East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

Plants are looking really good, i was planning on doing something like this but i cant plant till September in Aus.
will defiantly be watching yours grow :)
^^ Oh yeah, they're happy, just went back today and they're even bigger, it's awesome. Thanks for keepin' an eye out 1bmm!
Subd. Plants are looking really good, i was planning on doing something like this but i cant plant till September in Aus. will defiantly be watching yours grow :)
Thanks! Welcome aboard, hope I put on a good show for ya. Will be good timing, once mine is close to being cut down, I can follow you.
So... don't leave your youngsters in a rubbermaid bin without a lid overnight. Luckily those fuckin' whitetails only got 5, but still...I didn't think they'd go through the trouble of dipping their head down 8 or so inches into a container that probably potently smells like human. Eh, I still think they're spectacular creatures, just bastards with the whole... eatin' my babies. But anyway, got everything hauled to my spot, got all my holes filled, and got them babies in the ground. No pictures yet, sorry. Hell of a surprise, hah. I think all I've left to do, well that I want to do for security, is dig up some grass nearby and plant it in between my plants, make it a little more green since I pretty much blazed the whole area. That's when I'll get the pics up. I have some of my main plot, but I dunno where the fuck I left my camera. We'll see those soon. Happy Growings!
Same here. I starting putting clones out in early april. the ones that have survived from the first planting are HUGE. I have a hard time getting pics at that location. Peeps are like WTF are you taking pics for. I still manage to get a few here and there.
Well... lightning took out my power while I was tryin' to post about how lighting hit right by me (100 ft away) when I went out to check on my babes today...hopefully the power stays.
Anyway... Everything looks pretty good still, though there is an increasing amount of pest damage, before it was pretty much superficial, but now I'm ready to take some action. I have some organicide that I'd used on some veggies and herbs in my garden, and they all ended up being protected and tasting good, so I'll assume/hope it does the same for me ganja.
Here's some picTARRs.
Pic 1,2,3 - Yummytastic nature. Blackberries. A few handfuls of these really give you a good boost while performing guerilla activities.
Pic 4,5,6,7 - For those allergic to Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac. This is called Jewelweed. It's succulent insides are a natural remedy for all of the above Poisons. Just squeeze out the juices, that are mostly located in the stems, most potent towards the roots. I only have experience with Ivy, but I'm told and have checked that it is the same for all. It takes Poison about 10 minutes to absorb into your skin, if you get Jewelweed on in that time, you WILL NOT get any reaction. If you get it on any time thereafter, the poison will not spread, the oil is deactivated, and the reaction will be significantly less. And an especially great thing is that Jewelweed often grows right around where Poison grows. NOTE: I do not know if this applies to those with Severe allergies to Posions, so those peoples should continue to avoid the plant with as much care as possible.
Pic 8,9 - Cab Plant #3.
Pic 10,11 - Plant #1
Pic 12,13 - Plant #2
Pic 14,15 - Plant #3
Pic 16,17,18,19 - Plant #4


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Well, the weather decided to fuck me today. Chillin' at home and the darkness rolls in...figure nothing out of the ordinary..summertime thunderstorm. Nope. Once I saw the winds ripping off fully established branches of large trees, I had a feeling my babies were fucked. So I did not cease at all to the extreme winds, torrential downpours and lightning crashing all around, I ran as fast as I could to my babes. The stream that I cross on the way there was probably 3 or 4 times larger than it usually is, water was up to my mid-thigh, rather than at my ankles (where I cross). Wish it would stay that way... Anyway, I roll up to my First patch and 3 of my 5 babes are all knocked on their side..no branches on top of them, luckily, and no evident stem/root damage. But I was ill-prepared and didn't bring any twine or nothin'...so I gotta roll back there with some sticks and string and stake 'em up. Also, in my second patch, 1 of the 18 was gone, probably a rabbit cause I saw no tracks at all and there was no moved soil, the plant wasn't ripped up, nothin'.
I also took my hand in trying to set up a little hydro (DWC) container and realized just how ill-prepared I was with that....soil is so much more simple, and I know how to do it and all this shit today is just making me want to give up on even my veggies in my backyard (though, they're fine). I will, however, prevail as much as I can..and if worse comes to worse, I'll just be super prepared for next year. God damn.
Man sorry to hear the news bro. I know the feeling. My hamburger hill patch got washed out lost 25 plants. Pissed me right the fuck off. I had high hopes for those plants and had some exotic strains in there. Its the hard knocks of what we do. Hope things turn in favor for you bro. Peace 1BMM
Thanks 1bmm, things are lookin' quite good, all the fallen ladies are standin' up with the support I gave 'em and only a couple branches in all were lost, not big ones either. So all in all, not too bad of wreckage. But my area got torn apart by the crazy winds we had, power lines and huge 30 foot trees snapped in half and uprooted and shit..pretty crazy and unfortunate for some, but a fuckin great spectacle. And as I said, the plants in my other plot were untocuhed, other than one by a rabbit or something.
get some big ass stakes. they help alot check mine out under my outdoor raised bed thread. they are 10' tall 1" diameter alluminum. thay are hard to see when you plants are huge or you can get 4', 6', 8' at the same store if they are better sized put them a good two feet in the ground and tie with some twine, nothing will take them down. if your having probs with rabbits human pis works let sit in a bottle for a few days for max stink. and blood meal works good but will attract some scavangers so just scatter it around the sourounding bushes. good for dear also. good luck. sorry if anyone already said any of this i havent been reading every post. good luck.
and fuck yea berries are good we have just starting getting the earlies. i pull shirt loads of them good stuff.
I had hail last season that pretty much stripped all the green right off them. Just keep to em' and you'll be able to have a nice pull.
Rough. Yeah, I over-reacted totally, hah. Just scares the shit out of me 'cause I don't really have an adequate indoor setup, so even if I had the time, I couldn't get more out. Thanks for the reassurance.
get some big ass stakes. they help alot check mine out under my outdoor raised bed thread. they are 10' tall 1" diameter alluminum. thay are hard to see when you plants are huge or you can get 4', 6', 8' at the same store if they are better sized put them a good two feet in the ground and tie with some twine, nothing will take them down. if your having probs with rabbits human pis works let sit in a bottle for a few days for max stink. and blood meal works good but will attract some scavangers so just scatter it around the sourounding bushes. good for dear also. good luck. sorry if anyone already said any of this i havent been reading every post. good luck.
and fuck yea berries are good we have just starting getting the earlies. i pull shirt loads of them good stuff.
Yeah, I really need to get some stakes, luckily the dirt I mounded up at their stems is still holdin' them nice and strong, but I know next time a nice wind comes in again they'll be screwed, prob. try to get me some of those within the week.
Just got a look at your journal. Sweet! Hopefully your plants fully recover from the storm. I recently started a guerilla grow myself. If you feel like scoping it heres the link https://www.rollitup.org/blogs/blog1538-guerilla-grow-journal-cheese-strain.html. I'll be keeping up with your journal! Good shit!
Thanks for viewin', yeah they're fine.Hope to see yours come along as well, good luck!
Here's some shots of the babes, they're still comin' along. Sprayed them with some organicide a few days ago, and the insect damage has come to an apparent halt, possibly some more little stuff, but overall it seems to have taken care of whatever was munchin' 'em.
Pic 1,2 - Cab Plant #3 . Not doin' so hot, stems been purple since the first couple weeks it was out, slow growth. The soil for her was not amended though, so goes to show the native soil right there don't do junk. Still a nice little plant though.
Pic 3,4 - Plant #1.
Pic 4,5 - Plant #2. (Bed)
Pic 6,7,8 - Plant #3 (Bed) Blowin' up now., little bit of breakage from the storm.
Pic 9,10 - Plant #4. My pride and joy.
The difference in growth between the ones straight in the ground and the ones in raised beds sparks some interest to me...for even though my Plant #3 was broken and severely stunted, it's far surpassed the others, aside from Plant #4. Plant #4, however gets the most morning sun, making me wonder if that's more important. So...raised beds and lots of morning sun? Iunno. So much to learn... Happy growings!


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FYI when harvest season rolls around, make sure they are WELL supported. Even if it rains the water just collects on the plants. I've come to the patch before to see them all lying on the ground. I stood them back up but getting the dirt off is a mutha, lol. Plants Broken it half is even worse.
Here's some shots of the babes, they're still comin' along. Sprayed them with some organicide a few days ago, and the insect damage has come to an apparent halt, possibly some more little stuff, but overall it seems to have taken care of whatever was munchin' 'em.
Pic 1,2 - Cab Plant #3 . Not doin' so hot, stems been purple since the first couple weeks it was out, slow growth. The soil for her was not amended though, so goes to show the native soil right there don't do junk. Still a nice little plant though.
Pic 3,4 - Plant #1.
Pic 4,5 - Plant #2. (Bed)
Pic 6,7,8 - Plant #3 (Bed) Blowin' up now., little bit of breakage from the storm.
Pic 9,10 - Plant #4. My pride and joy.
The difference in growth between the ones straight in the ground and the ones in raised beds sparks some interest to me...for even though my Plant #3 was broken and severely stunted, it's far surpassed the others, aside from Plant #4. Plant #4, however gets the most morning sun, making me wonder if that's more important. So...raised beds and lots of morning sun? Iunno. So much to learn... Happy growings!

Nice update tsmd. looking quite healthy them ladies :)

FYI when harvest season rolls around, make sure they are WELL supported. Even if it rains the water just collects on the plants. I've come to the patch before to see them all lying on the ground. I stood them back up but getting the dirt off is a mutha, lol. Plants Broken it half is even worse.

NEL you fountain of knowledge. Nice to have some experienced peeps around to help. Props bra.
Thanks 1bmm. And for real, nel, you're so much help with this, a lot of it's just small simple shit that you can do that prevents large problems or encourages much success, thanks brotha! glad to have you around.
Got me some GDP x ?? pollen from a buddy:hump: So next year I'll be growing GDP x ? x ? Hah. Should be a good gene pool. Goin' to my spot soon, so I'll get some pics of the girls up later.