Exploring the Cosmos without a rocket..

Ya I got more just shy of the half mark tho thats the morrison story that was in the 10-12g range not quite sure the exactness as I had a quarter and eighth and what was layin on the table. I'd love to hear your story tho can?
@rory420420 his name was chewy whatcha got for that?lol
Who's name was chewy? I'm no wookie bro:-)
I have a night where I ate a half oz of cubes,my bro ate a ten strip of fluff,then 4 hours later,we switched up and I ate 8 hits and he ate 10gms...
Nothing but color...I could talk to you,I knew you were there,but I could make out no discernable depth or shapes..like a 2-d plane of color screensaver for a reality..fun stuff,till I stepped on glass at 5am..another story for another time. ...
Sunrise was a visual orgasm in the sky tho.;-)
I needed guidance, usually a quarter or so is good these days. I dont take them but about once every three months.

This time all i got was fun, not a problem but no .revelations. it was the opposite of what i wanted. I trust my caps and that wasnt the problem, they were not weak.

I bumoed the dose twice, taking roughly double the next week then doing it again.

That one was a ride. I descended through taunting lovely gardens, hundreds of them, not daring to stop at any for fear of getting stuck in the beauty or the horror ir the mindlessness. That was the short of it. I thought my recounting was fairly good but i cant search for it on this phone.
Thats cool man. Ya I only trust my booms for sure and I really think that helps bring a huge measure of peace into the equation. Sounds like a great ride for sure what strain where you running? You going mushroom hunting this spring can? Morel season is pending for me feel like a kid in a candyshop!
Who's name was chewy? I'm no wookie bro:-)
I have a night where I ate a half oz of cubes,my bro ate a ten strip of fluff,then 4 hours later,we switched up and I ate 8 hits and he ate 10gms...
Nothing but color...I could talk to you,I knew you were there,but I could make out no discernable depth or shapes..like a 2-d plane of color screensaver for a reality..fun stuff,till I stepped on glass at 5am..another story for another time. ...
Sunrise was a visual orgasm in the sky tho.;-)
The dog.. lol...No doubt there man for sure
Hero status
I had the same thing happen on 12grams of auz's
Cried about picking on my brother,not recycling my trash,not volunteering at the salvation army..I even teared up about changing lanes without using a signal that morn( I did it to be mean to another driver)..
Then I woke up and realized my brothers a dick,salvation army's run by bigger dicks,recycled plastic makes guns,and,I'm a bad driver:-)
But,it was a great trip..was sprinkinling in the morn and I had a nice sofa on my porch..I watches it rain and melt the world away for a few hours....
Ha oh I see you're one of the "guns are evil" people.! Well hate to say it but more people are Saved by Firearms than not, and England's violent crime rate is much higher than ours and they outlawed firearms, and look at Mexico literally some of the Worst Violence in the world, number one kidnapping city in the world, and they "outlaw" guns. Looks like outlawing guns doesn't work.

The problem is Not with Arms manufacturers yet rather with our own Government, look up Fast and Furious and last year we "accidentally" landed Tons of Arms to IS.!!!!

The government is the Need for Arms.
Ha oh I see you're one of the "guns are evil" people.! Well hate to say it but more people are Saved by Firearms than not, and England's violent crime rate is much higher than ours and they outlawed firearms, and look at Mexico literally some of the Worst Violence in the world, number one kidnapping city in the world, and they "outlaw" guns. Looks like outlawing guns doesn't work.

The problem is Not with Arms manufacturers yet rather with our own Government, look up Fast and Furious and last year we "accidentally" landed Tons of Arms to IS.!!!!

The government is the Need for Arms.
Nope you're putting your words in my mouth as a justification of your opinion.of which has NOTHING to do with the subject.I just said recycled plastic makes guns,BAD,NON- PERFORMING, PIECE OF SHIT GUNS..so what,it makes dildos too..I'm sure YOU know THAT.
BTW,I have an arsenal.
But I can say this,with proof above,you're one of the ego maniacs that distort shit for your own big nutted biased reasons,namely your Napoleonic view of reality.
Its nice to be important.now you are.
But I can say this,with proof above,you're one of the ego maniacs that distort shit for your own big nutted biased reasons,namely your Napoleonic view of reality.
Its nice to be important.now you are.
Man I was about to say good job on the last post, but then your "ego maniac big nutted napoleonic" self had to open its mouth and yeah no thank you.

Look at what you have written yourself, you are Exactly what you say me and DonTesla are.

Pull that plank out of your own eye before you point out the saw dust in ours.

And read for yourself what you wrote, you say you came to reality and started listing "bad" things. You contradict yourself and foolishly babble. You're the only who has been talking Mad Shit to everyone here you fucking kid.

And before you say I'm 30+ years old or 50 or whatever, that is exactly my point even more so, childish behavior for anyone is Not good, even for children they need to be disciplined so they learn.

You need to be more loving, and stop all this hatred. What's the matter buddy? There's a root to this problem.
And I can say this... Thank GOD we are not in person because I think you might... We'll never mind. Everyone knows what I'm thinking... Sometimes people just need a good beatin. And not meat which I know you're going to try and use to come back at me.
I've explored the outer limits with psilocybin/psilocin. Grew the Little Devils for many yrs. PF-Tek, 4 large translucent rubber-maid tubs full of caps. Used to provide them to the local University students on a regular. Personally, I would trip once/week for yrs at a time. Tried various strains & ways and finally, I started making shroom-tea: (5g dry, powdered) in a tea-cup, pour over boiling water. Let steep for 10 min. and sip it all down. Have had furniture melting, with appropriate "audio" to go with it, out-of-body experiences (on 7g dry) where I literally left my body, and started seeing everything from "above". Witnessed ancient history, pyramids being built in some obscure jungle, millenia ago. On some of the stronger trips (7-10g dry), it felt as if I broke "space and time continuum" and at one point, I became a wave of energy (like plasma) and this "energy" flew at incalculable speeds, surrounded by kaleidoscopic imagery. I miss those tripping days. ;)
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And I can say this... Thank GOD we are not in person because I think you might... We'll never mind. Everyone knows what I'm thinking... Sometimes people just need a good beatin. And not meat which I know you're going to try and use to come back at me.
Yea,you'd hit me,cause you don't agree...what a shame your ego....
Thanks tho for the provenance...
Funny how I can twist people up on their own trip...hypocrisy is the truth revealer in a person..
Also,funny how o.p. like my comments...weird.
I've explored the outer limits with psilocybin/psilocin. Grew the Little Devils for many yrs. PF-Tek, 4 large translucent rubber-maid tubs full of caps. Used to provide them to the Local University students on a regular. Personally, I would trip once/week for yrs at a time. Tried various strains & ways and finally, I started making shroom-tea: (5g dry, powdered) in a tea-cup, pour over boiling water. Let steep for 10 min. and sip it all down. Have had furniture melting, with appropriate "audio" to go with it, out-of-body experiences (on 7g dry) where I literally left my body, and started seeing everything from "above". Witnessed ancient history, pyramids being built in some obscure jungle, millenia ago. On some of the stronger trips (7-10g dry), it felt as if I broke "space and time continuum" and at one point, I became a wave of energy (like plasma) and this "energy" flew at incalculable speeds, surrounded by kaleidoscopic imagery. I miss those tripping days. ;)
Man sounds good to me!
Yea,you'd hit me,cause you don't agree...what a shame your ego....
haha no I don't hit people first.

But that last one cracked me up! Hahaha that was good!
But,for an all encompassing conversation,let me get to your level so you understand.
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There..how's that...caveman.
obe's happen when your asleep ,some are starting to call them " astral dreaming" we used to think they happen when you was actually awake or slightly asleep ..... But no there just a special form of lucid dreaming much like false awakenings .

your actually fast asleep you just don't know it ...... All you know is your in the astral realm ..... Dream realm more like which inturn is your thoughts and imagination...... Funny how the imagination can run wild sometimes lol

peace 'n' obe's
Do you think mj can inhibit astral travel / lucid dreaming or even just recaling dreams ?? I have eppic vivid dreams when i take a break from da herb. But i find it much harder to recall dreams when i have been using mj ?? Good subject DT love to hear about this kinda thing. I like to practice the shamanic journey with drumming on headphones to induce theta state. Again sometimes great results and sometimes i fall asleep. Practice is the key i thinks :)
its all about syncronicities in the Now. Follow syncronicities and they will lead you. Its easy to pass them off as pure chance but they are loop holes of opportunity showing us a path. We can chose to go with the syncronicities and take meaning from them and be open to the magic, or ignor them and be closed off and beleve what we have allways been told. Im pulling up a chair to see how this thread unfolds i am interested in what you have to say :) and lets see how deep the rabit hole goes....
i was refuring to this post ^^ :)