Prices go up because people pay more. If a business charges more than people are willing or able to pay, they don't sell. They will always charge as much as they can.
prices are set by the willingness to pay, as long as that price is ABOVE invoice
when production costs rise, and prices cannot, then the company hangs out a new sign:
"Going Out Of Business"
and the all the people who used to work for that company get to go on the dole.
do you foolishly believe that people actually think you give a shit about our economy?
or that your statements are factual?
right before, and right after you scream "SMASH CAPITALISM"?
you want to see capitalism fail, which is why you try so damned hard creating your ridiculous assertions, mad schemes and wild imprecations
meanwhile az2000 is reading from the same economics handbook you use, so naturally he thinks your bullshit is valid, when it is in fact designed to wreck the capitalist system
pada is just making shit up, and has no clue whether he wants to "Smash Capitalism" or watch rape porn
only a fool takes strategy advice from his opponent, and you are clearly no on the capitalism side of the playing field.
everything you say on this issue (or issues of marxism democracy, or any other political subject) should be viewed as the deliberate attempts at sabotage that they clearly are.
you are not simply expressing an opposing viewpoint, you are attempting to destroy the entire debate so your fail ass crypto-marxism can win by default.