Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
I once had a teacher who said i was going to grow up to be a garbage man so i did research and found out that a teacher makes 28k a year and the garbage man 32k a year ............." ignorance is the downfall of any great mind " .
Thats from the movie Notorious right...


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
This may be a pretty broad question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Does scrogging tend to increase yield where space isn't a large factor? My plants are outdoors and I'm debating whether to scrog/LST/top. Any suggestions would be appreciated. How does a scrogged plant grow versus other techniques?


Well-Known Member
"Does scrogging tend to increase yield where space isn't a large factor?" Brandon727272

One of the the common misconceptions often voiced in scrog tutorials is that scrog is best for space restricted areas. I would agree that when you are space limited you can only maximize the potential of that space and thus the most simple solution is to scrog in order to meet maximum potential however, the answer to your question is YES. Scrogging "tends" to increase yield regardless and is not limited to gardens of restricted space. Scrogged gardens are comprised of plants that have been manipulated in a way that prepares the plant for superior production under ideal conditions. The plant is supported during flower production when normally a key portion of the available energy would be spent on strengthening stems as buds develop. Scrog provides a "protected environment"giving the plant support during the most critical time for medicinal component development. The key concept of scrog that truly sets it apart from all other cultivation techniques however, is the base principle that increases surface area allowing equal distribution of available light to all parts of that surface area. This principle works in all environments and especially well in areas not restricted by space. (some times I am amazed at how tall a plant can grow, most of the time I am more amazed at how much surface area a plant can cover) Woodsman~



Well-Known Member
Thanks for that valuable piece of knowledge woodsman! Another part of my question that I didn't word very clearly: what is the main difference in final product? My instinct tells me that scrog would produced many similar sized buds, because they are receiving the same light. Does a topped plant produce few large colas and the rest small nugs? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ideally yes, the plant would produce nearly identical colas across the screen. (granted light is distributed evenly and thus the direction of the rising and setting sun in relation to position of your garden is key)


Well-Known Member
My outdoor plants only get ~6 hours of direct light day. Will this low amount of direct light make scrogging less effective? Would this factor make another technique more attractive?


Well-Known Member
morning men im gona be setting up a scrog this afternoon as i am getting 4 white rhino cuttings today after work. im starting from scratch as need to get my gear from my mams as had a nock by the 5.0 on my last crop and had to shift to my mams just incase...any ideas how to go my space is 90x90cm and about 5 ft high


Well-Known Member
Quick question for the guru's...

I've read in books that clones should be used for scrog...
Would it be possible to top a seedling then FIM the plant a couple of times to help fill out the screen...?

Ideally a perpetual, modular scrog grow..?


Well-Known Member
Jay: Your question is often asked and obviously lost in the pages, my apologies...

You can screen a seed plant, yes. Sure you can train a seed plant with any method; what works "best" to fill usable space however, is dependent on several factors separate from the need to use clones. Clones are mature plants and thus are more equipped if you will, to exhibit desirable results from induced stress via training compared to that of an immature seedling in my experience. Clones then also take time out of the perpetual harvest cycle essentially and are recommended for use in scrog. They are not necessary to accomplish the benefits of scrog.
I am not sure how perpetual and modular correlate with the question but I hope this has helped answer what you were asking.


Well-Known Member
* "I extend my apologies to the community for the non-related subject matter of recent pages past." ~Woodsmantoker

A Caution - I have learned through experience in reviewing threads on the global scale, that some elaborate individuals educate them selves by portraying a character that is knowledgeable and experienced at the expense of the naive "student". Experience and education is gained by the thread creator, through the review of failed attempts, error upon trial, chance success, etc. Carefully worded advice and gratitude from conversationalists, leads some to believe that reputation and thread advancements are signs of experience and superiority in the given field. Sadly, knowingly malicious or not, this harms our already troubled community by continuing the misinformation and misguidance of time strapped and ill patients and those that care for them.
In my opinion, entertainment and education should not be at the "expense" of any unwilling unknowing party. When I created this thread, I knew that I had more experience with this particular method than many of my peers. I knew that my experience could be helpful to others who might be interested in the method of scrog and I wanted to give my hand where it could be helpful. I was reluctant however, to create a tutorial and lead individuals into thinking that following any particular technique to achieve a given result, was better than what might be learned through personal experience in attempt to achieve that same result or one better. I also knew that as with any subject matter, there is always more to learn and room to grow and I too wanted to remain a student. After various attempts at achieving a middle ground between teaching and learning, I decided that the best way for me to achieve my goal was to create a place where everyone is welcome to post, share, learn, network, and expand our knowledge and understanding together as a community. I knew that my experience alone was far less beneficial to the community as a whole, than that of all minds together in one place. Regardless of my own experience, this thread has become the most beneficial teaching/learning tool for the method of scrog available online, as a result of each individuals contribution making it a priceless resource. I appreciate everyone and the contributions you have made and hope that the community can understand that I am not the foundation, but simply the creator of this resource.

Bravo to you all and Thank You!


Well-Known Member
* "I extend my apologies to the community for the non-related subject matter of recent pages past." ~Woodsmantoker

A Caution - I have learned through experience in reviewing threads on the global scale, that some elaborate individuals educate them selves by portraying a character that is knowledgeable and experienced at the expense of the naive "student". Experience and education is gained by the thread creator, through the review of failed attempts, error upon trial, chance success, etc. Carefully worded advice and gratitude from conversationalists, leads some to believe that reputation and thread advancements are signs of experience and superiority in the given field. Sadly, knowingly malicious or not, this harms our already troubled community by continuing the misinformation and misguidance of time strapped and ill patients and those that care for them.
In my opinion, entertainment and education should not be at the "expense" of any unwilling unknowing party. When I created this thread, I knew that I had more experience with this particular method than many of my peers. I knew that my experience could be helpful to others who might be interested in the method of scrog and I wanted to give my hand where it could be helpful. I was reluctant however, to create a tutorial and lead individuals into thinking that following any particular technique to achieve a given result, was better than what might be learned through personal experience in attempt to achieve that same result or one better. I also knew that as with any subject matter, there is always more to learn and room to grow and I too wanted to remain a student. After various attempts at achieving a middle ground between teaching and learning, I decided that the best way for me to achieve my goal was to create a place where everyone is welcome to post, share, learn, network, and expand our knowledge and understanding together as a community. I knew that my experience alone was far less beneficial to the community as a whole, than that of all minds together in one place. Regardless of my own experience, this thread has become the most beneficial teaching/learning tool for the method of scrog available online, as a result of each individuals contribution making it a priceless resource. I appreciate everyone and the contributions you have made and hope that the community can understand that I am not the foundation, but simply the creator of this resource.

Bravo to you all and Thank You!
Well put. This is the definition of what a sticky should be. It's like the original LST thread on many of the boards, the one using "spiral lst" that was written by Dierwolf. Well, the method itself turned out to not work very well too often but the quality of the discussion in the threads is very desirable stuff. A few other methods have been born from that one and that, and out of respect to the late Dierwolf, many of the boards let the thread remain. That's where my personal tutorial was born, it was a collaboration of many growers trying things that were all similar and all posting the results. good stuff.

There are lots and lots of right ways to do it, finding your niche is where it's at. Like Woodman, I also love to scrog, we just do it differently. Nothing wrong with that as long as we are both happy with our results right? Wood, we never stop being students because it makes for better teachers ;)

Grow em up!!

(Did you see my stadium scrog offer, no interest?)


Well-Known Member
"Does scrogging tend to increase yield where space isn't a large factor?" Brandon727272

One of the the common misconceptions often voiced in scrog tutorials is that scrog is best for space restricted areas. I would agree that when you are space limited you can only maximize the potential of that space and thus the most simple solution is to scrog in order to meet maximum potential however, the answer to your question is YES. Scrogging "tends" to increase yield regardless and is not limited to gardens of restricted space. Scrogged gardens are comprised of plants that have been manipulated in a way that prepares the plant for superior production under ideal conditions. The plant is supported during flower production when normally a key portion of the available energy would be spent on strengthening stems as buds develop. Scrog provides a "protected environment"giving the plant support during the most critical time for medicinal component development. The key concept of scrog that truly sets it apart from all other cultivation techniques however, is the base principle that increases surface area allowing equal distribution of available light to all parts of that surface area. This principle works in all environments and especially well in areas not restricted by space. (some times I am amazed at how tall a plant can grow, most of the time I am more amazed at how much surface area a plant can cover) Woodsman~

Have you ever tried to get one single plant, as big as you could and dedicate its own screen to it? I don't and never have had the room but have always been very curious what a single could do under the screen, method is moot, I just wanna see it done. I wonder....

I've filled a 4x4 screen with 1 plant before but it could have vegged longer and gotten much larger, I just needed to fill the screen to keep the perpetual going


I have a question. Might be a dumb question but I'm here to learn. Has anyone ever tried putting the screen vertically and letting the plant weave up it like a vine? Sounds pointless but I was wondering if I could line the walls of my grow box with screens and then have a plant grow on the walls. Sorry if this question is a repeat.


Well-Known Member
I have a question. Might be a dumb question but I'm here to learn. Has anyone ever tried putting the screen vertically and letting the plant weave up it like a vine? Sounds pointless but I was wondering if I could line the walls of my grow box with screens and then have a plant grow on the walls. Sorry if this question is a repeat.
Robbye: Not a bad question, yes it has been attempted here and was discussed, you may be able to find it by searching however I will respond.

LBH I would like you to weigh in here and I will follow.


Well-Known Member
I have zero experience with vert screens but it is definitely do-able and they seem to pop up on the boards now and again, pretty interesting. There was one version I remember though that really struck me as "smart". It was the next level so to say where the grower wrapped the screen in a circle, about 5' in diameter and about 6' tall and had a cool tube hung vertically in the middle. The actual pots are located outside the circle. The cylinder screen was hinged in the rear so it opened in half and the 2? 3? plants growing in each half, moved with it. It's like 2 vert screens, arched to meet each other. Very ingenious and impressive but this cat obviously had a lot of trial, error and scrogging experience to get there. Just a thought, it looked like it was a yield monster for sure.

Specific training in veg will definitely be necessary. For example, my method would not work here unless you elevated the pots to the mid height of the screen, stretched the heck out of the seedling and aimed it sideways before (below) the first few nodes as I train to grow sideways as opposed to up. See, my issue at this location is height, something this method would require to be fruitful. If height is an issue at your place, I would recommend just using a standard screen.

I'd love to watch if you try and I'm sure everyone here would help with their input if you do decide to.

Back to trimming, happy and safe 4th to all you screenheads!

she'l smoke

Hey people this is my 1st scrog im doing pineaple chunk, green poison and 2 white ice. I started out vegin with a 125w and 2 30w clfs which done great until the growth reached the screen and and wanted somthing to cover the rest of the screen quickly so i went for the T5. Temps are ok iv had problems with temps in the past with where the grow room is with harsh winters in the uk and unpredictable summers but its staying fairly consistant this time.

The screen is about 2.5ft by 3.5 ft
Biobizz grow, bloom, topmax ect.
screen is 10'' above soil

Dont tend 2 keep track of dates but i think the plants are 2 months in veg, my worrys so far is that they seem to be takin ages to fill up the screen, growth just seems slowww even tho their getting plenty of light. The nutes could have been subjected to very cold or hot conditions maybe thats the problem? Iv ben adding more than 1ml per liter of bio grow and some of my mates worm casting run off every water, ph is ok. The leaves are a slightly light green. Ok here are some pics, sory bout the mess, any help would be greatly apreciated cheers!
Attached Thumbnails
