eating 25,000mg THC

..THC doesn't effect the CNS? Of course it does. Opiates just cause loss of control (paralysis) of breathing muscles leading to suffocation and uppers cause heart issues and neurotoxicity.

Fatal or not--which will be the latter--this is still such a bad idea. Negative publicity for the movement, at worst.

Maybe and maybe not.

How is it bad publicity if it's proven that weed CAN'T KILL YOU?
From the Cannabudder for dummies thread, and I quote" There was one time I put in 4 ounces to 4 sticks of butter;
after was strained returned it to the crock pot tossed in another half stick butter and ADDED in 11 grams of bubble hash, waited 5 hours then unlike the first time, no straining, put in the freezer until solid and when removed from the water the hash stuck to the bottom of the butter.
3/6 people that tried that butter will never eat cannafood again.
Long time medical patients too =/. Put it all on the double boiler mixed it up with a couple bars of hersheys chocolate and handed him a spoonful, he ate half of that spoonful.....
That was the first time I had to sit and pray with a grown man and his wife, for 4 hours, I felt very very bad...Be can be traumatizing. - Friendly J
I told dopeman about this thread i started so he figured out how to use the internet to see it. Says your all lame and now he's even more motivated.

He thinks it will serve well to show even a rediculously high dose is harmless...

He's going to make a soy/coco/grape seed oil cholcolate shake and pound it
I really like this post.
I'm pretty sure the worst that could happen is he could have a nightmare experience for several hours. I've had three friends that ate a gram of decarboxylated hash oil and this was the case.

Or he'll take a nice long nap. Also a common outcome if too much edibles.

I once calculated the amount of THC a person would have to consume to die and it was something like drinking a gallon worth of hash oil within 20 minutes or so. Basically impossible and a super expensive way to die.
:lol: this thread is funny to read...with what people think...

The guy posting this is probably a teenager :lol:
Post the Video on Youbube and see if he goes Viral! (:
..THC doesn't effect the CNS? Of course it does. Opiates just cause loss of control (paralysis) of breathing muscles leading to suffocation and uppers cause heart issues and neurotoxicity.

Fatal or not--which will be the latter--this is still such a bad idea. Negative publicity for the movement, at worst.
..THC doesn't effect the CNS? Of course it does. Opiates just cause loss of control (paralysis) of breathing muscles leading to suffocation and uppers cause heart issues and neurotoxicity.

Fatal or not--which will be the latter--this is still such a bad idea. Negative publicity for the movement, at worst.
reading conprehention isn't you're strong suit is it? I never said it doesn't affect the cns. I said it doesn't affect the cns the way stimulants or opioids do. No amount of thc will cause your cns to shut down causing you to die. try reading all the words not just the ones you want. And thanks for continuing to say exactly what I already said. Private dumbass you're dismissed.
reading conprehention isn't you're strong suit is it? I never said it doesn't affect the cns. I said it doesn't affect the cns the way stimulants or opioids do. No amount of thc will cause your cns to shut down causing you to die. try reading all the words not just the ones you want. And thanks for continuing to say exactly what I already said. Private dumbass you're dismissed.
At least I can spell comprehension. :B

In any case, I wasn't disagreeing with you. What you said didn't make what you were inferring clear enough. And opiates don't shut your brain off, they shut your lungs off, and you suffocate, which then "shuts your brain off." Now, I'll dismiss myself.
This is stupid as hell. I doubt he'll die, but I bet he'll be super intoxicated and it's a bad look for mj/mmj users who are just starting to finally make some headway in our fight for legalization.

If you show this to the public and the wrong people see it you could send us back like ten steps.

If you want to give the lawmakers something to point at go a head but I hope you realize that you're borderline retarded for taking part in this.

BTW THC totally effects the central nervous system. Hence relief from seizures, MS, neurological disorders....