Examples of Democratic Party leadership

The times are against you silver. Most people favor rational gun sales regulations and other sane laws. It's not really about guns but saving lives.

Regarding to your response to my post. A distinguishing difference between Democrats and today's MAGA GOP is shown by your threat when I called for debate and discussion. Your argument is just a political one and not based good reasons. That's where you and the gun lobby are now. You gave no good reason for keeping gun laws the way they are. It's a concession of defeat.

Nothing like a Glock with 50 rounds in your glove compartment- never know when you're going to need that at McD.
Biden uses the budget to bludgeon Republicans

President Biden likes to say, “Show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” Biden’s budget shows what he values. And by contrast to MAGA Republicans’ plans, he shows what they don’t value: crime-fighting, debt reduction and tax fairness. Budget comparisons might be among his most effective tools in setting the themes of the 2024 election season.

On Wednesday, deputy press secretary Andrew Bates released a memo touting Biden’s “new, historic actions in the fight against violent crime, continuing to lead on a life and death issue that the American people demand be addressed.” Bates continued, “As President Biden has warned, the Freedom Caucus plan would defund the police by cutting 20% of federal funding for law enforcement, assuming their proposed cuts are spread evenly.” The White House does not hesitate to remind voters that “a slew of MAGA congressional Republicans advocate for abolishing the FBI and the ATF” and that “Republicans in Congress, joined by the Trump Administration, have spent years trying to defund the police by slashing funding for the COPS program — a key way the federal government supports state and local law enforcement.”

But not blood...

I order mine medium rare so there could be some blood..did you just change this post while I'm responding? You did!

Personally, I like paganism..would you believe they dug up pagan people to re-bury in a Christian grave? Saw a documentary on it..that's how serious they were back then to convert. I wonder why?

My favorite organized religion I think would be Buddhism.
US employment and economy is nearly recovered from the disasters wrought by the previous MAGA GOP administration.

After the report’s release, President Biden emphasized the job gains under his administration. “Our policies are working,” he declared, citing “record job creation, record unemployment declines, record wage gains.” While underscoring the resilience of the recovery, he added: “This job is not finished. We need to do more to get prices under control.”

Here’s what we know:

Looking forward, we don't yet know how much damage Republicans caused to our economy when MAGA GOP rolled back regulatory requirements which enabled Silicon Valley Bank to take on too much risk for short term gain. A sign of how much it will hurt can be seen by the lies MAGA cockroaches are reciting while scuttling for cover. They are claiming the bank's failure was because there weren't enough old white men on the bank's board. lol. MAGA GOP are either stupid or liars or both. Those same old white men caused worse damage in 2008 and managed to keep their jobs.

No, SVB didn’t fail because it was ‘woke’
Despite what Republicans are trying to claim.

Republicans are blaming the collapse of two major banks over the weekend on “woke” investment practices, once again dragging the effort to address the climate crisis into America’s increasingly polarizing culture wars. But their reasoning doesn’t align with assessments from leading economists who have mostly tied the bank failures to risky bets on cryptocurrency—not clean energy—and the plummeting value of government-backed securities amid rising interest rates.

This time around, Biden has promised to give managers of any bank that requires government bailouts the boot. And no severance bonus. I would hope that they will claw back any earlier bonuses they received as well.
I order mine medium rare so there could be some blood..did you just change this post while I'm responding? You did!

Personally, I like paganism..would you believe they dug up pagan people to re-bury in a Christian grave? Saw a documentary on it..that's how serious they were back then to convert. I wonder why?

My favorite organized religion I think would be Buddhism.
I'm a pastafarian.
"Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread, …and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample upon our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. R’amen."