EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Not true.

We are a nation of short cuts and quick to judge ala low attention span which gives way to low information voter.

More important are Kim Kardashians colon cleanse schedule.
So, you know best and anybody that votes otherwise are ignorant?
Lol it's possible, all that needs to happen is for him to get more votes than any of the other candidates.
Explain to me how that happens. How does Bernie get a majority of votes across the country while competing against two very well organized and funded parties?
So, you know best and anybody that votes otherwise are ignorant?

If you're making less than 6 figured a year- really, 7- then Mrs Clinton has nothing for you. The Republican party hasn't for decades.

So we are watching the vast majority of voters choose people who ate against their own best interests.

How is that not ignorant? Being part of the majority doesn't make you right.
Explain to me how that happens. How does Bernie get a majority of votes across the country while competing against two very well organized and funded parties?

What? Now you want me to be Bernie's campaign manager? Dude, all I said was that he's the best one for the job and he has my vote.

Go play fantasy football with someone else.
Even when he could not do it in the primary ?

The primary and general are two different games.

This is why Sanders polls higher nationally.

The polls are INCLUSIVE of all voters not just some like the primaries.

This is a very simple concept, yet no one will say Schuylaar..your right about this.

So when the person the establishment wishes to run against a very popular, albeit unruly asshole, they still choose establishment when everything points to this being a mistake.

Trump is NOT establishment which needs to be met with same non establishment in order to defeat.

The people want change! Remember them? The people?
What? Now you want me to be Bernie's campaign manager? Dude, all I said was that he's the best one for the job and he has my vote.

Go play fantasy football with someone else.
You say that its possible for some self organized and massive voting surge in favor of Bernie. I don't think it is. You can't explain yourself. I think it's possible for me to win the lottery. Actually only virtually possible.

Sorry man, but you have nothing. I'll still probably vote for anybody other than Trump or Hillary next fall but that's because Oregon will be safely out of reach for the Republicans. You'll go on helplessly ranting about how unfair all this is. I don't disagree with you.

Are you retarded?

Do you not understand this?
I'm living in a small state and might have missed out on some news it seems. Didn't registered members of the Democratic party have the opportunity to vote in their state's primary? Didn't the majority of those people who were registered for the Democratic party vote for Hillary Clinton?
This is a good example of the kind of reply that progresses the conversation in a positive direction. @londonfog & @ChesusRice , pay attention please

Overall, I agree with all of your major points. I plan on sitting out this election since CA is safe. Like I've said before, if I were in a swing state, I would vote for Clinton (as much as I'd hate it). The worst democratic candidate is better than the best republican candidate either way you slice it, but Clinton certainly cuts it close..

I think I can speak for most progressives when I say that we're simply sick of this shit. I'm tired of having to choose between worse and worst when we have a candidate running who embodies the actual change that Americans crave. Clinton will win, then what? Some other corporatist democrat will run next cycle and this same argument will be just as valid then because the republican opponent will be dogshit just like Trump. The lower & middle-class will get fucked again and again. The only way it will end is if we, collectively, make it end. What other option do true progressives have under a two-party system that both represent corporate interests? I gave it a shot with Obama, man, I truly did and he turned out to be another corporate whore just like the rest. So what the fuck about us? I'm done handing them the mantle for them to fuck me later and claim it was republicans fault. Obama had the entire goddamn government for 2 years and all he could accomplish was the individual mandate? I could accomplish more with my left nut than that bullshit, he bent to republican demands because he has the same corporate handlers.

So what exactly, are we to just keep giving the corporatist democrat our vote even though they fuck us over slightly less than the republicans would? When some real progressive comes along we shun him and act like he's not really serious and all his ideas are bullshit because they go against the establishment? What is our end game? How do we, as average progressive citizens, benefit from this perpetual cycle of bullshit that caters to corporate masters? Because from where I've been sitting, the fist just gets bigger and bigger and goes deeper and deeper every single election. Eventually my diaphragm is gonna bust, man, I can't take much more, so what the fuck?

I'm living in a small state and might have missed out on some news it seems. Didn't registered members of the Democratic party have the opportunity to vote in their state's primary? Didn't the majority of those people who were registered for the Democratic party vote for Hillary Clinton?

In NY, alone 3.2 million Independents were disenfranchised due to restrictive registration.

They closed polls early in a state that Sanders held lead and then somehow Clinton pulls it off by narrow margin..Ohio? Well hell, they just went with quarter flips..Jesus Christ! Quarter flips!
If you're making less than 6 figured a year- really, 7- then Mrs Clinton has nothing for you. The Republican party hasn't for decades.

So we are watching the vast majority of voters choose people who ate against their own best interests.

How is that not ignorant? Being part of the majority doesn't make you right.
I make less than 6 figures.
Sanders wants to raise my taxes
I make less than 6 figures.
Sanders wants to raise my taxes

So now the real objection surfaces..thank you for finally being honest.

Do you realize that:

1. Neigh sayer economists have stated they negatively reported on Sanders plan without all the fact..you remember them?..facts?

2. You get something for it..single payer health among other things..I've sat here and done the math for you early on..a few dollars a pay will yield the typical American family THOUSANDS.

I'm back to making six figures but I still stand with Sanders because not all my friends do..some of them work two jobs to make ends meet and always will if something is not done to right this wrong.

Kicking the can down the road on to our children, is the most heinous thing that can be done to them.

What kind of world are we leaving them?

It looks something like a cross between Blade Runner, Minority Report and V for Vendetta.