
And there were people who called the push in the '30s and '60s "socialsm."

Let me make this simpler. If $7.25 isn't "socialsim," what is? $8.28? $9.49? $11.11?

$1 a day isnt socialist, $5 and hour isnt socialist, $500 an hour isnt socialist.

but the people who are selling it ARE socialists. why? because they admit it.

look at those links i showed you earlier.

they are all socialist political parties dedicated to SOCIALISM

i can forgive the intellectually lazy association between the socialist selling the agenda and the bullshit he is slinging, because socialists dont usually sell anything that isnt socialism.
this one is just SPECIAL.

this is economic sabotage.

raising the minimum wage is inflationary.
inflation kills capitalism faster than anything except a violent revolution

but nobody is signing up to hurl their bodies at the barricades these days, so they try to undermine capitalism with inflation.

why is this so hard for you to grasp?

socialism doesnt really give a fuck about a minimum wage, that is a construct, useful for selling their agenda to those who dont live in a marxist society.

socialism imposes A WAGE

good doctor whose patients survive? 1000 rubles a month
lazy doctor who sews his shirt into your chest? 1000 rubles a month

been repairing tractors for 30 years? 500 rubles a month
just got out of tractor repair school? 500 rubles a month

grow 500 bushels per acre? 400 rubles a month
grow 200 bushels per acre? 400 rubles per month

type 500 words a minute? 300 rubles a month
type 50 words a minute? 300 rubles a month

see how that DOESNT WORK?
the exceptions to the minimum wage for some restaurant employees (primarily wait staff) in some localities have their own rationales,(some specious some thought provoking) and the long standing exemption for ag workers who are paid by the piece, have little to do with the question of whether minimum wage standards are socialist or not.

in every industry the playing feild is level.
even when the minimum wage is diffeent for some employees, it is the same ofr all employees in that class, and it's still a MINIMUM, not a maximum

if you pay your waitresses shit, they will go work for TGIFridays or red lobster.

But none of that has anything to do with capitalism
Inflation happens whether the minimum wage is raised or not. You're advocating prices continue to rise while wages stagnate to avoid big bad socialism

You are a dumbass

a dumbass is one who thinks inflation means wages.

wage increases are inflationary (in that PRICES go up)

when somebody is talking about wage inflation they will say WAGE inflation (but nobody talks about that shit cuz it's not the leading index, it follows)

when it costs more to produce goods, ship them to the market, stock them on the shelves and pay the clerks who ultimately sell them, the price of those goods will inevitably rise.

if, just as an example, the minimum wage is raised to $100/hour, how much will your big mac cost?

or will the franchisee and Mcburgers just shrug and say "aww well, caint raise prices, looks like we go hungry this month"

you sir, are the dumbest ass in town.
I've got a feeling that's gonna become someone's sig. :)

As long as I don't identify with any socialist group, but agree that $500 an hour would be good, I'm not a "socialist" and my proposal isn't "socialism."
nope, even if it if it comes from a marxist, demands to increase the minimum wage aint socialist.
it's just bad economics, and a foolish idea.

when you propose such a scheme, it's gonna put you in company with marxists though, so dont be surprised if you get tarred with the same brush.
Kynes is still trying to define socialism...
marxism and socialism are well defined, just cuz you dont know what the words mean doesnt change the facts.

but then you dont know what serf, chattel, slavery, volunteer, fascism or capitalism mean either.

not understanding socialism is the least of your troubles.
But none of that has anything to do with capitalism
thats right, minimum wages are not part of capitalist theory, or marxist theory.

they are entirely different.

capitalism has no native provision for minimum wages, since the invisible hand of the market will theoretically give us each the Dutch Rudder we deserve

marxism makes no provision for a minimum wage either, since it expects that the single unalterable wage for each job type will be determined by the intellectual vanguard.
when you propose such a scheme, it's gonna put you in company with marxists though, so dont be surprised if you get tarred with the same brush.

Doesn't that prove my point. "Tarring with the same brush" is essentially a slur. A simple way to stop constructive discussion because "you're one of those guys!" (or, more often, "socialism!" or "entitlement!").

For example, if someone defends our current $7.25 minimum wage, would they be "tarred with the same brush" just because other groups defend it too?
besides idiots like you and ginwilly, who else is talking about $100 min wages?

even a moron could observe that was simply reductio ad absurdum to make my point.

doubling the minimum wage will do the same job, only slower.

then in a few years youll be calling to raise it again cuz (amazingly) prices have gone up, until eventually we are using wheelbarrows full of Obamabucks to buy a sandwich.

it's not like this has no precedent in history.

but you dont really care about this argument, youre just stopping by to take a dump on the floor, just like AC.
when somebody is talking about wage inflation they will say WAGE inflation (but nobody talks about that shit cuz it's not the leading index, it follows).

Wasn't that what Pad said? To quote:

Inflation happens whether the minimum wage is raised or not. You're advocating prices continue to rise while wages stagnate to avoid big bad socialism

I've never seen anyone contort themselves the way you do to avoid common ground.
Doesn't that prove my point. "Tarring with the same brush" is essentially a slur. A simple way to stop constructive discussion because "you're one of those guys!" (or, more often, "socialism!" or "entitlement!").

For example, if someone defends our current $7.25 minimum wage, would they be "tarred with the same brush" just because other groups defend it too?

if you stand in a line with 50 smelly hippies waving signs and chanting slogan demanding we embrace socialism, it doesnt matter if your sign says "raise the minimum wage" and that youre not a smelly hippie. by the time the protest is over, you will be exactly as smelly as those hippies, and anyone who saw you in that line will suspect you are in fact a hippie.

it may not be "fair" to you, since you were just there with the hippies, and accidentally got their patchouli oil all over you, but you cant blame the other hippies for assuming youre one of them, and you cant blame the squares for making the same assessment.

further, it's still bad economics, it's still inflationary, and it is still just a short term sop to the minimum wage earner, and his gains will vanish like a fart in the wind when prices go up

it is also a pay cut for those making MORE than minimum wage, since their wage didnt go up, it just got closer to the floor, prices will go up, and he will now be taking home less buying power so the minimum wage guys can take home the same buying power.
if you stand in a line with 50 smelly hippies waving signs and chanting slogan demanding we embrace socialism, it doesnt matter if your sign says "raise the minimum wage" and that youre not a smelly hippie. by the time the protest is over, you will be exactly as smelly as those hippies, and anyone who saw you in that line will suspect you are in fact a hippie.

you should probably stop defending philippe rushton by the same logic.

it is still just a short term sop to the minimum wage earner, and his gains will vanish like a fart in the wind when prices go up

demonstrably false. an examination of the BLS numbers shows that min wage increases faster than inflation does, meaning their gains do not vanish "like a fart in the wind".

shall we go over the numbers again, or do you just want to end it early by admitting you are lying?
Wasn't that what Pad said? To quote:

I've never seen anyone contort themselves the way you do to avoid common ground.

gahh! youre getting pada's retard juice all over you.

raises to wages cause inflation, PRICE inflation.
thats the issue at hand

when somebody says "inflation" without a qualifier, they always mean PRICE inflation.

raising wages causes prices to rise, as MORE dollars are chasing the same pool of goods. that is simple supply/demand stuff.

the OTHER inflation, that is almost never discussed because it is largely irrelevant is inflationary pressures on wages, thats what you feel when prices go up because supply went down, or more people want the same goods.

wage inflationary pressures are usually solved by getting a better paying job, working more hours or asking for a raise.

solving wage inflationary pressures with the government's huge unwieldy sledgehammer of minimum wage increases is counter productive.

equally counterproductive is printing more dollars. more money in circulation depresses the value of the currency which causes prices to rise as well. (more simple supply/demand stuff)
wage inflationary pressures are usually solved by getting a better paying job, working more hours or asking for a raise.

maybe that's what you should do instead of complaining that a min wage increase will further diminish your already diminutive buying power.

solving wage inflationary pressures with the government's huge unwieldy sledgehammer of minimum wage increases is counter productive.

that's not what known history shows us.

maybe try telling more lies about mundane reality.