EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

don't have a meltdown, Cici.

i know you get sick of being called a racist loser, but if you would stop being a racist loser, the problem would fix itself.


are you this bitter all the time, vanilla face?

maybe on the inside, flour bag.

i'm gonna blame the mexicans and fags for this.

anyhoo, you go on living in your bigoted southerner bubble of mental retardation, that same bubble where you work endless 112 hour weeks installing "greese" traps for your three tooth having, sister fucking daddy.

the restaurant owners were warned about the violence that was bound to spring forth from the white culture it catered to, but they ignored the warnings.
five different rival gangs of white folks started shooting, stabbing, and beating each other to death at this restaurant.
these savage animals started shooting at the cops just for trying to ensure the safety of the innocent patrons who had to deal with this violent pack of whites. these poor innocent bystanders had to hide in freezers to stay safe from these white thug criminals.
why does violence seem to permeate white culture like this?
why are these savage thug animals so unable to contain themselves?
if whites don't want to be thought of as violent criminal beasts, they need to stop acting like it.
and i don't hear any condemnation from white leaders addressing the epidemic of violence that is breaking out all across white culture.
white people sicken me.

yeah, but this is a problem unique to white culture. these whites are savages, animals.
when was the last time 5 black biker gangs started to beat, stab, and shoot at each other before firing on the police officers who were simply trying to protect innocent patrons from the violence of white culture?
and why haven't leaders in the white community stepped up to address the epidemic of violence in the white community?
white on white murder is a huge problem, whites are killing each other at an 83% rate. that s sickening.
i think we need to figure out why whites are so violent and unable to follow the simple rules of civilized society.

i'm jewish though, so suck it.

i know who i'd rape.

it takes an especially shameless hypocrite to try to accuse others of that which he is guilty of himself.

Meltdown over you, yeah right, like when you told Me.. .

kill yourself.

You just don't get it do you, Noboby wants You here, You are NOT welcome, You are Racist and Bigoted ..in-fact You fill this site with the Daily vomit you spew, trying to label and twist peoples words. You really do need to take a long hard look at yourself, seems to Me You have NO redeeming qualities what so ever.. Leave R.I.U. and start up your own little Racist Site to spew your vile comments, pretty sure You would be happier, I know most Members of R.I.U. would be if You left and don't forget to take your half a dozen Sock Puppets with You.

that must invalidate the numerous studies on the issue then.

no. i'm thinking of changing my name to shaniqua..probably fare better.

when in rome, buck. this time around i used 'employee referral' and allowed demographics such as race/age/gender.

totally got denied on my FA 2nd appeal for grants..my hardships have not been extensive enough though fully documented, while waiting in line to air my dirty laundry..i'm hearing FA people tell students 'just go to your work and tell them you need on letterhead, your hours changed'..but the shit i've been through doesn't qualify.

schuylaar's window: STEM building at sunset..thinking of you men:hug:


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Meltdown over you, yeah right, like when you told Me.. .

You just don't get it do you, Noboby wants You here, You are NOT welcome, You are Racist and Bigoted ..in-fact You fill this site with the Daily vomit you spew, trying to label and twist peoples words. You really do need to take a long hard look at yourself, seems to Me You have NO redeeming qualities what so ever.. Leave R.I.U. and start up your own little Racist Site to spew your vile comments, pretty sure You would be happier, I know most Members of R.I.U. would be if You left and don't forget to take your half a dozen Sock Puppets with You.
Have you ever grown a cannabis plant?
You just don't get it do you, Noboby wants You here, You are NOT welcome, You are Racist and Bigoted ..in-fact You fill this site with the Daily vomit you spew, trying to label and twist peoples words. You really do need to take a long hard look at yourself, seems to Me You have NO redeeming qualities what so ever.. Leave R.I.U. and start up your own little Racist Site to spew your vile comments, pretty sure You would be happier, I know most Members of R.I.U. would be if You left and don't forget to take your half a dozen Sock Puppets with You.


nice meltdown, i like those.

you are still a racist loser though. and very stupid.

and you suck at growing, big time.
You make 80 posts per day on at least 3 accounts
you boast about making 5k selling your moldy weed to kids

You're one of the most pathetic creatures i have encountered on the interwebs since its conception

i will be sniggering at you for as long as you keep acting like an idiot

hope this helps clarify the situation

He would get ripped a new one if he ever said that.
is that @Harrekin (redhead) in your signature?..:lol:

love the pink floyd reference now that @skunkd0c made me look.

did you put it together?

Cheers, Yeah its all my work.. when bored I love messing in Photoshop or Gimp It contains a few references, Site I used to be Mod on and My use name, unlike what UncleBuck thinks its not CiCi, Close but no Cigar.. . Also Love tha Floyd!!
Cheers, Yeah its all my work.. when bored I love messing in Photoshop or Gimp It contains a few references, Site I used to be Mod on and My use name, unlike what UncleBuck thinks its not CiCi, Close but no Cigar.. . Also Love tha Floyd!!

your name is Cici. it's an adorable name for a racist little girl like yourself.

and you suck at growing. did you know that?
your name is Cici. it's an adorable name for a racist little girl like yourself.

and you suck at growing. did you know that?

You just can't stop thinking about Kiddies can You! Shameful.. ..R.I.U. Bigoted,Racist Paedophile UncleBuck, which is no surprise esp with that user name.. bet you are like "Come and Sit on UncleBuck's Knee" hmm
You just can't stop thinking about Kiddies can You! Shameful.. ..R.I.U. Bigoted,Racist Paedophile UncleBuck, which is no surprise esp with that user name.. bet you are like "Come and Sit on UncleBuck's Knee" hmm

that's adorable, Cici.
@schuylaar I went to a local Bernie Sanders meet up last night- and girl, there are a lot of people who are beyond frustrated with the way things have gone in our country!

One guy is a meteorologist, and discussed the upcoming attractions of climate change unless something fairly dramatic is done soon. I mentioned the Koch brothers.

There were a lot of people who were frustrated about not being able to make ends meet, IN SPITE OF COLLEGE DEGREES AND GOOD JOBS?!

Citizens United kept coming up as a threat to American democracy.

These were people with careers and families, not professional activists. Many were there out of a general sense that things have gone off the rails and they just can't remain on the sidelines anymore.

The room had that same electric feeling that I got when attending the Internet Chamber of Commerce gatherings in the late nineties, and again at Kush Con II in 2007; this is the future, and these are some of the people who will be shaping it.

I'm proud to be among them.
@schuylaar I went to a local Bernie Sanders meet up last night- and girl, there are a lot of people who are beyond frustrated with the way things have gone in our country!

One guy is a meteorologist, and discussed the upcoming attractions of climate change unless something fairly dramatic is done soon. I mentioned the Koch brothers.

There were a lot of people who were frustrated about not being able to make ends meet, IN SPITE OF COLLEGE DEGREES AND GOOD JOBS?!

Citizens United kept coming up as a threat to American democracy.

These were people with careers and families, not professional activists. Many were there out of a general sense that things have gone off the rails and they just can't remain on the sidelines anymore.

The room had that same electric feeling that I got when attending the Internet Chamber of Commerce gatherings in the late nineties, and again at Kush Con II in 2007; this is the future, and these are some of the people who will be shaping it.

I'm proud to be among them.
How will you get back all the wasted time when the Hildabeast is nominated?