Here's some shots of the babes, they're still comin' along. Sprayed them with some organicide a few days ago, and the insect damage has come to an apparent halt, possibly some more little stuff, but overall it seems to have taken care of whatever was munchin' 'em.
Pic 1,2 - Cab Plant #3 . Not doin' so hot, stems been purple since the first couple weeks it was out, slow growth. The soil for her was not amended though, so goes to show the native soil right there don't do junk. Still a nice little plant though.
Pic 3,4 - Plant #1.
Pic 4,5 - Plant #2. (Bed)
Pic 6,7,8 - Plant #3 (Bed) Blowin' up now., little bit of breakage from the storm.
Pic 9,10 - Plant #4. My pride and joy.
The difference in growth between the ones straight in the ground and the ones in raised beds sparks some interest to me...for even though my Plant #3 was broken and severely stunted, it's far surpassed the others, aside from Plant #4. Plant #4, however gets the most morning sun, making me wonder if that's more important. So...raised beds and lots of morning sun? Iunno. So much to learn... Happy growings!