Elons Little Plan

Look just ask your self how long it's been since the last time they gave you electroshock therapy and what was your name before that happened and who's driving you around America, to cheap to even get u a fake ID. Do you and your masters actually think the NSA etc. doesn't know what your up to?
Right, so you are just trolling. Did your mommy do you a disfavor by telling you that you were smart? pro tip: you are not.
It sounds like you secretly are into all that shit but try not to dwell on it when your not mid ritual masterbating in coffins etc.
This kind or right wing bullshit that your kind proliferate is is called othering. It's what Nazis used against Jews and what Republicans did a decade ago to Muslims. It is what Trump was doing when he made his speech about Mexico "is not sending us their best, blah blah". This time, however, your kind are the minority using speech like this against a majority. It can't work. Not politically. What it does do is inflame unstable weak minded people who believe what you say it true. People get hurt when that happens. I don't understand why anybody would want this.

However, I will point out that it is creepy how right wing trolls like you dwell on this subject. Not that I'm saying you ARE a sexual deviant but you sound like one.
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Why do people hate Bill Gates for falsely believing he put microchips in covid vaccines but they have no problem with Elon who actually plans on putting microchips into peoples brains?
Why do you care if we expose pedophiles if your not a pedophile? Only pedophiles are offended by exposing pedophiles... lol

I've said it before, will say it again, all of us parents think your preoccupation with pedophiles is creepy and a big red flag.

Very simply that isn't where normal people's minds are. Certain groups have developed quite the reputation for projection. What's wrong with your pizza places?
Maybe they will finally arrest someone guilty for this stuff and then we will see. Who knows maybe they just replace them with a lookalike; so nobody knows there missing and cant find out they took them to a black site and cut their faces off with a bread knife or some crazy shit like that. I think the government is more likely to operate that way these days than to put pedophiles on the news and say their trying to controll the government at the highest level with sexual coercion because that would cause a "fire sale". A fire sale would effectively help the foreign influencers who use sex to manipulate politics and powerfull people like intelligence officials. That's why I'm taking an educated guess and saying they probably just take the real pedophiles to a black site safe house and saw of their face on video then send it to the foreign intelligence services who MK Ultra'ed them and sent them to run interference on us. Then they replace them with a lookalike who can fool facial recognition and the rest of us are none the wiser.
thats the plots of "live free or die hard" and "faceoff".....what the fuck man? have you been trolling us with movie plots this whole time?
Why do people hate Bill Gates for falsely believing he put microchips in covid vaccines but they have no problem with Elon who actually plans on putting microchips into peoples brains?
because they're fucking stupid....mystery solved gang, now lets go get high in the mystery machine and then go for frosty chocolate milkshakes and shaggy and scooby can make a giant sandwich...
Only if you don't know how to use a graph.

At best Musk is just another in the long line of spoiled rich white guys who got themselves radicalized in the last decade to think that everyone else moved and they stayed the same.

I'm with ya, I really don't think the Democratic party has changed at all over the last 16 decades or so.
I'm with ya, I really don't think the Democratic party has changed at all over the last 16 decades or so.
Sure it does.
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wait what?....
He’s decided to build a new Leaning Tower of Crazy out o’ post-dated Girl Scouts & electric eyeballs…and his mindless flopping pronouncements somehow pwn…I dunno, *someone*. Maybe Elon

Apparently it’s a form of masturbation that requires no sex organs of any kind, produces no orgasm, yet is endlessly sought by some for - well, *reasons*, I’m sure
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Are you saying you're proud Democrats finally joined the 19th century to allow non-whites?
Yeah it happened in the post ww2 era when the racists started their 'Southern Strategy' and moved over into the Republican party to consolidate power after gerrymandering states to keep power out of the segregated areas.

The Democrats are the first major political party in, as far as I know feel free to point out a counter example to this, the history of the world that is truly representative of and legislating for 100% of our nation's citizens. I really look forward to the Republicans finally casting off their racists/fascist members and joining them so that our country can really start working at as close to 100% efficient as possible.

Drawing your leaders from about 10% of the population just leads to the same bad decisions that the Republicans have been making for the last century.

Also, you seem to bring up race a lot, are you white or just white knighting for me or "us" or whatever?
We are unfortunately living in a period where race baiting hate mongers have taken over the Republican party. Understanding why this is bad/inefficient/shit economic and social policy is important.
Yeah it happened in the post ww2 era when the racists started their 'Southern Strategy' and moved over into the Republican party to consolidate power after gerrymandering states to keep power out of the segregated areas.

The Democrats are the first major political party in, as far as I know feel free to point out a counter example to this, the history of the world that is truly representative of and legislating for 100% of our nation's citizens. I really look forward to the Republicans finally casting off their racists/fascist members and joining them so that our country can really start working at as close to 100% efficient as possible.

Drawing your leaders from about 10% of the population just leads to the same bad decisions that the Republicans have been making for the last century.

We are unfortunately living in a period where race baiting hate mongers have taken over the Republican party. Understanding why this is bad/inefficient/shit economic and social policy is important.

So you're beating around the Bush that you're white and that race is still a key platform issue in the Democratic party today just as it was then?

That makes sense, thanks for clarification; I would hate to assume someone's views.
So you're beating around the Bush that you're white and that race is still a key platform issue in the Democratic party today just as it was then?

That makes sense, thanks for clarification; I would hate to assume someone's views.
You mean that to be able to legislate for all of America that you would better off having input from people who have lived in almost every community in America and understands the needs and issues that they have to get to better outcomes? Because then sure. Just picking from the same handful of spoiled rich nepotistic gene pool whose perspective is not something that 90% of Americans experience is what has led to shit outcomes too many times.
So you're beating around the Bush that you're white and that race is still a key platform issue in the Democratic party today just as it was then?

That makes sense, thanks for clarification; I would hate to assume someone's views.
Then STOP ASSUMING, *duh*…

I know it’s popular with the anti-democratic party to pretend that the Dixiecrats (a passel of hard-core racist southern politicians) *STILL* dominate the Democratic Party - to pretend that Nixon didn’t *invite* them into the Republican Party in ‘67-‘68 (on the advice of historian Kevin Phillips, who was the one who noticed that the Dixiecrats *always* voted w/ Republicans (especially on “racial issues”) & advised Nixon of the ‘Southern strategy’).

I know it’s also popular among the “GOP” to pretend that Lee Atwater *wasn’t* an old-school racist (he was), that he was never the Gypper’s campaign advisor (he was) or the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (he was), and that he never said:
Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger". By 1968, you can't say "nigger"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this", is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger". So, any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner.

So, the question is, are you honestly, ignorantly wrong about the “GOP” & racism? Or are you just a willfully corrupt liar?

A little ACTUAL history might disturb you, but it seems like you need it. Fortunately, your assumption only makes an ass out of *you*.