East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

(Pic 1) So here's my little setup I got goin in my closet. Got ten little clones, about a week in now I think. I never cloned before, and wanted to try a couple dif. techniques, so I first tried using a willow twig hormone juice, failed on that. Then I tried the store bought hormone powder along with soil in jiffy cubes (Pic 2) and my success was much better, but then I tried the bubble cloner(Pic 3), and that things just awesome, I don't have to do anything : no hormone, no maintenance, nothing, Hell, I didn't even light proof it much, just wrapped a necktie around it, hah.
The bubble clones seem to be going well, I'm starting to see more root bumps (Pic 4) and the guy in front even has some hairs startin'. I assume the ones in cubes are going well, since the ones I did before didn't stay nice and perky. We'll see.
Annnd here's my stealth cab (Pic 5). Started a few seeds from years of saving headies seeds, couldn't tell you the specific strain, but I believe a lot of those seeds were Sour Diesel. So best of wishes with them. Pic 6,7,8 are the three in my stealth cab.
Now to smoke a bowl and go to work...late, oops. Later today I'll probably go clear some of my plot, so perhaps more pics.

how do you move the plants from a hydro setup into the ground?? im thinkin about doin the same thing
So, I forgot my camera. No biggie, I'll be out there again tomorrow. But anyway, the babes are all lookin' good. Just top fed them some blood/bone meal. Annnd the little ones in Spot 2 are doing quite good as well, a little bit slow, but I guess that's to be expected from 1 node youngsters who've been enduring 90+ weather. This week has been Damn Beautiful weather-wise 81,78,79, tomorrow is supposed to be 81 and the next day 80 so everyones gettin' a nice week of growth f'sho, could use some rain, though. Watered 'em good today anyway, so they'll be good for a while. Next week is gonna suck, though. So far, the predicted weather is straight 99s with one 97 in there somewhere...hope their inaccuracy doesn't fail me this week. If it does, I'll be haulin' water prob. bi-daily if not daily. Welllllp. Happy growings!
ripped one a while back, four are clones, and one is a confirmed lady. No idea with the second patch, I'm sure they'll show soon.
Fire on the Mountain!

1,2,3 - Plant #4
4,5,6 - Plant #3
7,8 - Plant #2
9,10 - Plant #1
11,12 - Cab Plant #3


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Thanks guys! They're at 52 days outside, dunno exactly how old they are, prob. started the original mother sometime in mid-late April.
Well, god damn. Day...three? Yeah, three of the fuckin' nasty heat wave. Gave all my plants a good watering yesterday, went back today (101F) and the big girls already could've used some more. The ones in Spot 2 are coming along nicely as well, finally gettin' more regular new growth, I guess they're fully acclimated to their spots now. Forecast is lookin' now like we actually might get some rain, 30/40% so possibly not, but the wave should be done by friday, hopefully. That's about all. No pics, for it was way too sunny to get clear shots. I'ma go back later for a re-application of some Organicide, hope that shits workin'... Happy Growings!
Hah, oh yeah. Well, I hope it's late at least, don't want any early snows dumpin' on my girls. Don't mind the dry part, just means more haulin', which means I get more in-shape, hah. You got any projects goin Unwanted?
im kinda like a snake, im always slithering around doing some shit, you just never know about it lol...

i had a huge fucking issue with i guess grasshoppers.... stripped my shit back to the stalk lol... but it is still living... mostly the growth at the tops....

i dont know how it will turn out man