Ever get jumped?

Pinche beaner quey. Brazer pisa ass ma fukkuh
i treat my boys right. and im professional. i dare some punk to run in here .. if you can even get trough the block withoit getting stopped

i have about 25 of these in .45acp

i buy one for everyone in my trap, the door greeters get a little special.

ive found em for $300 a pop. not bad at all. work great

i personally carry a full auto ak74 (no not typo) skeletonized no terrorist wood

i got a spot in cherry hollow outside city of leander. theres one entance a windy hilly one lane road for a few miles leading to a mini hood city of about 1k.
cops dont even go through.
give a word and that lanes blocked off. aint nobody leaving. including robbers
Shu program nigga
Picked up a really hot Chick years back, at a Bar, By end night she wanted to take me home to her house and like any other guy would be stupid not to hit that thing haha..
So anyways i am there were getting it on get almost naked and sure enough i was set up some guy comes crashing in the room flashing a knife and there going to try to rob me .
So i played it oool and said hey man settle down i got 150 in my wallet in my pants let me get it so as i piked up my jeans which i used to un arm him in matter of seconds i had knife in my hand and used it on him she was Screaming as i gutted this guy BLOOD every where ,, Ended up punching her the fuck out and knocking her out
I then called 911 and waited for them to show up
The guy was dead by the time police showed up and paramedics and she was just coming to .
Was charged with Man slaughter but it was dismissed after it was known these people / Couple were wanted for multiple robberies in the same way
Picked up a really hot Chick years back, at a Bar, By end night she wanted to take me home to her house and like any other guy would be stupid not to hit that thing haha..
So anyways i am there were getting it on get almost naked and sure enough i was set up some guy comes crashing in the room flashing a knife and there going to try to rob me .
So i played it oool and said hey man settle down i got 150 in my wallet in my pants let me get it so as i piked up my jeans which i used to un arm him in matter of seconds i had knife in my hand and used it on him she was Screaming as i gutted this guy BLOOD every where ,, Ended up punching her the fuck out and knocking her out
I then called 911 and waited for them to show up
The guy was dead by the time police showed up and paramedics and she was just coming to .
Was charged with Man slaughter but it was dismissed after it was known these people / Couple were wanted for multiple robberies in the same way
similar to training day lol2016-02-02-16-49-41.png

wide country, nothing but mtn for miles. ~35miles to the nearest hospital. nameless itself is 25miles
one entrance through winding terrain. thousand residents. most drug dealers.
theres also a gun range. shots fired everyday. aint nobody comin to your rescue.
come try something homie

lol... im just messin,
but for real, cops dont like going through there
Never been jumped but had some scary situations for sure.
19 yrs old delivering pizzas close to midnight on a saturday. Two guys call in a delivery to an empty apartment. When i show up they come around from the side shoving guns to my chest. Shitheads got less than 30 bucks and a couple pizzas.
similar to training day lolView attachment 3599638

wide country, nothing but mtn for miles. ~35miles to the nearest hospital. nameless itself is 25miles
one entrance through winding terrain. thousand residents. most drug dealers.
theres also a gun range. shots fired everyday. aint nobody comin to your rescue.
come try something homie

lol... im just messin,
but for real, cops dont like going through there
I'm on my way dog, I'll show you what's up G
i treat my boys right. and im professional. i dare some punk to run in here .. if you can even get trough the block withoit getting stopped

i have about 25 of these in .45acp

i buy one for everyone in my trap, the door greeters get a little special.

ive found em for $300 a pop. not bad at all. work great

i personally carry a full auto ak74 (no not typo) skeletonized no terrorist wood

i got a spot in cherry hollow outside city of leander. theres one entance a windy hilly one lane road for a few miles leading to a mini hood city of about 1k.
cops dont even go through.
give a word and that lanes blocked off. aint nobody leaving. including robbers
Going off ugliness and small magazine capacity I'm guessing that's a hi point .45 carbine
On a grey hound ride a guy talked me into a alley for "privacy" so he could sell me some coke once I got there he pulled my jacket over my head then started waling away I took the punches for a lil bit then pulled my knife and stuck him once, after that he got gone. no cops where involved and I didn't look ruff all the punches where mainly to the back of my head had a couple of lumps tho. Sooo now I don't go into alleys anymore.
woops quited wrong post
yup. hipoint 4595 i believe. based on the even uglier pistol. personally i kinda like it and it shoots pistol rounds which is a plus. but its purpose is a $300 throw away piece.not meant to be the best. standard cali clip is 10 and flush. thats a double stacked 30.
not alot. but like i said i have a few of em.
Ya worst jumping I got was in jail if that counts. Provincial jail.

Just got back from court I heard before I left we were getting a g town kid on the range. I walknin 8 dudes now switch because they all think gtown si great, I rep D and galloway*crip* spitting talk at each other i get to topnof stairs and both sides im rushed on.

Getting smacked around vad and guards start coming but ao close to the stairs thwy dont want to come near so me getting smashed up bad and i got knocked out cold but i hear it stopped once all the guards came

Idk i was blacked out. Was funny how they all switched when that nig hit the range. Few days later wr did it again after lockdown ended. Cool thing with the south qas you rarely got the hole they just locked down the whole range for a week or two. Worse cuz your celly whoops your ass when he grts pissed about being locked in
Is English your first language
That shit makes absolutely no sense
woops quited wrong post
yup. hipoint 4595 i believe. based on the even uglier pistol. personally i kinda like it and it shoots pistol rounds which is a plus. but its purpose is a $300 throw away piece.not meant to be the best. standard cali clip is 10 and flush. thats a double stacked 30.
not alot. but like i said i have a few of em.
I've never seen a double stack 30 round clip for the Hi Point carbine can you show me it
I live by a denser populated area and can't have Bullitts going threw walls and hitting innocent people. So my go to home defense is Mr Mossberg 500 pump shotty loaded with hydra shok slug rounds. Full expansion without over penetration holds nine 2 3/4 shells


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That's that one and done^^^^ imagine taking a hydra shok round to the gut. That would be the most painful place to be shot and would drop u quick. Even if they live they will be shitting in a bag for the rest of there life
Picked up a really hot Chick years back, at a Bar, By end night she wanted to take me home to her house and like any other guy would be stupid not to hit that thing haha..
So anyways i am there were getting it on get almost naked and sure enough i was set up some guy comes crashing in the room flashing a knife and there going to try to rob me .
So i played it oool and said hey man settle down i got 150 in my wallet in my pants let me get it so as i piked up my jeans which i used to un arm him in matter of seconds i had knife in my hand and used it on him she was Screaming as i gutted this guy BLOOD every where ,, Ended up punching her the fuck out and knocking her out
I then called 911 and waited for them to show up
The guy was dead by the time police showed up and paramedics and she was just coming to .
Was charged with Man slaughter but it was dismissed after it was known these people / Couple were wanted for multiple robberies in the same way
And then u woked tha fuq up!