Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

Robert Paulson

Active Member
[4 Plants (28ounce. X 5 expected)]/ 400 watts = 1.4 GPW .....You cut LBH's amount of plants in half Woodsman, or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
word it however you want, you win amigo, do a lap, take a bow. You are the best!!

Are we done now?


Well-Known Member
I usually do not like to cut fan leafs, I feel it virtually always will reduce bud size. On the other hand, having a very dense canopy doesn't help much either, it will shade out everything from the 3rd nod down resulting in very light green loose buds that I can only use for hash or butter. This is not a problem with heavy yielding plants, but with low yielding plants it leaves you with something to be desired. So by removing shading leafs I get better development of secondary bud sites, but slow down development on my primary sites. Obviously strain and genetics is very important here. The other option would be to not prune any leafs at all and do 2 harvests.
On which side of this do you guys come down, and have any of you experimented with it?



Well-Known Member
"Scrogging, or screen of green, is a form of lst (low stress training) where the main goal is to maximize the footprint of your light(s) by dividing, or breaking down the main cola, in conjunction with raising all the lower bud up to the canopy." LBH

Enter the Scrog - is a post page. For EVERYONE. It is also a learning tool. I didn't teach folks how to do what they do now, they taught them selves by using help and understanding of the base concept of scrog.

But god help anyone who offers any different ideas for he faces the attack of the woodsman. No thanks, not my kind of learning atmosphere. All yours, carry


Well-Known Member
ok..... wow. ya like some drama queens. i see where LBH is coming from, he didnt attack/offend anyone. Wood is tight cause LBH kinda hijacked his thread.. why dont ya just smoke a blunt....
the challenge was made by wood, lbh accepted, then wood said he will reconsider his challenge...? i was confused.....
the challenge would be damn near impossible to be even, there way to many variables from city to city let alone each grow room.

in a nutshell i think lbh just wanted to spread his knowledge, wood was like fuck you make your own thread i run this shit here, lbh was like cool out im on your team, woods was like im taking my basketball home so know noone can play.
so we, the students of this here game, have to read about who got the bigger dick between ya and ZERO scrog talk/technique/information in the last 3-4 pages..... im done. need to light up


Well-Known Member
ok..... wow. ya like some drama queens. i see where LBH is coming from, he didnt attack/offend anyone. Wood is tight cause LBH kinda hijacked his thread.. why dont ya just smoke a blunt....
the challenge was made by wood, lbh accepted, then wood said he will reconsider his challenge...? i was confused.....
the challenge would be damn near impossible to be even, there way to many variables from city to city let alone each grow room.

in a nutshell i think lbh just wanted to spread his knowledge, wood was like fuck you make your own thread i run this shit here, lbh was like cool out im on your team, woods was like im taking my basketball home so know noone can play.
so we, the students of this here game, have to read about who got the bigger dick between ya and ZERO scrog talk/technique/information in the last 3-4 pages..... im done. need to light up

Lol, yep that sums it up pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll tell ya right now I don't have a big dick, in fact, if I could trade some of these buds for anything else it would probably be one of those,lmao.

Seriously though, not here to step on anyone's toes so I'm going to gently go away. Peace and big plants.

Grow 'em up!!


hey what's goin on guys. Just wanted to share my first grow which happens to be a Scrog. I have a 32"x32"x64" grow box with a 600 watt digital HPS/MH. Just doing a 2 plant Scrog to keep it fairly simple. I have a Mazar (afghan x skunk1) and Jack the Ripper clone which I was able to pick up at my local collective (SoCal). Plants have only been in the pots for 3 days now and still waiting to put the screen up. Here's a couple pics though. Any Input be much appreciated. Thanks! Trying to start a grow journal but for some reason the damn site won't let me submit or preview it....tried different browsers and comps. Any suggestions? thanks anyways.

View attachment 1653580View attachment 1653582



Well-Known Member
ok..... wow. ya like some drama queens. i see where LBH is coming from, he didnt attack/offend anyone. Wood is tight cause LBH kinda hijacked his thread.. why dont ya just smoke a blunt....
the challenge was made by wood, lbh accepted, then wood said he will reconsider his challenge...? i was confused.....
the challenge would be damn near impossible to be even, there way to many variables from city to city let alone each grow room.

in a nutshell i think lbh just wanted to spread his knowledge, wood was like fuck you make your own thread i run this shit here, lbh was like cool out im on your team, woods was like im taking my basketball home so know noone can play.
so we, the students of this here game, have to read about who got the bigger dick between ya and ZERO scrog talk/technique/information in the last 3-4 pages..... im done. need to light up
lmfao, I need no excuse to smoke a blunt, and thanks for saving me time , I donthave to read the last few pages of bickering to know whats going on hah :lol:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1654251jcurry26,

Great Choices! The 600 will do great in that tent, the strain choices are some of my fav's and I have scrogged both very effectively (your going to be very pleased with JTR in scrog, DONT TOP). Mazar won competitions in years past and possesses a fabulous combination of cannabinoids that delight both the patient and the connoisseur in you.
Suggestions: Secondary support for towering colas. Maybe a PVC support system that has upper support capabilities. Above

Do Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
*A re-read post

Weaving is actually what I discourage. Several reasons but here are a few: The basket it leaves for you to remove in the end is a pain in the ass. The plant is less pliable and thus less workable when crowding begins and the need to move branches occurs (not all plants will grow the same and you wont predict them all however, you can work them all if you plan for it). Weaving requires sturdy screen of which is not always used or preferable.

I suggest training you’re plants to become bushes prior to screening; this can be done more efficiently using other methods rather than using the screen to accomplish LST. (Read up on the method, it should be your first step in training for scrog.) Learning how to manipulate the plants growth pattern via light stretch (moving the lights away from the canopy to result in stretch between internodes) and various response techniques, LST, FIMM, Topping, Super cropping, etc. take time and experience to master. Experience knowing the strains used, the environment that you are growing in, how the environmental controls such as nutrients and additive will effect each plant how and when, how what lighting will effect the plant and why etc. are all things that greatly effect the outcome of every crop and create the successful professional. Though it may always seem that there is an easy way to master anything and everything, those that have will tell you it took time to create experience and there is no easier way around that.
In soil, I drill holes at every quarter inch around the top of my pot/bucket. I use those holes as an anchor point for pliable yet sturdy stainless steel wire to attach. I then use the appropriate length to secure a branch or stem that I have pulled down and away from center, in order to bring the tops of each to the same height as the lower parts of the plant on a horizontal plane. The result is light penetration to all the lower and newer internodes and growth (each node is a bud site/top) and a natural response of vigorous growth from all parts of the plant via the stress.
Hydro, I use improvised anchor points to accomplish the same effect. Typically training is less aggressive in hydroponics. Branches tend to snap more easily and thus furthers the need for larger clones from a pre-trained and already “bushed” mother. I take 3 to 4 foot clones from mothers that have branches fully bushed ready for the screen size and dimensions I plan to run. Once the clones have rooted, they are introduced to a screen. I spend a few weeks allowing the plant to adjust and fill however the clone’s size prior to introduction is as large as it needs to be to fill the space, just not the right “shape” if you will. Once the plant has filled the screen and has become the level plane that we are looking for, flowering begins. It is typically those few weeks before that point that I do all of the “Scogging”.
Basically I have boiled it down to just a few weeks of “Screen training”.


View attachment 1654251jcurry26,

Great Choices! The 600 will do great in that tent, the strain choices are some of my fav's and I have scrogged both very effectively (your going to be very pleased with JTR in scrog, DONT TOP). Mazar won competitions in years past and possesses a fabulous combination of cannabinoids that delight both the patient and the connoisseur in you.
Suggestions: Secondary support for towering colas. Maybe a PVC support system that has upper support capabilities. Above

Do Enjoy!
Thanks Woodsman! I was also told by my collective i'd really like the JTR also. thanks for the info about no topping...because that's the plant I was considering topping! I'm definetly excited for both of them though. As far as the PVC support I think that's a great Idea. The thought of extra support had crossed my mind a few times but being new to growing everything tends to blend together and get slightly overwhelming. Glad you brought that up and i'll definetly look in to something similar. Hope your enjoying that beautiful alaskan summer! I grew up in good old Fairbanks! lol


Well-Known Member
Dear Community,
Per request, I have removed my conversation with LBH in order to keep this thread related to the topic of SCROG. I have sent a formal request to LBH for his cooperation in removal of his portion of the conversation. After LBH has continued to post to this thread regardless of his account that he would be leaving, and the refusal to comply with the request. I have reported the conversation and expect a moderator to take action. I maintain the position that the continuance of rude comments and offensive language is in direct violation of RIU rule. I also maintain the position that this thread is focused on SCROG and the argument is non related and should be removed in respect of all users of this page. I have removed my portion of the conversation and will make my determination as to where I will continue my service to the Scrog community based on the decisions and actions of RIU. Thank you to the community for any support you have provided.



Well-Known Member
Re: Formal Request

So let me get this straight. You attack me, insult me, and bully me without so much as a :"sorry" and then you come to me with a "formal request"???

It looks to me like you really didn't learn a damn thing through all that so I think it should remain up to remind you not to be an asshole to people you don't even know.

Honestly, You're ego blew me away but your arrogance and balls have me dumbfounded.


Well-Known Member
Really? Do I need to post your pm's to me? Apologize like a man for attacking me instead of reporting me for proving your methods are old hat and not as productive as mine because that's what this is about. I was nothing but diplomatic, all through your attacks, read back to refresh your memory bud. I never attacked you, you came at me calling me all kinds of childish names, putting me down, calling me out on my method. I accepted your challenge but when you realized you didn't do the math right in your little hissy fit, you backpeddled like a mo fo, don't think the members didn't notice either, my pm box and rep points have blown up since you acted like a big baby back there. This thread is supposed to be a place where people can discuss scrogging , right? Or is it only if they do it YOUR way? Which is it, you here for the people? to help them grow better? or are you just here to pump up your ego?

Seriously now, should I print out your pm's ya bully? If anyone wants to see what REALLY happened, just read back.

Now, yes I did say I would leave this thread alone, leave you to do your thing even though it is antiquated and I did,...you'll notice I didn't comment on any of your recent stuff. And then this nice post by you again, all because you requested I pull down the stuff from yesterday, the stuff where you totally embarrassed yourself but you asked this without ever even apologizing for the whole thing. Pretty friggin arrogant. So when I refuse, you report me like some little kid and make a post on your thread, bringing me back in to defend myself. If you want me gone, stop contacting me, apologize and stop trying to discredit me, it's not going to work, the basis of my work speaks for itself


Well-Known Member
Re: Formal Request
So let me get this straight. You attack me, insult me, and bully me without so much as a :"sorry" and then you come to me with a "formal request"???

It looks to me like you really didn't learn a damn thing through all that so I think it should remain up to remind you not to be an asshole to people you don't even know.

Honestly, You're ego blew me away but your arrogance and balls have me dumbfounded.
You realize you just proved my point, right? If you attack someone,....don't ask them a favor till you apologize. Asking without an apology is just the epitome of ignorant.

Sorry, but it is what it is and you're the one that keeps digging this hole your in

ps, don't you think the mods have enough to do without asking them to do your damage control when you yourself haven't put the effort in to resolve it? A simple apology and you'd be back to answering posts, dishing out ancient info, etc Wouldn't you rather be doing that than running to mommy saying I beat someone up and now they won't let me bully them any more?


Well-Known Member
That is a bit extreme Wood. Just drop it already shit. i read your post earlier and was thinking alright this guy is gonna chill the fuck out and continue with the Scrog thread but no. You pick right back up and continue with the bullshit. LBH has not attacked you in the least. You have jumped him and rode his ass for no reason whatsoever. So the fuck what you have different growing techniques. You are making it a point to prove your point for some reason. LBH has been very civil about the whole thing and you continue to wanna fight and argue by reporting someone for something that you are instigating and carrying on. Lighten the fuck up and carry on with the scrog thread not the bullying point proving egotistical thread that you are making it become. Get over yourself.
You gonna start a fight with me now? Save it for someone who cares..


Well-Known Member
Jesus, you just don't quit do you....

my latest pm....

I'll take 18 off a 400 than 15 off an 800 any day of the week -lbh

"18 X 4 plants / 15 X 2 plants Means I am producing more. I have more plants...
You are restricted to plant numbers or illegal. What you failed to see, was what I knew the rest of the community of that thread had already seen in pages past. I grew the two JC's under 400watts. I flowered under 800. You didn't, you don't pay attention to details and your friends are pointing out the details for you. My point was X-factors of which your thread lacks explanation. The very reason your thread is offensive and you have yet to understand. I have asked you to do whats reasonable. You have rejected my request and are harassing me. You have said over and over that you would leave and I left it at that. You have not. I have reported because I respect the rules of RIU. It is not my only option.

Seeing how you persist, let's break this down so we don't miss any "factors", variables or tangents,ok?

"18 X 4 plants / 15 X 2 plants Means I am producing more. I have more plants...

Um,no, detail man, you have 2 plants I have 4,....4 is more than 2 (man, I thought MY math was bad) but you are flowering with twice the wattage and I can almost guarantee you are vegging longer than my 4weeks.

You are restricted to plant numbers or illegal

RI registered patient, allowed 12/12

What you failed to see, was what I knew the rest of the community of that thread had already seen in pages past. I grew the two JC's under 400watts. I flowered under 800. You didn't

Yup, you're right AGAIN!! I didn't have the LUXURY of vegging under a 400, I use a 4 foot, 6 bulb t5. Your point is? Because now I have a point. Give me a 400 to veg with and I'll put up numbers even further out of your reach, hows that?

you don't pay attention to details

look who is calling the kettle black! lol You conveniently add the numbers wrong ,....twice now and both in favor of you, you already hurt your rep, shooting for all loss of integrity?

My point was X-factors of which your thread lacks explanation.

Say what?

MY point is pretty clear,, I get more using my method than you do using yours. So what, the sky is NOT falling, promise.

The very reason your thread is offensive and you have yet to understand. I have asked you to do whats reasonable.

along those lines, knowing how to scrog better than you, YOUR thread is offensive, hows that? lol (Honestly, folks who are following this man, I'm sure he's helping you and I'd never knock that so carry on but I'm not going to let this guy tell me that the way I grow is offensive just because he can't handle the truth.)

You have rejected my request and are harassing me.

now thats straight up comedy, I offered diplomatically and even DID leave but YOU have this need to keep dragging me back. I asked you not to contact me any more but still, you persist. And read back braniac, you are harassing ME!

You have said over and over that you would leave and I left it at that.

Bullshit, you sent countless pm's, posted that ridiculous note to the members, reported your attack on me to admin ()still scratching head on that one).....

I have reported because I respect the rules of RIU

Then foillow them for crying out loud,lol.....trying to add hypocrite to the list now??

It is not my only option.

and the icing on the cake,.....let's end with a threat. That in the rules anywhere admin?

Be careful who you fucking threat pal, this is the internet,you don't know me and I doubt you'd want to.

Now,...... you going to carry on with your thread or keep on harassing me because I have all night to let you keep digging deeper but I think the members would appreciate it if you just let it go like I tried to pages and pages ago