eating 25,000mg THC

i don't get why this guy is doing this...just to prove a point?? if that's the case, why not do it right and call a news station and/or a medical association and see if they want to cover it or at least help. that way it'll be recorded in the books instead of "yeah man, this guy ate 25,000 and didn't die! can you believe that...whoa"
do some good with this
This is stupid as hell. I doubt he'll die, but I bet he'll be super intoxicated and it's a bad look for mj/mmj users who are just starting to finally make some headway in our fight for legalization.

If you show this to the public and the wrong people see it you could send us back like ten steps.

If you want to give the lawmakers something to point at go a head but I hope you realize that you're borderline retarded for taking part in this.

BTW THC totally effects the central nervous system. Hence relief from seizures, MS, neurological disorders....
You have the same inability to read as olive green. I never said it doesn't affect the cns. I said it doesn't affect the cns the way stimulants or opioids do. Not that hard to understand unless you can't read a post objectively because of who posted it. Thc cannot cause death. Period. Argue that point smart guy.
You have the same inability to read as olive green. I never said it doesn't affect the cns. I said it doesn't affect the cns the way stimulants or opioids do. Not that hard to understand unless you can't read a post objectively because of who posted it. Thc cannot cause death. Period. Argue that point smart guy.
Honestly, man, I'm not trying to shit on you, but the way you worded it, it sounds like "THC doesn't effect the CNS, like stimulants and opiates do." Not "THC doesn't effect the CNS the same way stimulants and opiates do." See what I mean?
Fuck, I can see it now. 5 greasy kids all chanting dopeman. Some 14 year old girls huffing duster in the background. Dopeman pouring half the shake all over his face. Fast forward 10 minutes and he's just whispering dopeman as he shits himself on the floor. Duster girl in a deep voice asked what happened because she got too high as well. Should be a hit.
Honestly, man, I'm not trying to shit on you, but the way you worded it, it sounds like "THC doesn't effect the CNS, like stimulants and opiates do." Not "THC doesn't effect the CNS the same way stimulants and opiates do." See what I mean?
Read it however you want. I never said thc has NO effect on the cns. Adding punctuation to my post as you see fit is altering my post in a way I never intended. I'm not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension. Thc doesn't affect the cns in the same way stimulants and opioids do. It can not shut your cns down leading to death. I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat myself. Thc cannot cause death. Period.
Read it however you want. I never said thc has NO effect on the cns. Adding punctuation to my post as you see fit is altering my post in a way I never intended. I'm not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension. Thc doesn't affect the cns in the same way stimulants and opioids do. It can not shut your cns down leading to death. I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat myself. Thc cannot cause death. Period.
I never said it could, and I didn't rearrange your shit, I'm telling you how it appears to people.

And opioids are the receptors in your body; opiates are the chemical derivatives and constituents of opium from the Papaver somniferum (Opium poppy.). Opioids CAN be applied to synthetic and semisynthetic substances, but because they have an affinity for those receptors (Mu, Delta, Kappa.)
You have the same inability to read as olive green. I never said it doesn't affect the cns. I said it doesn't affect the cns the way stimulants or opioids do. Not that hard to understand unless you can't read a post objectively because of who posted it. Thc cannot cause death. Period. Argue that point smart guy.
Nobody has died. But I also don't think that a human has ingested that much THC before. I clearly said I doubt he will die. But the whole idea is a bad look for our whole culture.

You are also the one who was blabbing about a 5/gpd max MMPR script when you were reading a document only relating to two specific conditions. I hate hypocrites. At least if you're going to belittle someone and automatically be an asshole, make sure you're right in the first place.
Read it however you want. I never said thc has NO effect on the cns. Adding punctuation to my post as you see fit is altering my post in a way I never intended. I'm not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension. Thc doesn't affect the cns in the same way stimulants and opioids do. It can not shut your cns down leading to death. I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat myself. Thc cannot cause death. Period.
You learned how to spell comprehension though, baby steps.
Maybe and maybe not.

How is it bad publicity if it's proven that weed CAN'T KILL YOU?
Because he'll definitely be extremely high for quite some time and it's probably going to be some kind of stone we've never seen before.

Remember the kid who ate his dad's weed cookies (stupid parent for leaving them within reach) and had seizures? Probably something along those lines is what this guy will experience imo.
Or he could just sleep for 24 hours, who knows. My worry is that our gov will see how fucked up this guy gets and it will be yet another road block.
Nobody has died. But I also don't think that a human has ingested that much THC before. I clearly said I doubt he will die. But the whole idea is a bad look for our whole culture.

You are also the one who was blabbing about a 5/gpd max MMPR script when you were reading a document only relating to two specific conditions. I hate hypocrites. At least if you're going to belittle someone and automatically be an asshole, make sure you're right in the first place.
Still waiting for you to prove me wrong once little guy!
Nobody has died. But I also don't think that a human has ingested that much THC before. I clearly said I doubt he will die. But the whole idea is a bad look for our whole culture.

You are also the one who was blabbing about a 5/gpd max MMPR script when you were reading a document only relating to two specific conditions. I hate hypocrites. At least if you're going to belittle someone and automatically be an asshole, make sure you're right in the first place.
Btw you also misread the document about the mmpr I posted. The mmpr does have a 5 gpd limit for everyone. The document I posted was quoting that limit and I was showing you that but again your comprehension of the English language is poor at best.
Because he'll definitely be extremely high for quite some time and it's probably going to be some kind of stone we've never seen before.

Remember the kid who ate his dad's weed cookies (stupid parent for leaving them within reach) and had seizures? Probably something along those lines is what this guy will experience imo.
Or he could just sleep for 24 hours, who knows. My worry is that our gov will see how fucked up this guy gets and it will be yet another road block.

If his dose of, let's just say it, twenty five THOUSAND times a reasonable dose of one gram of THC ingested, doesn't kill him or do lasting damage then I'd say it's proven beyond much doubt to be about as safe as food can get.

Anyone saying otherwise is a simple idiot, has an agenda or both.
i don't get why this guy is doing this...just to prove a point?? if that's the case, why not do it right and call a news station and/or a medical association and see if they want to cover it or at least help. that way it'll be recorded in the books instead of "yeah man, this guy ate 25,000 and didn't die! can you believe that...whoa"
do some good with this
If his dose of, let's just say it, twenty five THOUSAND times a reasonable dose of one gram of THC ingested, doesn't kill him or do lasting damage then I'd say it's proven beyond much doubt to be about as safe as food can get.

Anyone saying otherwise is a simple idiot, has an agenda or both.
We don't know is what I'm saying. When you assume you make an ass of yourself. Nobody has ever consumed that much THC at once.

And our gov won't look at it like that. If there is the slightest detrimental side effect, they will play off it.