Elons Little Plan

useless insertion of subjective value judgment goalpost move; I never argued thisUnwarranted assumption: linear scaling
For a guy with engineering-heavy interests, you sometimes do not think like an engineer.
Must you start this useless bullshit with damn near everything? I spelled it out quite clearly and stuck to the facts and never engaged in personal attacks like you are. If you want to do this kind of shit, then I'm not gonna waste my time making you look like a fucking fool. Try using some common sense and not your ego. Your answer was utter bullshit.
Must you start this useless bullshit with damn near everything? I spelled it out quite clearly and stuck to the facts and never engaged in personal attacks like you are. If you want to do this kind of shit, then I'm not gonna waste my time making you look like a fucking fool. Try using some common sense and not your ego.
Stop saying stuff that’s wrong; problem solves self.

to the bolded: you have a standing invitation.
useless insertion of subjective value judgment goalpost move; I never argued thisUnwarranted assumption: linear scaling
For a guy with engineering-heavy interests, you sometimes do not think like an engineer.
I'm just a far less educated jaboney compared to either of you. But, it seems to me there is an argument over semantics here. However, you can both tell me to STFU and mind my own business and I will.
Stop saying stuff that’s wrong; problem solves self.

to the bolded: you have a standing invitation.
I'm not here to war with people, even you, go ahead and try and argue that math plays no role in engineering, everything I said made sense and you decided to pick apart a post and do some kind pseudo analyses of it that was completely uncalled for and egotistically motivated.
I'm not here to war with people, even you, go ahead and try and argue that math plays no role in engineering, everything I said made sense and you decided to pick apart a post and do some kind pseudo analyses of it that was completely uncalled for and egotistically motivated.
But I never argued that.
But I never argued that.
Then what the fuck is your point? Elon said it was his call about the launch stand after being advised by engineers there was a problem. The pressures and temps are known, so are the properties of reinforced concrete, all this data was gained by experience and math is used so the experience does not have to be repeated. Designing launch pads is a well-known thing and there are books on it most likely.
Then what the fuck is your point? Elon said it was his call about the launch stand after being advised by engineers there was a problem. The pressures and temps are known, so are the properties of reinforced concrete, all this data was gained by experience and math is used so the experience does not have to be repeated. Designing launch pads is a well-known thing and there are books on it most likely.
go back to my first response to you. I laid it out, and there’s really no more to it than that.
go back to my first response to you. I laid it out, and there’s really no more to it than that.
We are having casual conversation here, correct? I mean no footnotes are required, are they? You took exception to the term plug in the numbers, having worked with engineers, I can tell you that is how they speak at work when using standard formulas many of which are online and you can just plug in the numbers and hit the button. Engineers are lazy fucks too, just like everybody else.
We are having casual conversation here, correct? I mean no footnotes are required, are they? You took exception to the term plug in the numbers, having worked with engineers, I can tell you that is how they speak at work when using standard formulas many of which are online and you can just plug in the numbers and hit the button. Engineers are lazy fucks too, just like everybody else.
My point was where the numbers come from. They are empirical. The empirical data and the math are each necessary, each insufficient. I was trying to say no more than that, and I believe I did so respectfully. Let’s put this to bed.
Elon's rocket generates over 16 million pounds of thrust, over double that of the Saturn V moon rocket. His launch stand had no flame diverter and no water suppression system. They are lucky it didn't blow up on the pad because if it did, it would be like a fucking A-bomb going off. The government needs to close his launch site down and make him launch from the cape and follow their safety protocols. The noise alone would have shattered the concrete while it was blasted away by the rocket exhaust.

Here is what his fanboys say.

Elon Musk's NEW UPDATE on SpaceX Stage 0 after blowing up by 33 Engines
Elon's rocket generates over 16 million pounds of thrust, over double that of the Saturn V moon rocket. His launch stand had no flame diverter and no water suppression system. They are lucky it didn't blow up on the pad because if it did, it would be like a fucking A-bomb going off. The government needs to close his launch site down and make him launch from the cape and follow their safety protocols. The noise alone would have shattered the concrete while it was blasted away by the rocket exhaust.

Here is what his fanboys say.

Elon Musk's NEW UPDATE on SpaceX Stage 0 after blowing up by 33 Engines
I read (and can’t confirm) that the Cape won’t accept the vehicle until it has proven itself at the development site. Spacex are now rate-limited by building a better launch structure at Starbase
Elon's doing exactly the same thing he does with Twitter and Tesla. He said a bunch of b.s. regarding the Twitter software that he clearly didn't understand as stated by several Twitter software engineers. It's no surprise he'd do the same with SpaceX: ignore the experts and make a capricious decision. He recently removed radar/ultrasonic sensors from the cars against the advise of Tesla engineers.

He really has devolved into a Trumpian narcissist who thinks he knows more than the doctors, engineers of any discipline, economist, journalist, etc.

His hubris knows no bounds
I read (and can’t confirm) that the Cape won’t accept the vehicle until it has proven itself at the development site. Spacex are now rate-limited by building a better launch structure at Starbase
He also has the problem of a high-water table at his site and that prevents the kind of construction required to withstand the blast effects, it looks like the water system is going in for sound suppression. They need to think in double Saturn V terms, if that thing blows up on the pad it will make one Helluva bang. I don't know what the FAA thinks about this launch, but I'm sure the government officials were not impressed by it and the public hazard it could represent. I thought that's what the cape was for R&D, it is a better location than Texas and also has a right-wing lunatic government, so Elon should be happy there.
He also has the problem of a high-water table at his site and that prevents the kind of construction required to withstand the blast effects, it looks like the water system is going in for sound suppression. They need to think in double Saturn V terms, if that thing blows up on the pad it will make one Helluva bang. I don't know what the FAA thinks about this launch, but I'm sure the government officials were not impressed by it and the public hazard it could represent. I thought that's what the cape was for R&D, it is a better location than Texas and also has a right-wing lunatic government, so Elon should be happy there.
the Cape has a very similar geology. They solved it by building an elevated pad, with the bottom of the flame trench above the water table.
Cheap, fast, good: pick any 2

Cool vid of the SLS deluge system being tested. In use it would feed that water into the crawler that carried Saturn V, Shuttle and the new hotness.
