my spot.

really bleach? wouldn't trust myself with it. would hydrogen peroxide be a little safer you think?
If you dilute it that much it wont hurt even if you get a little on a plant. Worst case it might burn a leaf a little, but at that ratio, I doubt you even have to worry about it at all.
Yeah, I guess those 'coons could have done it too, the bit of dirt displacement in my one bed seems a little big to be a 'coon though. Dunno. I will, however use the bleach if I go back to find more fuzzy fuzz. Thank ya

On another note, all four of my clones now have visible roots, and lots of bumps, only 7 or 8 days in. Put six more in. Hopes they shall finish as soon as these.
...the bit of dirt displacement in my one bed seems a little big to be a 'coon though.

I don't know man...They get pretty good sized. You ever seen the claws on one? They have some BIG ass claws, and they use them like we use our hands. It's pretty crazy.
I had one as a pet when I was a kid. If you gave him something to eat, like a piece of fruit or something, he would go to his water and wash it before he ate it.
It was funny when we gave him crackers, because he would go wash it and it would be gone when he tried to eat it hahahaha.
We had one as a pet as well a few years back, super cute and super smart little dude. But once he got to about 2 years he went kinda feral and started hissing at us and hiding, so we had to let him go. The track I saw really looked like it should have been a coyote, since the coons and fox get about the same size, but there aren't many of those around. Whateva though, very little harm done.
Just checked up on 'em. And man, outdoor growth is astonishing. It's only been two days and I feel like they've grown at least another two or three inches, they're now up to my knees and gettin' fuller finally! I'll post some pics later this upcoming week so ya'll can see some big growth.
This will be my first attempt at a grow, have grown other veggies in the past with some pretty good success such as tomatos. I have around 20 plants that are in individual containers at this point. I have some land on the east coast in the Carolinas that I would like to transplant some of these to. My problem is that i dont know the sex at this point and if I put out. How far apart can they be placed so if one happens to be male it will not be able to pollinate and ladies? Also, the the blades with 5 leaves are just not starting to come out. I s there a way to determine sex before they start to flower. i have read something concerning pistils, but my issue is that I will be able to get to these once they are transplanted every couple of weeks to check on.

Thanks for any advice and i look forward to seeing some of those pix!! Have a great day!!
Just checked up on 'em. And man, outdoor growth is astonishing. It's only been two days and I feel like they've grown at least another two or three inches, they're now up to my knees and gettin' fuller finally! I'll post some pics later this upcoming week so ya'll can see some big growth.

I got the same thing once I got mine in the ground. The sun really does a much better job than anything you can use indoors. It really is amazing to someone who has grown a plant indoors only and then sees the results of outdoor growing for the first time. It's a whole new experience.