Ever get jumped?

I'll say I felt a gun was 100% needed in a Democratic part of Texas. But northern Colorado is completely different and it's democratic too, I don't fell like a need a gun to protect myself here..

Live in a real southern hood like stopsix, oakcliff or the 3rd ward of Houston and tell me you don't want a gun.. Lol

It's not about pride, its about knowing it's a dog eat dog world.
Only been jumped once when I was 15 and lived in Ny. Me and a group or friends were walking and came across this group of dudes. Like 10 of em. They said "are yall from the towers?" (Not the twin towers some other buildings in that area). I was like no I'm not even from ny. They obviously thought I was lying. We kept walking and one of em punched me in the back of the head before we could make it out of the group. I turned around to fight the guy 1 on 1. Yeah I know stupid.......I hit him like 3 times and another guy jumped and yelled "we don't do 1 on 1 fights around here" my "friends" ran off and let me there alone. Luckily I was smart. Before they could do any damage I backed up into a corner (that way only like two of em could hit at once) and covered up. They punched and kicked away for a minute or two. Then got bored I guess. I stood up one of the guys gave me a handshake and his respect and was like "you should go home and beat your friends asses for running off on you". So I walked away without so much as a bruise. Was a little sore but that's it.
I got jumped in detroit in like1981, I was at a bar (harpo's) and had to park my car a few blocks away, as soon as I opened my car door I felt some one grab my waiste and try to yank me back from my car, as I was being dragged back I reached for what ever I could in my car (i was in construction) I grabbed a hammer, I turned around and swung it at one of the 3 guys, I hit him with the claw part of the hammer!

He went down like a brick, the other 2 guys took off running, the guy I hit with the hammer was laying in the street where I hit him, I got in my car and took off, I circled back and parked where I could see the guy I hit, he was still laying there, I was waiting for his friends to come back so I could run them over lol! I waited maybe 30 mins and decided I best get out of there, they guy never got up or moved, I figured I may of killed him!

I watched the news for days and wks to see if some one got murdered near harpo's music hall! never seen any thing on the news!

I often wonder if the guy died or if he didnt did he ever try that again?

Beware of people with hammers who grew up in the city! lol

For what? For them to jump me and take it and kill me ?
A gun would've made that situation 100 times worse no control over that many people gun or not

Regardless if I did have a gun , I lived in Canada at the time guns must be locked in a safe and unloaded , you also must take extra steps to have a hand gun they are more restricted
A gun would've done me no good

It happened long ago I'm alive
Unforunate life incident those happen
I lived in a shitty part of town with a shitty front door
They got what they wanted and moved on

I have no fears nothing ever close to that has ever happened in my life since that incident

Shit happens
7 invaders one of these forty s with a 30 round extended clip equals seven dead guys. Hydra shock rounds will destroy human tissue. Similar stopping power to a forty five. With added velocity of like a 9 mm


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i treat my boys right. and im professional. i dare some punk to run in here .. if you can even get trough the block withoit getting stopped

i have about 25 of these in .45acp

i buy one for everyone in my trap, the door greeters get a little special.

ive found em for $300 a pop. not bad at all. work great

i personally carry a full auto ak74 (no not typo) skeletonized no terrorist wood

i got a spot in cherry hollow outside city of leander. theres one entance a windy hilly one lane road for a few miles leading to a mini hood city of about 1k.
cops dont even go through.
give a word and that lanes blocked off. aint nobody leaving. including robbers
I'll say I felt a gun was 100% needed in a Democratic part of Texas. But northern Colorado is completely different and it's democratic too, I don't fell like a need a gun to protect myself here..

Live in a real southern hood like stopsix, oakcliff or the 3rd ward of Houston and tell me you don't want a gun.. Lol

It's not about pride, its about knowing it's a dog eat dog world.

No, you don't need a gun here to protect yourself. ..I have some but...haven't had the need to use em...I laugh when I see queers in Safeway or another store with their pistol showing. ....dude...I can walk up behind you ...snap your neck and disarm you ...not a care in the world. ... but I do make it a point to go out of my way when I see them they see me chuckling at them.

Or, I'll walk by them talking shit loud enough for them to hear me

Like, " fucking pussy needs a gun"

That steams em up
No, you don't need a gun here to protect yourself. ..I have some but...haven't had the need to use em...I laugh when I see queers in Safeway or another store with their pistol showing. ....dude...I can walk up behind you ...snap your neck and disarm you ...not a care in the world. ... but I do make it a point to go out of my way when I see them they see me chuckling at them.

Or, I'll walk by them talking shit loud enough for them to hear me

Like, " fucking pussy needs a gun"

That steams em up

some of us do need guns. especially well known dealers or driving a 6 figure car through homeless populations..
used too, you got beef you throw some hands. you know how many drive bys ive been in? now people would rather let a few go.. it aint some tough guy deal around here. yiu might actually have to pop a few off. in general these circumstances arise at a distance where disarming just aint happening.
its not over a casual brawl but thugs robbers fiends or people tryin to take you out.

i normally dont carry heat, but someone around me does.
knives are just more personal and imo a bitch move. if yall are just brawling, the only time a blade would help..then just brawl. if a street fight turns into fight for your life. thats when we pull heat. you dont pull a blade because your losing a fight. street rules.
I was 16 and had a kings jacket. Was dropping off my girlfriend and as i was walking back home got hit with black jack and a spiked bat. Had to wrastle the fucks and then took the bat and had a hellava fight with the dude with the blackjack.
14 staples and broken hand. Almost died from breeding.
After that just carried a gun wich i defended myself from about 5 other times.
Just anothe day in Chirak..bongsmilie
Almost died from breeding? that sounds painful. I'm glad your ass survived.
ive never been jumped but i have a certain aura of respect, everyone knows me, everyone in my hood loves me. one of my spots got broken into in october, he returned all the stuff, apologized and wanted to make sure he was still good in town, make a few calls... he moved next city over anyway.
i cross the highway all slow and casual like, cars will stop for me. i can go to a restaurant and the cooks quit cooking and come say whats up, give my meal for free.
if yiu drive by me, you honk or wave. people i dont even know, know me by name.
thats og shit

i know an og rolling 60's crip that was hit with brass knuckles and broke jaw in 3 places. took a screwdriver to the attackers chest though. won that one... and over a nickle rock

jumping really aint common here. if one dude has a problem it takes one dude to fix the problem.
7 invaders one of these forty s with a 30 round extended clip equals seven dead guys. Hydra shock rounds will destroy human tissue. Similar stopping power to a forty five. With added velocity of like a 9 mm
i treat my boys right. and im professional. i dare some punk to run in here .. if you can even get trough the block withoit getting stopped

i have about 25 of these in .45acp

i buy one for everyone in my trap, the door greeters get a little special.

ive found em for $300 a pop. not bad at all. work great

i personally carry a full auto ak74 (no not typo) skeletonized no terrorist wood

i got a spot in cherry hollow outside city of leander. theres one entance a windy hilly one lane road for a few miles leading to a mini hood city of about 1k.
cops dont even go through.
give a word and that lanes blocked off. aint nobody leaving. including robbers

see alot of these people think the whole hard gangster drug dealer thing is cool.

its NOT when yiu grow up as a way of life. its just a way of life, im quite educated and make plenty money read my posts, but im still an ignant fucker from the ghetto. why is it always babbied fags in suburbs. also why is it always a jab at white people? backwards racism?

ever seen a pile of bodies that been sitting for weeks. i know where a body is right now, off rundberg, another under the 290 bridge in elgin.. bet itll be there next week too.... ever seen someone get popped in the parking lot cause they thought they was cool walkin round with j's. these fake folk..now they got socks.
or shootin up a passing car cause you thought they was eyeing you.
or take it back another step. kidnapped family members, watching babies gettin murdered. houses burnt down.
a middle school principal here was suspended following accusations of messing with a kid. he was found tied tortured in his kitchen and house set on fire.
these are just things here ive spent alot of time south of the border.
shit my Jamaican partner might cut of your hands just for touching his shit

it changes you

you can talk about the whack wannabes. but the fact is, what they are wanting to be exists. but they are the ones who glorify it. not the players.
i make more selling drugs than i do in drug design
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see alot of these people think the whole hard gangster drug dealer thing is cool.

its NOT when yiu grow up as a way of life. its just a way of life, im quite educated and make plenty money read my posts, but im still an ignant fucker from the ghetto. why is it always babbied fags in suburbs. also why is it always a jab at white people? backwards racism?

ever seen a pile of bodies that been sitting for weeks. i know where a body is right now, off rundberg, another under the 290 bridge in elgin.. bet itll be there next week too.... ever seen someone get popped in the parking lot cause they thought they was cool walkin round with j's. these fake folk..now they got socks.
or shootin up a passing car cause you thought they was eyeing you.
or take it back another step. kidnapped family members, watching babies gettin murdered. houses burnt down.
a middle school principal here was suspended following accusations of messing with a kid. he was found tied tortured in his kitchen and house set on fire.
these are just things here ive spent alot of time south of the border.
shit my Jamaican partner might cut of your hands just for touching his shit

it changes you

you can talk about the whack wannabes. but the fact is, what they are wanting to be exists. but they are the ones who glorify it. not the players.
i make more selling drugs than i do in drug design
My cousin got a dui a couple days ago, I jay walk everywhere i go. know what you mean bro.. lo siento..

wish i couldve been brought up like that

i have the small pox vaccine scar to remind me otherwise