
Sig quality

So you employed a fallacy to make your point. Guess what that makes your point.
it makes my point valid.

raising wages a little, raises prices a little so you must raise wages a little more etc etc etc

the end result is exactly as described, eventually.

you dispel an absurd supposition, sometimes you must take that supposition to it's absurd but inevitable conclusion.
it makes my point valid.

raising wages a little, raises prices a little so you must raise wages a little more etc etc etc

the end result is exactly as described, eventually.

you dispel an absurd supposition, sometimes you must take that supposition to it's absurd but inevitable conclusion.
pretty good sideshow bob marley. i don't understand why these people haven't any clue about how capitalism works. oh wait yes i do. they have never made money they have only earned it.
Yes, reductio ad absurdum is indeed a logical fallacy. Businesses will charge as much as people will pay.
saying logical fallacy is normally the #1 sign of a logical fallacy.. it's not even the right one you chose. businesses are about profit. if something cuts their profit margin they will recoup it somewhere else. normally by cutting hours to employees or charging higher prices for goods or services. there isn't a logical fallacy to how things work in reality.
saying logical fallacy is normally the #1 sign of a logical fallacy.. it's not even the right one you chose. businesses are about profit. if something cuts their profit margin they will recoup it somewhere else. normally by cutting hours to employees or charging higher prices for goods or services. there isn't a logical fallacy to how things work in reality.

Prices go up because people pay more. If a business charges more than people are willing or able to pay, they don't sell. They will always charge as much as they can.
Prices go up because people pay more. If a business charges more than people are willing or able to pay, they don't sell. They will always charge as much as they can.
prices are set by the willingness to pay, as long as that price is ABOVE invoice

when production costs rise, and prices cannot, then the company hangs out a new sign:
"Going Out Of Business"
and the all the people who used to work for that company get to go on the dole.

do you foolishly believe that people actually think you give a shit about our economy?
or that your statements are factual?
right before, and right after you scream "SMASH CAPITALISM"?
you want to see capitalism fail, which is why you try so damned hard creating your ridiculous assertions, mad schemes and wild imprecations

meanwhile az2000 is reading from the same economics handbook you use, so naturally he thinks your bullshit is valid, when it is in fact designed to wreck the capitalist system

pada is just making shit up, and has no clue whether he wants to "Smash Capitalism" or watch rape porn

only a fool takes strategy advice from his opponent, and you are clearly no on the capitalism side of the playing field.

everything you say on this issue (or issues of marxism democracy, or any other political subject) should be viewed as the deliberate attempts at sabotage that they clearly are.

you are not simply expressing an opposing viewpoint, you are attempting to destroy the entire debate so your fail ass crypto-marxism can win by default.
You must have me mistaken for someone who supports minimum wage increase. Capitalism is endless growth. Raising the minimum wage results in greater aggregate demand, a thing you call a myth, which is just another reason you're a joke. With capitalism, it's either collective misery or endless growth. Which is why it should be smashed.
You must have me mistaken for someone who supports minimum wage increase. Capitalism is endless growth. Raising the minimum wage results in greater aggregate demand, a thing you call a myth, which is just another reason you're a joke. With capitalism, it's either collective misery or endless growth. Which is why it should be smashed.

and there ya go.

youre the angry emo kid down the block who didnt get invited to the party, so you piss in the punch bowl, prep a Double Decker in all the toilets, put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and set it for 30 minutes, and put sugar in all the gas tanks outside.

capitalism isnt perfect, but neither is the human species.

capitalism is the best yet discovered, and it works, Marxism is an abject failure, and that makes you sooo sad.

so you want to sabotage capitalism so everybody will once again try the failed system you secretly dream of

youll make up any lie, fabricate any sophistry and redefine any word to make your dreams come true, but sadly for you, its all just too transparent.

crypto-marxists have to use much better camoflage to conceal their agendas these days. yours just isnt cutting it.
when production costs rise, and prices cannot, then the company hangs out a new sign:
"Going Out Of Business"
and the all the people who used to work for that company get to go on the dole.

still waiting for you to name one single example of a business going under due to minimum wage increase.

just one single example.

you can not produce it though, because all of your rhetoric is just that: rhetoric. it has no basis in reality, and you are a joke.
so you want to sabotage capitalism so everybody will once again try the failed system you secretly dream of

yeah, i really can see abandonconflict single handedly bringing down capitalism and ushering a new wage of marxism, which by you is defined as "supports the existing minimum wage thus marxist".

just give up.
"yeah, like i really can see abandonconflict single handedly bringing down capitalism and ushering a new wage of marxism, which by you is defined as "supports the existing minimum wage thus marxist"."

I added the word "like," so your post could really go full-throttle on that smarmy, butt-hurt, pre-teen girl tack.
just doing my bit :)