Experienced Organic Grower to Answer Your Questions

So what organic soil mix do you advise ?
Coot's mix ?

I'm recycling my soil at this point. I just mix in fresh compost/castings/aeration (perlite is popular). An organic potting soil will work as a launching point. Or get a small bag or bale of peat moss, perlite, and compost or castings. Composted cow manure will do you cant get the other.

Then you want something to make sure your soil pH isn't too acidic so you want some lime or oyster shell flour. These add calcium and raise the soil pH. If you're buying a potting soil this is unnecessary as most our already prelimed.

You'd be surprised how far that mix could take you, especially if you've got a good quality compost and apply worm casting teas every week or two.

To really make your plants sing though mix in some neem cake or neem seed meal...

Fish meal, crab meal, kelp meal, langbenite (sulfate of potash magnesia).

Mix in 1/2 cup per cubic foot for each.

Every few weeks top dress with a cup of worm castings and 1/4 cup of kelp.

Your girls will sing.
my bad, I apologize.
No room in the world for more of that.
In my defense though, most of us organic/natural growers have a true distaste for the subcool techniques and recipe, as they are fundamentally flawed.
So we see layered soil, and we immediately start flaming away.
Because the technique and recipe was made a permanent sticky, oftentimes new organic growers go to it, and then get frustrated when their plants don't come out as well as their hydro grows did, and for that, many go back to using chelated chemical grows.

We need to get rid of the subcool-recipe sticky and make a simple compost and vermicompost sticky.
Both of those are massively more integral than a layered mix, predicated on water soluble nutrients..

It's be like if you had a buddy that never has had sushi in his life, so you go buy him sushi from a grocery store or something.
Not gonna be the same experience as a classy Japanese sushi place, in fact he may not even like it.
100% agree
@sunni excuse me miss, but why have subs misinformation being the main sticky and gateway for newbs into organics when its giving the organic path a bad name.. There are many way better growers than sub that we could exemplify and make bold choices and guides from. I'm sure the big boys on here would be happy to cooperate and rewrite the big intro to organic soil guide, especially if we got to put our name up there !!!

Grease Hyroot DP DB Vnsmkr RastaRoy MistaRasta myself Chronikool and many more, like Stow etc, all probably better sources of info than Subcool. I think it would be really good for those switching over if they had a simpler, sounder guide.

It's like Rev teaching new ppl about 15 spikes and layers, he's just in so deep he doesn't know how crazy he is and how his old habits are coming into play.

We should get a guide written by someone who has learned organics their whole life, not from someone trying to learn it themselves (the blind leading the blind)

Thanks for your considering, Sunny
Much respect
100% agree
@sunni excuse me miss, but why have subs misinformation being the main sticky and gateway for newbs into organics when its giving the organic path a bad name.. There are many way better growers than sub that we could exemplify and make bold choices and guides from. I'm sure the big boys on here would be happy to cooperate and rewrite the big intro to organic soil guide, especially if we got to put our name up there !!!

Grease Hyroot DP DB Vnsmkr RastaRoy MistaRasta myself Chronikool and many more, like Stow etc, all probably better sources of info than Subcool. I think it would be really good for those switching over if they had a simpler, sounder guide.

It's like Rev teaching new ppl about 15 spikes and layers, he's just in so deep he doesn't know how crazy he is and how his old habits are coming into play.

We should get a guide written by someone who has learned organics their whole life, not from someone trying to learn it themselves (the blind leading the blind)

Thanks for your considering, Sunny
Much respect
i believe long ago he was a supporter here and was a mod , majority of our subforums haven't changed since we opened in 2006 except ones we have added throughout the years.
ill bring it up to the main staff and see if theyd like to change it but i doubt they would remove an entire subforum heres why its got nothing to do with personal interest it has to do with the users who still use this forum ie:, too many lost posts, which would affect everyone whos posted in them by lowering their post counts, like counts and more on
its not as easy as simply removing a subforum due to
I doubt riu staff is organic.. I've like never seen a staff member chime in with organics lol
thats neither here nor there, regardless of our growing style we work for the forum to ensure the forum works properly whether we grow organic or not at all doesnt impact how the forum is
and i grew veganic if you must know back in the day i no longer grow or smoke due to my current situation
i believe long ago he was a supporter here and was a mod , majority of our subforums haven't changed since we opened in 2006 except ones we have added throughout the years.
ill bring it up to the main staff and see if theyd like to change it but i doubt they would remove an entire subforum heres why its got nothing to do with personal interest it has to do with the users who still use this forum ie:, too many lost posts, which would affect everyone whos posted in them by lowering their post counts, like counts and more on
its not as easy as simply removing a subforum due to

thats neither here nor there, regardless of our growing style we work for the forum to ensure the forum works properly whether we grow organic or not at all doesnt impact how the forum is
and i grew veganic if you must know back in the day i no longer grow or smoke due to my current situation
I can't imagine having to worry about that bullshit. CPS and shit. I feel for you, girl. Like, legit. Hope all's well with the family.
i believe long ago he was a supporter here and was a mod , majority of our subforums haven't changed since we opened in 2006 except ones we have added throughout the years.
ill bring it up to the main staff and see if theyd like to change it but i doubt they would remove an entire subforum heres why its got nothing to do with personal interest it has to do with the users who still use this forum ie:, too many lost posts, which would affect everyone whos posted in them by lowering their post counts, like counts and more on
its not as easy as simply removing a subforum due to

thats neither here nor there, regardless of our growing style we work for the forum to ensure the forum works properly whether we grow organic or not at all doesnt impact how the forum is
and i grew veganic if you must know back in the day i no longer grow or smoke due to my current situation
Oh neat! Much respect
:) the majority of the mods dont even chime in on growing anymore theres a few of course but the main staff doesnt we have too much work to do ;)
Thanks for getting back to us and offering to bring it up, Sunni. Despite its colossal effects, I'm sure we can save the best posts and if likes is the only things holding back the movement at that time, then that'd be kinda strange.. (People's popularity is more important than proper information for those about to invest hard earned money and time into learning a life changing skill that may impact someone's life via caregiving?)

I hope we prevail.
Thanks for voicing us..
How did the veganics work out for you while you did it ? Any good sources for building a mean recipe?
Curious to that path,
Cheers, DT
Thanks for getting back to us and offering to bring it up, Sunni. Despite its colossal effects, I'm sure we can save the best posts and if likes is the only things holding back the movement at that time, then that'd be kinda strange.. (People's popularity is more important than proper information for those about to invest hard earned money and time into learning a life changing skill that may impact someone's life via caregiving?)

I hope we prevail.
Thanks for voicing us..
How did the veganics work out for you while you did it ? Any good sources for building a mean recipe?
Curious to that path,
Cheers, DT
well it isnt so much popularity it completely messes up accounts
you log on suddenly, you have 52 posts, from over a thousand, you lost all your likes, you lost user privileges from the forum and have to rebuild them , you can no longer PM people or like content, you cant go into your grow journal area.

people send years on here building up posts, posting useful information what right do i have to wipe it away because you don't want the sub cool sub forum, that isnt fair
and comparing it to holding back the movement is unfair and is apples to oranges quite frankly.

look outside the small picture and see the bigger issue, now max that one account by the 84 THOUSAND posts in that sub forum,
i just collectively pissed off a large user group .

you say to save the best posts
im sorry but i work here as a volunteer im not going to read every single of the 84 THOUSAND posts in that subforum and cherry pick what i deem "worthy" to stay in addition to that even if i did do that do you know the amount of holes in posts the whole thing would become illegible , i have a real job, and a family and i dedicate hours on here just like every other mod and we try are darmest but to keep up with the entire forum and than read 84k posts and cherry pick isnt something we can do were not super humans lol

we are a forum, an open forum not a wiki guideline. please be understanding that forums are open places people can come to talk and discuss where as a wiki guide is a place to learn something from a post but have no ability to change or edit or contribute to the discussion. like say kyle kushmans website, where it talks about his efforts and his how to's while he does have a small forum he doesnt open the discussion like a forum does.

we have many guides, tutorials and more so brought on from a variety of users from all walks of life because we are an open forum we allow anyone to post what they want on a subject matter, whether or not that content is considered misinformation to you or several people isnt against TOS

anyone who invests time and effort into the movement in order to create medicine should be able to read all aspects of the forum and choose whats best for them , ask questions, make new posts etc
anyone who in my personal opinion who invests large amounts of money into something is going or should read a lot more than one tiny little subforum

it seems simple, just save the best posts, peoples popularity is lesser than peoples medical needs but when you get to the legitimate details and understanding of how it would work out it isnt as simply put , and an insurmountable amount of coding and web admining that would effect a large majority of user accounts

hope that makes a little more sense :)
100% agree
@sunni excuse me miss, but why have subs misinformation being the main sticky and gateway for newbs into organics when its giving the organic path a bad name.. There are many way better growers than sub that we could exemplify and make bold choices and guides from. I'm sure the big boys on here would be happy to cooperate and rewrite the big intro to organic soil guide, especially if we got to put our name up there !!!

Grease Hyroot DP DB Vnsmkr RastaRoy MistaRasta myself Chronikool and many more, like Stow etc, all probably better sources of info than Subcool. I think it would be really good for those switching over if they had a simpler, sounder guide.

It's like Rev teaching new ppl about 15 spikes and layers, he's just in so deep he doesn't know how crazy he is and how his old habits are coming into play.

We should get a guide written by someone who has learned organics their whole life, not from someone trying to learn it themselves (the blind leading the blind)

Thanks for your considering, Sunny
Much respect
Not to start drama, but people like Hyroot are why people like me stay away from the organic section, and are the ones truly giving it a bad name. You say Sub has bad info and then suggest replacing it with info from someone who repeatedly pushes ideas like "potassium is a sugar"? Doesn't really seem like an improvement to me. (I apologize to the other people you named, who may not share in the dissemination of misinformation that Hyroot partakes in, for any offence they may have accrued by association to him)
Okay. So I've used soil for this run. And I'm curious about coco, perlite for my next run. Is it still organics if I'm going to continue with the bokashi and fish + kelp emulsion feeding with the coco mix?

Or is that considered hydro?
Okay. So I've used soil for this run. And I'm curious about coco, perlite for my next run. Is it still organics if I'm going to continue with the bokashi and fish + kelp emulsion feeding with the coco mix?

Or is that considered hydro?
Organic. Hydro can be organic too of course

I want to see that btw
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Not to start drama, but people like Hyroot are why people like me stay away from the organic section, and are the ones truly giving it a bad name. You say Sub has bad info and then suggest replacing it with info from someone who repeatedly pushes ideas like "potassium is a sugar"? Doesn't really seem like an improvement to me. (I apologize to the other people you named, who may not share in the dissemination of misinformation that Hyroot partakes in, for any offence they may have accrued by association to him)
I don't like being associated with hyroot because of his or hers personal opinions...but that's another story for another forum lol.

@sunni totally understand where you're coming from. And super appreciate you for volunteering your time into making sure we have this great place where we can come to share and learn information! One thousand thank yous!
I like how all the organic growers i see repeatedly have all have their own threads sharing their methods.

THAT is the glory of the organic section in my opinion. Go to any other section and all you see is threads on commercial products and people who accidently posted marijuana problems in the wrong section. Or grow journals and not TEKs
Okay. So I've used soil for this run. And I'm curious about coco, perlite for my next run. Is it still organics if I'm going to continue with the bokashi and fish + kelp emulsion feeding with the coco mix?

Or is that considered hydro?
I did that with extraction type teas with LAB/enzimes & a host of flours ,kelp,alfalfa , grd fish did some EWC teas alternating between them
it's a lotta work mixing powders everyday (everything was a powder/meal & organic)
Killer tasting smoke on every plant