Well-Known Member
What did you read (any of them)? How much time did you have? Where’s the repository?
Did you see the recreation of Thomas Jefferson’s personal library at the Smithsonian? THAT was thrilling for me, honestly…it was strictly no-touchie, tho, which was a shame (understandable, but still…)
Some suburb town north of Denver. My appointment was for certified copies of some part(s) of Statutes At Large Federal Reserve Act, Emergency Banking Act of 1933, some Coinage Act or another,, the First Judiciary Act and the FDR part relating to Social Security was a Governors conference from the White House so it was likely a transcript. Maybe 15 or more years ago.
I have never been to the Smithsonian.
I read somewhere the Nuremberg Laws were pretty much based on US Slavery. Like a template. Didn't know that about Ford but I did get the notion reading somewhere that granddaddy Bush loved Nazis. What I recall of FDR and Mussolini were their praises of each other through publications from the US and Italy and not direct correspondence to each other. I didnt read these on any microfilm or Library of Congress or the like but it was duh interwebz. I must have thought the source credible as I retained it.Did you read any of *those*?
Hitler was a big fan of Henry Ford and US Confederate slavery, too. Did you read anything that suggested Roosevelt was a big fan of Mussolini’s politics after he stopped being a journalist? The way your phrased that suggests you’ve only been told about FDR & pre-Duce, not that you’ve read “repository-quality” documentation on it