Elons Little Plan

The correlation is inherent in the context.

Step thru the three dimensions: each is a fundamental characteristic of physical existence - length, width, height. We might say the fourth natural characteristic would be mass, but it’s actually secondary to another characteristic: persistence.

“Time” misses the mark: in order for any thing to be taken note of, it must persist long enough to be noted; beyond that, we’re simply tracking duration…which is closer to memory or history than to what we commonly think of as “time” per se.

Space is the ground upon which durable things interact & play out; ‘time’ enters the field as the experience of persisting in space - that is, of duration. That time is a fundamental characteristic of space is false; time is a fundamental characteristic of persistence in space, without which time has no referent. More stringently, time is a product of *observation* whether local or remote: without the capacity for observation, no thing in space can note or compare any ‘relativistic’ element…including an increase in duration.
Maybe I misunderstand … but isn’t duration persistence with a number attached?
The correlation is inherent in the context.

Step thru the three dimensions: each is a fundamental characteristic of physical existence - length, width, height. We might say the fourth natural characteristic would be mass, but it’s actually secondary to another characteristic: persistence.

“Time” misses the mark: in order for any thing to be taken note of, it must persist long enough to be noted; beyond that, we’re simply tracking duration…which is closer to memory or history than to what we commonly think of as “time” per se.

Space is the ground upon which durable things interact & play out; ‘time’ enters the field as the experience of persisting in space - that is, of duration. That time is a fundamental characteristic of space is false; time is a fundamental characteristic of persistence in space, without which time has no referent. More stringently, time is a product of *observation* whether local or remote: without the capacity for observation, no thing in space can note or compare any ‘relativistic’ element…including an increase in duration.
Generally, the fourth dimension is time, since we need that coordinate too and a common frame of reference or perhaps a calculated one for relativistic factors. We experience time, but natural processes occur over time, whether observed by a consciousness or not, I don't believe it to be a quantum like question of probabilities, but a property inherent with the physical dimensions and other factors like dark matter and the expansion of space itself over time. We know that gravity fields can cause time dilation, but you would be blowing lunch from radiation before you got close enough for the tidal forces to rip you to pieces as the atoms ahead of you were shredded in a burst of radiation. About the same process as if you approached lightspeed!
Generally, the fourth dimension is time, since we need that coordinate too and a common frame of reference or perhaps a calculated one for relativistic factors. We experience time, but natural processes occur over time, whether observed by a consciousness or not, I don't believe it to be a quantum like question of probabilities, but a property inherent with the physical dimensions and other factors like dark matter and the expansion of space itself over time. We know that gravity fields can cause time dilation, but you would be blowing lunch from radiation before you got close enough for the tidal forces to rip you to pieces as the atoms ahead of you were shredded in a burst of radiation. About the same process as if you approached lightspeed!

These days it is usually a mix of the theorists and the experimenters who validated it, science is more of a team effort these days as the mysteries get harder to crack. Unless it is for something narrow in scope but important technologically like the transistor or blue LED and then it was a team, and these things made a big difference. Inventing a better mouse trap will win the Nobel every time!
“Technology” is more accurately a broad discipline referred to as “the applied sciences”. Applied science is mostly a wonderful thing, and we all love engineers, don’t we? Oddly, tho, the applied sciences are almost never what we’re speaking of when we speak of “science”
Maybe I misunderstand … but isn’t duration persistence with a number attached?
Duration are more or less passive & active forms of ‘existence; notation & assignment of periodicity, reference context, and periods themselves would be functions of our hypothetical observer, depending as they do on relativistic considerations.

The only relativistic factor in our example space is distance; a sense of duration arises made to cover that distance - again, relative to the time required to reach other things in the space.

I’ve said virtually nothing about the observer because looking at dimensionality requires limiting ourselves to the operations of things in physical space (it all starts from a point, yes?). Bringing ‘mind’ into the scenario opens the door to speculation & imagination; it short-circuits the process of considering the unfoldment of the physical reality. We love to theorize, to the extreme that we’ll speculate wildly on the most specious notions…because it’s entertaining, and sometimes we feel smart doing it…sometimes, we’ll even try to overthrow a nation with it.

The unfoldment does reflect on & in consciousness as long as we view it as a thing in the space with everything else, and let it be governed only by those basic bodily tools were born with. At this level, close observation of how ‘the machine’ works is key.

This is why “time” (an unfortunate word-choice, much misunderstood) emerges before mass: its physical character is its presence, and the travel thru space to it emerges a sense of a period that passed on the way from Thing 1 to Thing 2 (how space & time get to dance so close together). Duration and persistence as such register as time passing, which drags consciousness into the conversation whether it messes things up or not. “Time”, from the very beginning, is inherently relativistic, Greenwich be damned.

This is why “time” is such a bad keyword for the 4th dimension it requires a relativistic perceiver…and is specific to the perceiver; our modern understanding & use of time is so ingrained that we assume we understand it, even when we don’t - even when it’s being given a special usage in context (like my blathering). In the theoretical case, time as we understand it is an end-product, not a fundamental characteristic of the physical universe.

Once consciousness comes into it, it sucks up all the air. “Time” is a non-definition, designed to stop difficult questions from arising.

Hope this dip into natural philosophy isn’t too turgid…maybe I’m not the only one who enjoyed it
Every time Elon sells out America, Xi gives him another price break on batteries, until his usefulness is over, then they will just confiscate his assets in China. Elon is having serious competition and trashed his rep in the west, so he needs an edge and selling out his country is giving him one, temporarily.

Every time Elon sells out America, Xi gives him another price break on batteries, until his usefulness is over, then they will just confiscate his assets in China. Elon is having serious competition and trashed his rep in the west, so he needs an edge and selling out his country is giving him one, temporarily.

i honestly do not care how much he cuts his prices, i won't buy a tesla...i find him, his personal philosophy, and his ethics to be deeply offensive, and i do not support people who offend me.