
if you stand in a line with 50 smelly hippies waving signs and chanting slogan ...

Good grief. All I asked was: "if someone defends our current $7.25 minimum wage, would they be 'tarred with the same brush' just because other groups defend it too?"

I seriously have never seen anyone so intent on maintaining labels (while trying to avoid those same labels when they become uncomfortable).
marxism makes no provision for a minimum wage

Minimum wage is just an expression of Karl Marx’s dictum, "To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability." That the those who earn above the minimum wage can afford to subsidize the jobs of those below the minimum wage.

As throughout this thread, you're doing everything you can to legitimize government involvement among consensual buyers and sellers *when it's popular*. But, you want to maintain all the convenient slur words to oppose things as "marxist, socialism, entitlement!" that have a better following.

In this sense, I respect libertarians more. At least they honestly choose to be irrelevant. You want all the "big words" Ls use for maximum emotional effect, while remaining "mainstream."
Good grief. All I asked was: "if someone defends our current $7.25 minimum wage, would they be 'tarred with the same brush' just because other groups defend it too?"

I seriously have never seen anyone so intent on maintaining labels (while trying to avoid those same labels when they become uncomfortable).

ok i will answer simply.


i oppose the minimum wage increase.
as a result, minimum wage increase touts try to imply i am attempting to dismantle the minimum wage entirely (cuz some on my side think thats a good idea) i am a racist (cuz some on my side are racists) im a neocon (cuz some on my side are neocons) im in the pocket of Big Business (because... ummm... fuck if i know) or that i must be a rich plutocrat or a deluded "sheeple" voting "against my own interests" as if they get to decide where my interests lie.

both sides use the intellectually lazy tactic of attacking the speaker rather than his position. but when i say something is socialist, it's because i think it's socialist.
when i say somebody is a marxist, it's because they have proved to me they ARE marxists
Example: AC
he vigorously protests being called a marxist, but he posts marxist slogans frequently, shouts "Smash Capitalism" , usues marxist talking points, follows marxist ideological assumptions, quotes noted marxists, and posts mother fucking pictures of Karl Marx. he even calls himself a "Libertarian Socialist" (ask him what that means, i dare you) but still maintains he is not a marxist.

and the funny thing is, i dont hate marxists.
i think they have a few good ideas
i particularly like Communists (real actual Utopian Communists) they share what they have freely, and dont take from others what those others do not wish to share.
Minimum wage is just an expression of Karl Marx’s dictum, "To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability." That the those who earn above the minimum wage can afford to subsidize the jobs of those below the minimum wage.

As throughout this thread, you're doing everything you can to legitimize government involvement among consensual buyers and sellers *when it's popular*. But, you want to maintain all the convenient slur words to oppose things as "marxist, socialism, entitlement!" that have a better following.

In this sense, I respect libertarians more. At least they honestly choose to be irrelevant. You want all the "big words" Ls use for maximum emotional effect, while remaining "mainstream."
simply put, NO.

the minimum wage was NOT based on marx.

minimum wage standards have been imposed from above, by government, and from below by guilds and trade unions since time immemorial.

and i am not "Mainstream" i am "Stream Adjacent"
my views are my own.
the facts however are "The Common Heritage Of Mankind", so kindly stop pissing all over them.

if you want a pissing match, i could accuse you of desperately wanting to be an Iconoclast, so you can feel special.
but with the arrival of bucky and AC, this thread has enough piss already so i wont.

except i kinda just did.
ok i will answer simply.


i oppose the minimum wage increase.

I appreciate your (rare) directness. But, you avoided a simple distinction:

if someone defends our current $7.25 minimum wage, would they be 'tarred with the same brush' just because other groups defend it too?

Does your answer apply to my question? (Notice the italics. I'm referring to current wage, not an increase.).
I appreciate your (rare) directness. But, you avoided a simple distinction:

Does your answer apply to my question? (Notice the italics. I'm referring to current wage, not an increase.).
others who want NO CHANGE to the minimum wage but have other wacky ideas are used as a bludgeon to attack anyone who opposes the increase to the minimum wage AS DESCRIBED PREVIOUSLY.

there is no vast network of radical Neutrals printing up signs and marching in the streets to argue for "No Change To The Status Quo!!" on subjects where nobody is arguing FOR a change.

if you start agitating for an increased minimum wage i oppose it.

likewise if you start agitating to reduce the minimum wage, i oppose that too, unless you got some clever scheme to prevent the serious harm it would do to those who are already struggling.

minimum wage policy is a rowboat. it doesnt mater which asshole starts rocking the boat, it's still a bad move.
others who want NO CHANGE to the minimum wage .

Thank you. The original question regarded your assertion:

when you propose such a scheme, it's gonna put you in company with marxists though,

I proceeded to ask if merely supporting the current wage would cause me to be labeled "marxist" just because Marxists support the current wage. After a long, meandering journey which you couldn't seem to navigate on your own (or, wanted to avoid), we've reached the answer to my question.

Those who support the current minimum wage are "marxists" (while at the same time you insist minimum wage is not an expression of Marx's dictum "to each according to their need...").

I have learned one thing from this thread. It's a bad idea to argue with someone who's high.

if, just as an example, the minimum wage is raised to $100/hour, how much will your big mac cost?

or will the franchisee and Mcburgers just shrug and say "aww well, caint raise prices, looks like we go hungry this month"

Hence dat regulation, where you actually can't raise prices. Cry more about socialism :D
Thank you. The original question regarded your assertion:

I proceeded to ask if merely supporting the current wage would cause me to be labeled "marxist" just because Marxists support the current wage. After a long, meandering journey which you couldn't seem to navigate on your own (or, wanted to avoid), we've reached the answer to my question.

Those who support the current minimum wage are "marxists" (while at the same time you insist minimum wage is not an expression of Marx's dictum "to each according to their need...").

I have learned one thing from this thread. It's a bad idea to argue with someone who's high.



That's Dr. "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit" Kynes for ya..

Welcome to RIU :) Every once in a while you'll come across people like him who deny anthropogenic climate change (he'll say he doesn't deny it, he just doesn't accept the overwhelming scientific consensus and doesn't acknowledge that CO2 is a significant greenhouse gas and believes termites pose a more significant risk to the planet than humans do..), hold up fanatical religious or traditionally conservative values as the ultimate moral authority. They'll blame black people and minorities for all the nations crime and drug problems and blame teh gayz for the deterioration of the moral fabric of American society.. They'll cite such persuasive scientific institutions as the Cato institute, the Heartland Institute, the John Birch Society, Liberty University, the Heritage Foundation, the Traditional Values Coalition, American Family Association, etc.. /s...

Dude is as fanatical as they come, and emboldened as any right wing fundamentalist with nothing but time on their hands could be
There's a LOLcats translator?
Speaking of cats, I was noting to a Hanyu pengyou the other day about how Chairman Mao's name sounds like Chairman Cat.
He began laughing...in all his years, he never made that association because he sees Chinese characters in his mind and not the pinyin.
Perspective can be a helluva drug.
Wasn't that what Pad said? To quote:

I've never seen anyone contort themselves the way you do to avoid common ground.

What pad said was not true. There is inflation and deflation. In fact, the government gets great benefits from inflation and thus inflates the market with monetary policy.

Raising costs on business is artificially inflationary.
Minimum wage is just an expression of Karl Marx’s dictum, "To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability." That the those who earn above the minimum wage can afford to subsidize the jobs of those below the minimum wage.

As throughout this thread, you're doing everything you can to legitimize government involvement among consensual buyers and sellers *when it's popular*. But, you want to maintain all the convenient slur words to oppose things as "marxist, socialism, entitlement!" that have a better following.

In this sense, I respect libertarians more. At least they honestly choose to be irrelevant. You want all the "big words" Ls use for maximum emotional effect, while remaining "mainstream."

jolly good, Mr. Softly! I agree!

Thank you. The original question regarded your assertion:

I proceeded to ask if merely supporting the current wage would cause me to be labeled "marxist" just because Marxists support the current wage. After a long, meandering journey which you couldn't seem to navigate on your own (or, wanted to avoid), we've reached the answer to my question.

Those who support the current minimum wage are "marxists" (while at the same time you insist minimum wage is not an expression of Marx's dictum "to each according to their need...").

I have learned one thing from this thread. It's a bad idea to argue with someone who's high.

no, wht you learned is, if you make a ignorant series of strawmen you can celebrate your "victory"