Ever get jumped?

I was at a party when some dude stepped on my kicks. I pushed him into the live band and yelled "COME AT ME BRO".One of his friends lunged at me I took his life with a swift head kick.. by the time his head bounced off the concrete, the band was starting to pick themselves up off the floor and advancing towards me with instruments in hand.. I attempted to judo throw the drummer off the stage but the clarinet player managed to grab me from behind and stopped the momentum I was seconds away from capitalizing on. .I flipped out of his grasp and I ran.. I didn't want to get jumped by an entire party. They cased me a couple blocks..Every once in a while I'd stop and hit the faster dudes with a couple leg kicks..
Forgot to mention I was wearing a raider hat the whole time.
I was all fucked up in Thailand right after I got out of the military about ten years ago, with my young prostitute. Now I know most of you are going to be like she set you up..this is not true you are an investment to them and they try to protect you once you have solicited their services... Any way I was all fucked up just recently released from the corps so I was invincible right? So my and the little Thai hottie,( I liked um short cause they have little hands and it makes my dick look big) were walking down the street and I decided to take a short cut to the next block over through an alley, and she was all bitching like "no no wee no go dat way it bad" and I was like whatever bitch I do what I want

and so we go down the alley at first its all good then this dood is walking towards us looking all drunk and he stumbles into me and can feel hands all grabbing at my clothes so I take a step back and knocked his ass out then I see a fucking mui thia foot out of the corner of my eye coming from behind me and it all goes black, I come to and my lady is standing there with my wallet she say they took you money you better still pay mama son u should ha listened to mee..I only got a hundred dollars stolen but I learned a lesson. and she made it better for me in the end

Classic Thialand.
I was all fucked up in Thailand right after I got out of the military about ten years ago, with my young prostitute. Now I know most of you are going to be like she set you up..this is not true you are an investment to them and they try to protect you once you have solicited their services... Any way I was all fucked up just recently released from the corps so I was invincible right? So my and the little Thai hottie,( I liked um short cause they have little hands and it makes my dick look big) were walking down the street and I decided to take a short cut to the next block over through an alley, and she was all bitching like "no no wee no go dat way it bad" and I was like whatever bitch I do what I want

and so we go down the alley at first its all good then this dood is walking towards us looking all drunk and he stumbles into me and can feel hands all grabbing at my clothes so I take a step back and knocked his ass out then I see a fucking mui thia foot out of the corner of my eye coming from behind me and it all goes black, I come to and my lady is standing there with my wallet she say they took you money you better still pay mama son u should ha listened to mee..I only got a hundred dollars stolen but I learned a lesson. and she made it better for me in the end

Classic Thialand.

Did she have a penis?
I was all fucked up in Thailand right after I got out of the military about ten years ago, with my young prostitute. Now I know most of you are going to be like she set you up..this is not true you are an investment to them and they try to protect you once you have solicited their services... Any way I was all fucked up just recently released from the corps so I was invincible right? So my and the little Thai hottie,( I liked um short cause they have little hands and it makes my dick look big) were walking down the street and I decided to take a short cut to the next block over through an alley, and she was all bitching like "no no wee no go dat way it bad" and I was like whatever bitch I do what I want

and so we go down the alley at first its all good then this dood is walking towards us looking all drunk and he stumbles into me and can feel hands all grabbing at my clothes so I take a step back and knocked his ass out then I see a fucking mui thia foweavet of the corner of my eye coming from behind me and it all goes black, I come to and my lady is standing there with my wallet she say they took you money you better still pay mama son u should ha listened to mee..I only got a hundred dollars stolen but I learned a lesson. and she made it better for me in the end

Classic Thialand.
You need to Bob and weave compadre.
I've been jumped a number of times in Chicago, and I'm a big dude. They haven't been able to steal anything off of me since I was in HS, though. I've held my own pretty well. I've bounced in some shady places in Chicago, and have received my fair share of lumps and stitches, nothing too serious. I had to pepper spray of few dudes downtown a few years ago along with a few strikes, and I put a psycho homeless dude in a choke hold on the train who was trying to rape this young girl, before handing him over to the cops. Not much action these days. I live in an affluent neighborhood now. I really keep to myself and I'm always on high alert. It's a jungle out there...
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I was 16 and had a kings jacket. Was dropping off my girlfriend and as i was walking back home got hit with black jack and a spiked bat. Had to wrastle the fucks and then took the bat and had a hellava fight with the dude with the blackjack.
14 staples and broken hand. Almost died from breeding.
After that just carried a gun wich i defended myself from about 5 other times.
Just anothe day in Chirak..bongsmilie
Ya worst jumping I got was in jail if that counts. Provincial jail.

Just got back from court I heard before I left we were getting a g town kid on the range. I walknin 8 dudes now switch because they all think gtown si great, I rep D and galloway*crip* spitting talk at each other i get to topnof stairs and both sides im rushed on.

Getting smacked around vad and guards start coming but ao close to the stairs thwy dont want to come near so me getting smashed up bad and i got knocked out cold but i hear it stopped once all the guards came

Idk i was blacked out. Was funny how they all switched when that nig hit the range. Few days later wr did it again after lockdown ended. Cool thing with the south qas you rarely got the hole they just locked down the whole range for a week or two. Worse cuz your celly whoops your ass when he grts pissed about being locked in
I was 16 and had a kings jacket. Was dropping off my girlfriend and as i was walking back home got hit with black jack and a spiked bat. Had to wrastle the fucks and then took the bat and had a hellava fight with the dude with the blackjack.
14 staples and broken hand. Almost died from breeding.
After that just carried a gun wich i defended myself from about 5 other times.
Just anothe day in Chirak..bongsmilie

Yeah, but what a way to go ;)
They didnt jump u very good. Should have a broken eye socket, missing tooth, and broke. Ribs. Thats getting jumped. Your describing a physical argument