Extreme vetting do it now!

You thought wrong.

And, of course the Middle East/Central Asia has it worse. I've seen the results of them completely dismembering anyone who talked to us. And there's no press there to cover it. The only place in Afghanistan (which is Central Asia, not the Middle East) that's even close to First World is Kabul.
I'm not sure I'd have to look up the numbers but it certainly seems like the EU has more attacks from Muslim extremists. Really Afghanistan is not considered the Middle East?

They do have reports of the terrorism it's just not on CNN's agenda. I've seen a lot more than what Western media shows us it's bad.
Do you have proof of traitors? Because CNN has nothing...

Director of the NSA seems to have strongly implied several times that he's seen proof; it's called not spilling the beans until they've more than enough to hang him and his buddies.

But then again as a Trump supporter you probably suffer with premature release on a regular basis...

Director of the NSA seems to have strongly implied several times that he's seen proof; it's called not spilling the beans until they've more than enough to hang him and his buddies.

But then again as a Trump supporter you probably suffer with premature release on a regular basis...

I'm not a Trump supporter I voted for Johnson. :)

The NSA is blowing smoke.
I'm not sure I'd have to look up the numbers but it certainly seems like the EU has more attacks from Muslim extremists. Really Afghanistan is not considered the Middle East?

They do have reports of the terrorism it's just not on CNN's agenda. I've seen a lot more than what Western media shows us it's bad.
Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan to the East, and on the other side of Pakistan is India, on the other side of India is China.

Afghanistan is mostly tribal lands. Pretty much anywhere outside of Kabul is devoid of government process. It's like walking around in the 1100s with diesel generators, 70s Toyotas, and AK-47s/PKMs/Dragunovs/DShKs/Zukyaks.
Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan to the East, and on the other side of Pakistan is India, on the other side of India is China.

Afghanistan is mostly tribal lands. Pretty much anywhere outside of Kabul is devoid of government process. It's like walking around in the 1100s with diesel generators, 70s Toyotas, and AK-47s/PKMs/Dragunovs/DShKs/Zukyaks.
If only we would stop selling arms to the terrorists they would run out of ammo and beat each other with the guns. :) But what can you do the whole world is selling them guns?

I think they were better off with the Taliban they at least had some control but still nothing on Saudi armed and funded Al Qaeda who where mostly Saudi Arabian nationals.
I'm not sure I'd have to look up the numbers but it certainly seems like the EU has more attacks from Muslim extremists. Really Afghanistan is not considered the Middle East?

They do have reports of the terrorism it's just not on CNN's agenda. I've seen a lot more than what Western media shows us it's bad.
You are a scared snowflake. I'm an old man and never think of these things. Just got in from weeding the garden and fertilizing. Next take the grandkids home and start mowing. You really need to get out and take your mind off all of these things you have no control over. Got to go!
You are a scared snowflake. I'm an old man and never think of these things. Just got in from weeding the garden and fertilizing. Next take the grandkids home and start mowing. You really need to get out and take your mind off all of these things you have no control over. Got to go!
Sounds like you're living the (real) dream, dandyrandy! Tip of the hat to you, sir!

The NSA has access to nearly every single electronic file on the internet, encrypted or not. We're just lucky they're only after the real shit-heads.
They mine the metadata constantly looking for patterns and then drill down from there. It can be queried in an ad hoc fashion and the metadata can answer questions that haven't even been thought of to ask yet -- and quickly, thanks to Big Data/MapReduce. The metadata just sits there (growing, actually) waiting to reveal some patterns or answer some questions. It will always be there. It doesn't get cleaned up or purged...it just grows. Creepy.
Holy shit...rough stroll from Afghanistan to China, eh? There're some hard times and scary, scary shit going on along that route!
I thought about hitting the Indian Hippie Trail, but it's so close to Pakistan, I'm a bit apprehensive. Getting abducted, raped, dismembered, and scattered across the Himalayas doesn't really appeal to me.
They mine the metadata constantly looking for patterns and then drill down from there. It can be queried in an ad hoc fashion and the metadata can answer questions that haven't even been thought of to ask yet -- and quickly, thanks to Big Data/MapReduce. The metadata just sits there (growing, actually) waiting to reveal some patterns or answer some questions. It will always be there. It doesn't get cleaned up or purged...it just grows. Creepy.
They're also "rumored" to have backdoors in common encryption routines which gives them access to EVERYTHING.

Rumored like Israel is rumored to have nuclear weapons.

(I use my own 32bit encryption routine on my hardware for communicating with each other outside of my local network)