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This wouldn't be happening if people would wake the fuck up and start giving a fuck.
Here's a start. (page 1 of 2,626)
This wouldn't be happening if people would wake the fuck up and start giving a fuck.
You are the one who doesn't care that Trump stole money in a fraudulent education scam. Or that he raped a child. Four times. In front of people. YuckThis wouldn't be happening if people would wake the fuck up and start giving a fuck.
I'd do her.
be careful with the psycho chicks. Wake up with no penis and her laughing and screaming BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE, with your penis in her hand is al-qaeda. It formed in 1989 when Russian troops withdrew from Afghanistan. After Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi died the name changed to isi then isil then in 2014 isis. Reagan has more to do with the formation of isis than obama. I'm not defending obama. I think he's incompetent and the worst president we ever had. I'm just presenting facts.
You are the one who doesn't care that Trump stole money in a fraudulent education scam. Or that he raped a child. Four times. In front of people. Yuck
Hillary and bill stole hundreds of millions from the Clinton foundation. when they raised money for Haiti and when they took payments for helping friends get mining rights for uranium.
Too funny. The right wingnuts have become a fact free zone. How is it that you know about that theft and nobody has filed charges or brought suit against them? If you had a working brain cell, I'd suggest you think for just one minute about the hordes of political leaders in opposition to Hillary that would seize on that information to rid themselves of the Clintons. Instead, for 25 years, they drag up scandals and spend millions on investigations only to end up with nothing. You guys don't need anything factual to make your claims. But its all just made up shit.Hillary and bill stole hundreds of millions from the Clinton foundation. when they raised money for Haiti and when they took payments for helping friends get mining rights for uranium.
Too funny. The right wingnuts have become a fact free zone. How is it that you know about that theft and nobody has filed charges or brought suit against them? If you had a working brain cell, I'd suggest you think for just one minute about the hordes of political leaders in opposition to Hillary that would seize on that information to rid themselves of the Clintons. Instead, for 25 years, they drag up scandals and spend millions on investigations only to end up with nothing. You guys don't need anything factual to make your claims. But its all just made up shit.
By your standard for making an accusation, I can apply the same standards and accuse Trump of heinous acts, only there are real trials set to go over allegations of fraud and child rape by Trump. Using your standards I can absolutely say that Trump committed criminal fraud and raped a child. Four times. In front of people. Yuck.
A big difference between my allegations and yours is mine might actually be proven true and end up in a conviction. Yours is just made up shit..
Isis is al-qaeda. It formed in 1989 when Russian troops withdrew from Afghanistan. After Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi died the name changed to isi then isil then in 2014 isis. Reagan has more to do with the formation of isis than obama. I'm not defending obama. I think he's incompetent and the worst president we ever had. I'm just presenting facts.
Charges don't come up because of power and secrets.. All the people that were to testify turned up dead. coincidence? look at the perjury and fraud investigation and Hillary was even caught committing election fraud. anyone one else would have have been sentenced to life for what Hillary has done. There's plenty for evidence. Everyone is paid off in one way or another. Look at the congressional hearings with comy. The FBI only investigated her intent. Ignorance doesn't excuse breaking the law. In hillary's case it does. Regardless of lack of convictions and charges. That doesn't make what she did not existent. There's plenty of evidence to support what she did. but the Clinton's are too powerful.
There's no evidence of rape. There's little evidence scamming from a university. that wouldn't be the first university or trade school to scam people. how many people have degrees and can't get a job in their field. essentially that's what the trump university scandal is about
Even Hillary got her position as Secretary of state in exchange for her endorsement for Obama on 2008
Hillary was even caught committing election fraud.
There's no evidence of rape.
There's little evidence scamming from a university. that wouldn't be the first university or trade school to scam people. how many people have degrees and can't get a job in their field. essentially that's what the trump university scandal is about
You just want it to be your penis.
Isis is al-qaeda. It formed in 1989 when Russian troops withdrew from Afghanistan. After Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi died the name changed to isi then isil then in 2014 isis. Reagan has more to do with the formation of isis than obama. I'm not defending obama. I think he's incompetent and the worst president we ever had. I'm just presenting facts.
Al Qaeda disowned the leader of ISIS because he was too extreme even for them. They currently compete for the same resources and have on occasion made war on each other. ISIS formed as an Al Qaeda-allied group in Iraq but Al Qaeda cut ties with ISIS and its leader in 2014. The formation of the group that became ISIS took place in Iraq, during the occupation by the US, so actually Bush W, the most incompetent US president ever, is the person most responsible for the formation of ISIS. I'm not defending Reagan, just presenting facts.
Nope, not a shred of evidence has come forward to prove Hillary has been guilty of any of the crimes that right wing nuts have been baying about. The Republican controlled Congress has subpoena power as well as power to give immunity to witnesses/force testimony. You are living the simple right wing fact free life of a conspiracy theorist. Just like other right wingers you don't understand sentencing precedent either. What Clinton was guilty of would have triggered employee reprimand but she's not working for the govt any more. I'm not saying she did no wrong but nothing like what you say. But you need no proof. By your standard, all one needs to decide guilt is an accusation.Charges don't come up because of power and secrets.. All the people that were to testify turned up dead. coincidence? look at the perjury and fraud investigation and Hillary was even caught committing election fraud. anyone one else would have have been sentenced to life for what Hillary has done. There's plenty for evidence. Everyone is paid off in one way or another. Look at the congressional hearings with comy. The FBI only investigated her intent. Ignorance doesn't excuse breaking the law. In hillary's case it does. Regardless of lack of convictions and charges. That doesn't make what she did not existent. There's plenty of evidence to support what she did. but the Clinton's are too powerful.
There's no evidence of rape. There's little evidence scamming from a university. that wouldn't be the first university or trade school to scam people. how many people have degrees and can't get a job in their field. essentially that's what the trump university scandal is about
Even Hillary got her position as Secretary of state in exchange for her endorsement for Obama on 2008
There's little evidence scamming from a university. that wouldn't be the first university or trade school to scam people. how many people have degrees and can't get a job in their field. essentially that's what the trump university scandal is about