Ever get jumped?

one of my friends got robbed a few weeks back, names albert. its kind of a funny story so im sharing..
he sells bud and was "supposed" to have a few lbs on hand at the time. 4-5 guys come in through the front door. one of em hits him on the head with a revolver, as he does so he lets off a round. albert thought he was shot in the head and dying. he does gave a nasty gash...but hes roughly 350lbs and like 6'6 a teddy bear. and bowls through the guys and starts screaming as loud as he can in his front yard.
anyway shortened up they made off with like an oz of bud

i thought it was kinda funny..i mean you know...kinda
For what? For them to jump me and take it and kill me ?
A gun would've made that situation 100 times worse no control over that many people gun or not

Regardless if I did have a gun , I lived in Canada at the time guns must be locked in a safe and unloaded , you also must take extra steps to have a hand gun they are more restricted
A gun would've done me no good

It happened long ago I'm alive
Unforunate life incident those happen
I lived in a shitty part of town with a shitty front door
They got what they wanted and moved on

I have no fears nothing ever close to that has ever happened in my life since that incident

Shit happens
Lucky to live in Canada.. American goons usually kill and rape there vics. Thats why America is a savage place to live.
Lucky to live in Canada.. American goons usually kill and rape there vics. Thats why America is a savage place to live.
Stereotype much? That would be like me saying all of America's crimes come from minorities white people commit crimes and Canadians rape and kill aswell

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I said American dint say minorities..
U sir must be from Canada.
Correct but you are Stereotyping a certain group this case Americans classic American stereotype other common ones are Americans are all fat , everyone and there dog has a gun , there all crazy savages ect.ect. and no I'm a proud American just because there are things wrong with are government dosent mean it's people are bad your prime minister has his own agenda aswell

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Got jumped a few times my older brother and two friends are the only ones who succeeded I beat my brothers ass he came back with a baseball bat I rushed his ass beat him down again he came back with a knife bitched out came back with two knifes I dropped back grabbed the coffee table he took off then his friends tried getting tough I was on the stairs kicked one in the face they charged grabbed my leg dragged me down the stairs they all started kicking me while I was down they stopped I got up hit the first one in the face got hit a bunch of times some girl broke it up I went back at them 2 more times then the cops came. I was covered in welts my entire head and face a swollen lump cops tried to get me to rat but I handled that shit on my own.

Another time two kids tried to jump me and got fucked up one kid hitting me in the back of the head while I beat the shit out of his boy and they both ran like little bitches.

But I always been a damn good fighter with an iron chin not one person has even knocked me down from a punch. But I did lose 1 straight up fight but that dirty mother fucker bit a chunk out of my eyebrow I turned my back like a retard just shocked couldn't even see out of my right eye cause of all the blood he jumped on my back and gauged the shit out of my eyes and all I could do was cover my eyes.
Correct but you are Stereotyping a certain group this case Americans classic American stereotype other common ones are Americans are all fat , everyone and there dog has a gun , there all crazy savages ect.ect. and no I'm a proud American just because there are things wrong with are government dosent mean it's people are bad your prime minister has his own agenda aswell

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My prime minister?? Nigg.. im from Chirak.
I was robbed at gun point at 16. Dude was in the army and on cocaine. He was getting kicked out. He was strung out.

He wanted a watch I had since there was no cash. I don't know why. I told him no and made my way to a screwdriver. He had pit the gun back in his coat pocket. I got the screw driver in my hand hidden at my side.

I was calm. I didn't shake. I made the decision the if that gun come back out, I would drive that screw driver through his jugular and into his spine.

The boss showed up and picked up the phone and said he was calling the police. Dude thought for a second. I guess it could of went either way. I puked after it was over.

I had a guy jump me from behind and drive me into the pavement. He sat down on me and pinned my arms down. I would raise my head and he would punch me and drive my head into the pavent. That is the hardest I've ever been hit. I won't lie, it scared the shit out of me.

I got an arm loose. I grabbed him by the adams apple. I dug my fingers into his kneck. I got loose and put the guy in a head lock.
I kind of blacked out. I was told that I told the guy I was going to kill him and was still choking him.

Cops showed up. Some one called. They were across the street at the school. A cop grabbed me and I swung on him. I was put in cuffs and put me in the car. Once they got the story I was let go.

I once smacked a man and called him a bitch. He hit me hard enough to break my nose and some how I bit a hole in my tongue. He rung my bell pretty good. Funny, we got to be good friends a few years later.
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I was at a party when some puto stepped on my kicks. I pushed him into the live band and yelled "COME AT ME BRO".One of his friends lunged at me I took his life with a swift head kick.. by the time his head bounced off the concrete, the band was starting to pick themselves up off the floor and advancing towards me with instruments in hand.. I attempted to judo throw the drummer off the stage but the clarinet player managed to grab me from behind and stopped the momentum I was seconds away from capitalizing on. .I flipped out of his grasp and I ran.. I didn't want to get jumped by an entire party. They cased me a couple blocks..Every once in a while I'd stop and hit the faster dudes with a couple leg kicks..