East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

Well, I so far did not get caught. My plants were destroyed, and a Heli was circling my spot at least 50 times. I went back to see if they took all my supplies for prints and such, and they didn't take one thing, so I think they just wanted to destroy those plants (hopefully). So I got all that shit the fuck out of there. I do not know if it was this site that was the reason nel and Myself got caught, but I do plan on continuing to post on this site, I do not, however, plan to continue growing. PM me for more details. I'll see ya'll around (hopefully.)
Well, I'm a little bit less paranoid now. I really think that the Helicopters were just eradicating marijuana, and not going through quite as much to catch the cultivators. I saw them all around my county for the past few days, circling select areas...guess there's more Guerilla around here than I though, that's what's up. What I'm thinking is that if they wanted to find Me, they would have taken everything. All my equipment, the raised beds, the Irish Spring on sticks bordering my plots, whatever they could find with fingerprints on it, possibly even samples of footprints nearby so they would have lots of evidence. Right?
Iunno. If they catch me, fuck them! I'll be back in no time. If not, fuck them! and Haha what a fucking waste of money right there, basically...they wasted shit-ton money to teach me where I went wrong so I can come back again next year prepared. Viva La Marijuana. Fuck prohibition.
Well, I'm a little bit less paranoid now. I really think that the Helicopters were just eradicating marijuana, and not going through quite as much to catch the cultivators. I saw them all around my county for the past few days, circling select areas...guess there's more Guerilla around here than I though, that's what's up. What I'm thinking is that if they wanted to find Me, they would have taken everything. All my equipment, the raised beds, the Irish Spring on sticks bordering my plots, whatever they could find with fingerprints on it, possibly even samples of footprints nearby so they would have lots of evidence. Right?
Iunno. If they catch me, fuck them! I'll be back in no time. If not, fuck them! and Haha what a fucking waste of money right there, basically...they wasted shit-ton money to teach me where I went wrong so I can come back again next year prepared. Viva La Marijuana. Fuck prohibition.

Unlucky man - as you said NEXT YEAR
Yeah, for real. This gives me a LOT of time to prepare, fuck I could probably even set up a nice hidden drip system. I'm already scoutin' new spots and I'll probably try have them ready by Autumn. I can save a good bit of money, collect supplies over time, and not be doing anything Illegal until I actually put the plants out there. Figure I'll start some seeds late February, sex by mid-March, clone mid-March, and have a good bit of pre-determined ladies by planting time. Gotta get back at them fuckers. WORD OF ADVICE - keep as much vegetation as you can, I think this is where I went wrong, I basically blazed my plots, very very very Bad idea. Oh, and get latex gloves. Couple boxes of those. Mannnnn, I can't wait.
Damn dude sorry to hear the bad news. Well atleast your safe and I admire your die hard attitude. FUCK these pork chopper pukes. Keep your head up holmes next year is not far away. peace 1bmm
some more shots? a week or so later..... mmmmmmm:hump:
oh, and I got a new machete today, and this ones got a saw on the back of it...it's pretty rockin'. Hello, Guerilla 2011. Prob start prepping that soon on account of I've been scouting since mid July and have found quite a few spots that are quite nice.


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