ive never been jumped but i have a certain aura of respect, everyone knows me, everyone in my hood loves me. one of my spots got broken into in october, he returned all the stuff, apologized and wanted to make sure he was still good in town, make a few calls... he moved next city over anyway.
i cross the highway all slow and casual like, cars will stop for me. i can go to a restaurant and the cooks quit cooking and come say whats up, give my meal for free.
if yiu drive by me, you honk or wave. people i dont even know, know me by name.
thats og shit
i know an og rolling 60's crip that was hit with brass knuckles and broke jaw in 3 places. took a screwdriver to the attackers chest though. won that one... and over a nickle rock
jumping really aint common here. if one dude has a problem it takes one dude to fix the problem.