Well-Known Member
SANDERS is the center democrats are looking for.
Sanders is a socialist... LOL!!! You cant get much more left than that. Not sure how it could be someone's center.
SANDERS is the center democrats are looking for.
Obama turned that shit. Why Bernie could not ?
3.2 million didn't get to vote in NY. but how many were for Trump ? Hillary ? Bernard ? Jesus ?
At issue is not how many independents were excluded. That's irrelevant to the Democratic Party primaries, which were closed primaries. And were set to be closed well before 2016. I think this will change going forward, which will be a good thing.
In any case, you changed the subject from "people were unfairly excluded" to "there was skullduggery in how the media were manipulated". Both of which are false.
It's Hillary's job to convince Bernie's supporters and enough independents that don't like Trump to vote for her. If she can't she will lose. That's how it goes, elections and not what you think matter. Bernie is showing Democratic party leaders the way back from their mistaken affair with right wing political policies. If they can find their way back to the center, Trump has no chance.
Awesome article for the thinking voter, although I did post before, if you didn't read you may wish to check it's apropos even more so now:
Sanders is Winning Dem Primary Race and I'll Prove It To You:
Does anyone have the balls to discuss?
I thought you said they couldn't be turned and have never turned..which is it?
Do you wish to gamble how many of those indies that were excluded were for Sanders?
650k registered as Dem in Cali on Friday (last day to do so and 'the likes of which were unprecedented' according to the state) And ya think they're for Hillary?
Hillary voters are the older Boomers who are already registered.
Get out the butthurt cream and be ready to bend over on Tuesday.
How pathetic the Clinton News Network is..and ya say Gore lost NOT because everyone was tired of the Clinton admin hijinx?
In Bernie's case it look like it will never be turned.I thought you said they couldn't be turned and have never turned..which is it?
Remember SkyCrickets
In Bernie's case it look like it will never be turned.
What color do you think Mrs. Clinton is going to wear at her inauguration ?
If Bernie gave a wonderful concession speech and said now we need to get behind Hillary. You would will be the Trump orange because she's weaker than he cinching the nom people don't trust her and they want change..while she's wearing jumpsuit jail orange.
when you think about it, the GOP is more progressive because a non establishment will be their nom.
Trump lies? well, so does she and very well known for it I might add.
If Bernie gave a wonderful concession speech and said now we need to get behind Hillary. You would say...
but if he did, would you listen to him ?he would never say that.