Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion


Well-Known Member
stop putting those pics up, i think everyone has seen them. The missing links that connect us to chimpanzee is where theres so few, just that one spot oddly.

MY point is with so little bones to go by it could be easy to say that it can mean also just a mutation. Just like Mutations we have today that never progress.
Sure that does fit. But there are also mutations that do progress. Even if it is small things that don't matter when that person has a child they carry that mutation, and pass it on. Now if it a mutation that makes them more appealing to the opposite sex, then they would have more of a chance to pass it on.

So using the information that we know today about how the mutations get passed on, we can follow those back in time with DNA.

But even still the difference between saying that there is no long term evolution and some how we just sprang up is that evolution actually has real proof. Where the sprung up (god) theory has no proof other than a bible that was written by men.

Edit: And the reason makes sence that it would be in one spot. The mutations would come from one 'family' they would not have started out of nothing in several different spots, it would have been different mutations, like forming gorillas, or bonobo, or oragatangs. Once the different species were formed into a different community it would start to branch off at that point.


Well-Known Member
Those pictures are very interesting. Ive been trying to watch more christian programming on TV and radio. Im putting togeather a series of paintings depicting the grossly unenlightened qualities of the abrahamic god. Im not an artist yet, but I can draw well and will take art classes at the college next semester and hopefully learn to paint. I have some ideas of biblical scenes and symbolisms I'll use impart the sense of the almighty suffering as a human being does and not having the capacity to see the errors of his ways instead becomes uncertain and angry at the thought but realizing that he has nowhere but inward to search and becomes disgusted with himself. I'll give him an angered and ignorant stare as he comes to the conclusion. Hopefully that will inspire people to question thier belief motives and look deeper into thier heart.


New Member
Just be aware that the Old testament is not Christian, even though that religion has co opted it. The G*D of Abraham is a Jewish G*D, not a Christian one.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You clearly dont read what you put down as references and dont seem to know what your talking about because all your argument is, is just a bunch of links. People read the skim of things and take it as there knowledge, its what bad about the literature with modern science. Its like the old days bible that only the preists could read and understand. There are so many redundant sentences and overly complicated terms in evolution books that make it impossible for regular joes to read.
100% agree.

Scientists need to learn that they need to be able to talk with the common people that don't understand the scientific terms. I try to tell my fiance' this all the time.

So because you two can't UNDERSTAND my links they are no good? Too many big words? Seems to be more of a personal problem. YOUR understanding is the problem. Do you know why I post links? Because people shouldn't believe something anyone types on an MJ forum. They should look at REAL information rather than the type of bullshit you put up here. Funny, if you were to try and find links to support your argument all you find are whacko Christian sites. Hmmmmm..........


Well-Known Member
Just be aware that the Old testament is not Christian, even though that religion has co opted it. The G*D of Abraham is a Jewish G*D, not a Christian one.

This is A Profound Statement and Accurate oNe CJ, Sadly, Many So Called Christians cannot Grasp this.... I believe people get Killed over that Kind of Discrepancy!!

Jus SAying, .02


Active Member
Just be aware that the Old testament is not Christian, even though that religion has co opted it. The G*D of Abraham is a Jewish G*D, not a Christian one.

saying stuff like that makes me think you either dont understand the bible or you have never read it..

Ac 28:28 - Show Context "Therefore I want you to know that God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!"

Ro 11:11 - Show Context Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious.
it goes on and on

Ac 13:47 - Show Context For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'"
Ac 11:18 - Show Context When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, "So then, God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life."
Ac 13:46 - Show Context Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: "We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/234919-evolution-theory-you-base-religion-15.html#post3037415


dinosaur fossils are found so easly though?'
Did you know that when an animal eats another they leave the bones, the main ones anyway so no sorry they should have some. At least some that had died from a flood or mud slide or something that give us some preserved fossils. Every other animal in there time zone has them. (Burial site doesnt have to mean barried by another but just where they died).
Klass, dinosaur fossils are one of the rarest artifacts we have in science, up there with space rocks and meteors...

I once heard a statistic that gave a rough estimate on the process of fossilization. It said that with the current number of Americans - that is over 300 million, if we were to all die suddenly, statistically speaking, less than one full human skeleton would become fossilized. Not even one whole human, out of over 300 MILLION of us. What does that tell you about the process and how many dinosaurs must have walked the earth?

Animals digest the bones of their prey, haven't you ever seen a snake documentary?

And as I was browsing through the rest of this thread, I couldn't help but notice that almost every other post you made you constantly bitch about "FACTS!" - so tell me klass, what in science IS A FACT? - you tell me, because I was under the impression that science does not deal exclusively with facts, science has theories that have thousands of facts, then science has laws that unify theories... so what the fuck have you been going on and on about with the missing "FACTS!"??

And another thing... please seriously get your peabrained sized mind around this concept. Macro evolution is EXACTLY the same as micro evolution. The ONE AND ONLY DIFFERENCE is the TIME SCALE. That is seriously not that hard to grasp man... Less time for micro, more time for macro... less changes for micro, more changes for macro...


Active Member
The ONE AND ONLY DIFFERENCE is the TIME SCALE. That is seriously not that hard to grasp man... Less time for micro, more time for macro... less changes for micro, more changes for macro...

ahhh see i bet that is why they use falty information about dating methods
and that is why they insist the earth is billions of years old haha
i get it now i see now why they use those silly dating methods they have to inorder to 'prove' evolution :wall:

but where we stand now is: they do not know how to properly date things older than a few thousand years and they have not and can not prove evolution.

just a reminder if they do prove how old the earth is i do not have a problem with that and if they prove that we evolved i will not have a problem with that either.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
but where we stand now is: they do not know how to properly date things older than a few thousand years and they have not and can not prove evolution.
Are you kidding me? You're not one of those "the cavement hunted dinosaurs" people are you? Klassenchild, look at the kind of people on your side. This is ridiculous. I wonder if FISH601 has an agenda of any kind LOL.


Active Member
Are you kidding me? You're not one of those "the cavement hunted dinosaurs" people are you? Klassenchild, look at the kind of people on your side. This is ridiculous. I wonder if FISH601 has an agenda of any kind LOL.

not one of those but i do not rule it out.
i am just saying they do not know how to properly date things


not one of those but i do not rule it out.
i am just saying they do not know how to properly date things

Yeah, we know that's what you're saying..

The problem is not whether the dating methods are accurate or not, it's what will it take to convince ol' fish that they are?

Everyone else seems to believe they are, you are the only exception.

So what will it take to convince you of something fish? Why do you believe the theory of gravity? Why do you believe the theory of evolution (when it suits your needs, like when you get vaccines) but not human evolution?

See man, you sit there and say that if any of the evidence were to contradict your current belief you wouldn't have a problem with it because it wouldn't matter to you because all your really seeking is the truth... but then when evidence is presented that does just that, and I'm talking elementary evidence, basic shit that kindergardeners know, the dinosaurs walking with man kind of evidence... is shown to you, you say the EVIDENCE is faulty, and it's not proof of anything... not your BELIEF. That's willful ignorance. You KNOW you are wrong, everyone is telling you your wrong, all the science disagree's with what you are saying, all of it, the only thing you have to back shit up is vague ancient biblical prophecies - even though you're saying the whole time religion doesn't sway your opinion.. and hearsay...

You don't understand what theory means...

You don't understand what science means...

You don't understand what evidence/proof means...

You don't understand what macro/micro evolution means...

You believe things that are proven by the people who do the proving to be wrong and you refuse to change them no matter what...

You're a goddamn fanatic if I've ever seen one fish. At least the rest of the fundies admit it.


Well-Known Member
Evolution is very real, you can watch it happen between species over millions of years. Religion's are theories and will ALWAYS be theories due to not being able to come back from the dead and explain what you seen. Evolution is definatly happening as we speak.


Active Member
this is something i have been looking into, if anyone has any comments i would consider them

GUADELOUPE WOMAN: this skeleton was found inside extremely hard, very old limestone, which was part of a formation more than a mile in length Modern geological dating places this formation at 28 million years old—which is 25 million years before modern man is supposed to have first appeared on earth.

i cant find anything else on it can any of you help with that?


Active Member
The problem is not whether the dating methods are accurate or not, it's what will it take to convince ol' fish that they are?

Everyone else seems to believe they are, you are the only exception.

See man, you sit there and say that if any of the evidence were to contradict your current belief you wouldn't have a problem with it because it wouldn't matter to you because all your really seeking is the truth... but then when evidence is presented that does just that, and I'm talking elementary evidence, basic shit that kindergardeners know, the dinosaurs walking with man kind of evidence... is shown to you, you say the EVIDENCE is faulty, and it's not proof of anything... not your BELIEF. That's willful ignorance. You KNOW you are wrong, everyone is telling you your wrong, all the science disagree's with what you are saying, all of it, the only thing you have to back shit up is vague ancient biblical prophecies - even though you're saying the whole time religion doesn't sway your opinion.. and hearsay...

You're a goddamn fanatic if I've ever seen one fish. At least the rest of the fundies admit it.

i am not gona take what i was taught in kindergarden and just go with it..
yes i was taught dinos lived long before man and i do not have a problem with that except there is NO 100% evidence .. sure a few scientist say it is so, but why believe them, when there are a few others scientist who say it isnt so.. who to believe??

take this for example both from scientist

CALAVERAS SKULLJ.D. Whitney, chief of the California Geological Survey, this person lived "over 2 million years ago,"—

vs another scientist

Calaveras Man Tests have shown it to be recent, probably less than 1000 years old

i try to look at both sides of the story if what i was taught in grade school is right then so be it

some advice: dont believe everything you read in textbooks http://www.thefoxnation.com/topics/textbooks

let me go on and throw this in also lol http://freehovind.com/watch-3954156199145885147

lol click this also http://freehovind.com/watch-2528412371399195162


this is something i have been looking into, if anyone has any comments i would consider them

GUADELOUPE WOMAN: this skeleton was found inside extremely hard, very old limestone, which was part of a formation more than a mile in length Modern geological dating places this formation at 28 million years old—which is 25 million years before modern man is supposed to have first appeared on earth.

i cant find anything else on it can any of you help with that?

Guadeloupe Woman Found

(1812). This is a wellauthenticateddiscovery which has been in the British Museumfor over a century. A fully modern human skeletonwas found in the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupeinside an immense slab of limestone, dated by modern geologistsat 28 million years old. (More examples could be cited.)
Human beings, just like those living today (but sometimes larger), have been found in very deep levels of strata.


Down on page 19 from that insane book. I barely skimmed the contents and could already determine the nuttiness within!

That's a good example of how you know if something is bullshit. I went and searched for this "Guadeloupe Woman", couldn't find a damn thing except that same quote over and over again by creationists... How many DIFFERENT published, peer reviewed papers are there on evolution? Hundreds of thousands... :dunce:



i am not gona take what i was taught in kindergarden and just go with it..
yes i was taught dinos lived long before man and i do not have a problem with that except there is NO 100% evidence .. sure a few scientist say it is so, but why believe them, when there are a few others scientist who say it isnt so.. who to believe??

take this for example both from scientist

CALAVERAS SKULLJ.D. Whitney, chief of the California Geological Survey, this person lived "over 2 million years ago,"—

vs another scientist

Calaveras Man Tests have shown it to be recent, probably less than 1000 years old

i try to look at both sides of the story if what i was taught in grade school is right then so be it

some advice: dont believe everything you read in textbooks http://www.thefoxnation.com/topics/textbooks

let me go on and throw this in also lol http://freehovind.com/watch-3954156199145885147

lol click this also http://freehovind.com/watch-2528412371399195162

Dude, I'm trying to be patient with you, do you see nothing wrong with the way you are going about researching this stuff?

"i try to look at both sides of the story"

I'm seriously contemplating putting that in my sig. :wall::wall::wall::wall:


Active Member

Down on page 19 from that insane book. I barely skimmed the contents and could already determine the nuttiness within!

That's a good example of how you know if something is bullshit.

Dude, I'm trying to be patient with you, do you see nothing wrong with the way you are going about researching this stuff?

"i try to look at both sides of the story"

I'm seriously contemplating putting that in my sig. :wall::wall::wall::wall:

should i research it like you and skim the contents to determine the nuttiness within and the bullshit? or give it a honest look? you shut it out without even giving it a good look.. atleast i am look into evolution and dating methods​